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对外经济贸易大学继续教育与远程教育学院大学英语(四)复习大纲 对外经济贸易大学继续教育与远程教育学院 xx-2018学年第二学期 大学英语(四)复习大纲 一、单选题 1. Ali _ usually her little brother when her parents are away from home. ( ) A. looks on B. looks for C. looks about D. looks after 2. Hardly the people ran toward it. ( ) A. the plane had landed when B. had the plane landed when C. the plane had landed than D. had the plane landed than 3. It is people, not things are decisive. ( ) A. what B. those C. that D. who 4. He was not enough to give the old wo _n his seat on the bus. ( ) A. modest B. con _rned C. considerate D. moderate 5. Is she said really true? ( ) A. what B. that C. which D. it 6. Betty moved out from the dormitory the noise. ( ) A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. despite 7. If a pie _ of iron to a high temperature, it begins to melt. ( ) A. is being heating B. will be heated C. is heated D. heats 8. She has that she is unable to get a job. ( ) A. such s _ll education B. so little education C. a such little education D. a so s _ll education 9. At first I thought the _th problem would be rather difficult, but it to be fairly easy. ( ) A. turned on B. turned off C. turned out D. turned down 10. difficulties we _y e across, well help one another to overe them. ( ) A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever 11. He had a guilty when he looked at everyone in the room. ( ) A. _nner B. way C. method D. form 12. When she heard the bad news, she pletely. ( ) A. broke into B. broke in C. broke out D. broke down 13. Dictionaries out of the reading room. ( ) A. cant take B. mustnt be taken C. shant be taken D. neednt be taken 14. Professor Black had us positions every Friday. ( ) A. to write B. written C. write D. writing 15. The school bus was by a thick fog. ( ) A. held up B. broken off C. kept up D. put off 16. Im feeling sick. I so much chocolate. ( ) A. oughtnt have eaten B. couldnt have eaten C. neednt have eaten D. shouldnt have eaten 17. Suddenly, in front of me, I saw a _n . ( ) A. lying on the snow B. lying in the snow C. laying on the snow D. laying in the snow 18. Take your umbrella it should rain. ( ) A. in case B. fearing C. in that D. even if 19. We should great importan _ to education. ( ) A. pay B. give C. attach D. attend 20. anyone e, ask them to wait for a minute. ( ) A. Would B. Might C. Should D. Had 21. Our classroom is in the school building. ( ) A. bigger than any other one B. bigger than any one C. the biggest of all the others D. the biggest of any one 22. In a second-hand bookshop, Billy came across a book which he thought was _rtainly a edition. ( ) A. rare B. scar _ C. seldom D. hardly 23. grant ( ) A. 同意 B. 奖励 C. 欣赏 24. abandon ( ) A. 允诺 B. 遵守 C. 放弃 25. forward ( ) A. 装船 B. 转运 C. 保留 26. durable ( ) A. 耐用的 B. 预期的 C. 常用的 27. reimburse ( ) A. 计算 B. 报销 C. 遭受 28. shortage ( ) A. 短缺 B. 富足 C. 溢装 29. expert ( ) A. 出口 B. 进口 C. 专家 30. expand ( ) A. 缩小 B. 扩展 C. 调整 31. ex _ed ( ) A. _ B. 超越 C. 加强 32. surplus ( ) A. 过剩 B. 不足 C. 持平 33. currency ( ) A. 时尚 B. 货币 C. 现在 34. authority ( ) A. _ B. 权威 C. 能力 35. unified ( ) A. 杂乱的 B. 合理的 C. 统一的 36. deposit ( ) A. 存款 B. 付款 C. 贷款 37. deputy ( ) A. 代理人 B. 经理人 C. 主管 38. injusti _ ( ) A. 公平 B. 不公正 C. 邪恶 39. revenge ( ) A. 报复 B. 报恩 C. 感恩 40. campaign ( ) A. 露营 B. 策略 C. 活动 41. statistics ( ) A. 宣言 B. 策划 C. 统计 42. The film appears to be quite plicated but its_a love story ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. dependable 43. He joined the_servi _s and was posted to China ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. diplo _tic 44. To be in a strange city without money and friends is an extremely_situation ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. dependable 45. Jane _iled at Mike,_her affection for him with her eyes ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. municating 46. All my efforts to persuade them were beginning to have an_ ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. effect 47. Customers are advised to _ke seat _ well in advan _ ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. reservation 48. He thought of himself as a responsible and _ person ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. dependable 49. It has been nearly 2000 years sin _ Buddhi _ was_ to China ( ) A. original B. distressing C. introdu _d D. basically E. dependable 50. His white hair _ his dark skin ( ) A. is on sharp contrast with B. is in sharp contrast to C. is in sharp contrast from D. is for sharp contrast to 51. At the bad news, her hopes _ ( ) A. withered away B. drove away C. ran away D. appeared 52. _ the laid-off workers leads to lower wage. ( ) A. An oversupply of B. A short supply of C. A great de _nd for D. No de _nd for 53. Their suess was _ the result of thorough preparation ( ) A. in some measures B. in some measure C. to some measure D. with some measures 54. All donatio
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