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有关习语记忆的联想意义及情感意义的感想This morning , my English ego surpassed my German ego ,thus prompting me to share what i reckon significant in ways of memorizing idioms . In effect , these two methods, namely assosiations and emotions , work for any situation that involves dry and tedious memorization . But today i want to share my experience in how we can bear idioms in mind . As is known to us all , idioms are the alive language of a nations culture ,which vividly reflect the history ,geography , customs and practices of a particular community. Hence its helpful in terms of distinguishing one culture from another . Yet ,from time immemorial ,distinguished as a certain culture can be ,say the european culture , it still shares a border with other cultures on the planet. To some extent , gaining some knowledge of idioms ,be they English or German ,is conducive to shaping our understanding of a counrtys hidden culture . Here i am going to introduce two approaches with regards to effecient idioms remebering work . Firstly , associations. As human beings ,we tend to be impressed by something that strikes us .In that cases , its likely for us to connect such a matter with our own experience . For example ,provided that your best friend hit the jackpot and goes to your apartment, seeking for advice about how the big sum of money can be disposed of . Standing in his or her shoes , you would probably say , Well, its sensible for to bring a new acquisition in your garage,buddy . How about a fancy SUV? Then after that , you are lost in thought . What if the windfall fell on me ? What would i do ? The moment you start having your imgaination run riot , you are wielding the power of associations . How about those seemingly lifeless idioms ? Is it suitable to resort to imagination when it comes to remember them ? The answer is undeniably positive . The following examples can best illustrate my points . There is an idiom in English ,rise and shine .Lets take a look at its structure . Rise , and , shine . Two nouns plus one conjunction word . We can focus on rise , shine . At the first sight of the combination of the two words ,what rolls in your mind ? The suns arises from the horizon and then shines ? Get closer ! Seeing that arising sun , what is your response? That must be a singal to remind you to rise out of your bed, no more sleep now . Then we can check the connotation. It means getting up . Another example is here,something isnt rocket science . After analysing the sentence formation ,its obvious that the key words here are rock science . What does rocket science mean to an ordinary head ? Thats difficult,profound and obscure stuff only recognizable to scienents. But what if it isnt that unfathomable ? In that sense , even we ,men-of-the-street , can get an idea of what it stands for . The last example i will cite is as solid as a rock . The as .as structure is obvious to us all. Our attention should be paid as solid and rock,or as we call, the key words. Both solid and rock and known for their quality : hardness . Thats why these two words can be matched together . Now that we are aware of their common quality , then whats the meaning of this idiom? Rack your brain! Wait one second ,does that mean something is hard and reliable? Thats right , you name it . See , how easy it can be if you employ that method in learning idioms ? So much for this method. Now i am going to shift the attention to another way : emotions . Emotions play a vital role in our daily life . We get delighted , enamored ,wrenched ,heart-broken, disgusted , sick because of what happens to ourselves or our friends or relatives . Without emotions, our life is bound to be listless and bored-to-death . Its fair to say that emotions instill our everydayness with vim and vigor. However, in the course of mastering indioms, emotions also have a part to play . According to my understanding,most English-learners perfer to be reasonable type rather than emotional one.To be more exact, their attention is entirely attached to every single word. Those learners hold the firm belief that the only way to remember words is by cramming . Today, i suggest that the use of emotions be integrated ,no more cramming .I derive from this conclusion because of the fact that when a learner employs emotion,he is involved in the situation the idiom sets and has a part to play instead of being a outsider. Here are some food for thoughts. In English, we have some idioms to express ones circle of life . I ,especially , want to mention two interesting ones. One is somebodys salad days ,another one ones summer years . The former means a period when one was young and didnt have much experience ,whereas the latter shows a period of fruition or fulfillment. To us college students , most are in our salad days . Salad is fresh , green , and tasty , Does it also reflect what we are and how we behave at 20s? Does this idiom recall us our sweet and bitter
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