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61 问:你认为那些生产好产品的公司为什么会失败?答:参与产品设计或生产的人员必须对产品完全了解和充满信心,并能定期使用它。只有这样他们才能对产品进行不断的改进,满足顾客的需要。任何产品都必须不断改进,从而满足顾客日益变化的需求。只有让员工都参与产品的生产并对之保持热情,才能使改进成为可能。这是个关系到求职者作为领导者是否有远见的问题。假如你被问到这样的问题,你最好谈及一项产品或想法失败的具体例子,而失败是由于员工或其他顾客缺乏热情。你不要过分地吹毛求疵,应谈及你采取了什么与众不同的措施。Q: Why do you think that some companies with good products fail?A: Employees who are involved in the design and/or manufacture of a product must totally understand and believe in the product and use it on a regular basis. Only in this way can they continually modify and improve it to the customers satisfaction. Any product must be constantly finetuned to meet the changing needs and demands of the consumer. Only by getting the employees involved with the product and excited about it can this improvement occur. 62 问:你的应变能力如何?答:从前,在我们新产品投产时,都是我们的总工程师发布一则关于新产品优良性能的评论。但是当我负责一项新产品的投产时,我决定让我们 3 个最大的客户录制一盘宣传我们新产品的录像带,用于我们的市场推销活动。这种做法大大提高了我们的信誉,而且销售量超过了6 个月的销售定额。现在我们通常都采用这种方式来推出我们的产品。这是个考察求职者的创造力和主动性的问题。举一个你如何改变计划或方向并且取得同样或更好效果的例子。你要侧重谈你怎样获得至关重要的信息或者是你如何改变个人作风获得与别人合作的机会Q: How resourceful are you?A: At one time, for all of our new product launches, our chief engineer would release a press statement about its virtues. But when I was given responsibility for a new launch, I decided to get three of our largest customers to videotape an endorsement or use in our marketing campaign. The result was a far higher level of credibility, and we exceeded our six month sales quota. We now use personal endorsements routinely when we launch our products. 63 问:向我证明你的说服能力。答:在我做暑期实习生期间,我被派去对一主要公共设施的所有通讯费用基准进行调查研究。我必须取得属于几个不同部门的员工的一致意见。遗憾的是,因我是实习生,被拒绝合作。我不得不和每个员工单独会面,并说服他们,我现在所做的一切最终都是有益于他自己的部门及整个公司。经过一个月的努力,我终于说服了他们,计划得以圆满地实施,最后拿到了因努力而挣得的奖金。这是个考查领导能力的问题,不过尽可能别用你被指定为领导者的例子。可能的话,描述你没有真正职权的一次经历,但你运用你的说服能力获得人们对你的支持。描绘你努力的目标和你的努力的结果。大家为什么会信任你?Q: Give me proof of your persuasiveness. During my summer internship I was assigned the task of conducting a benchmarking study for all the communication expenditures for a major utility. I had to get the consensus of employees in several different departments. Unfortunately, they resented the fact that I was just a summer intern, and they refused to cooperate. I had to schedule individual meetings with every employee and persuade each one that what I was doing would be ultimately beneficial to his or her own department and to the company. After a frustrating month I finally got everyones cooperation, the project went flawlessly, and in the end I received a bonus for my efforts. 64 问:描述一下在你的工作经历中,当现有的工序不管用时,你对此怎么做。答:我工作过的电信公司的入户订单系统简直混乱不堪,定单不能及时地处理。我搞了一份工作流程表来表明这是影响生产效率的障碍,然后说服我的老板,应当花 10 万美元建立一个全新的系统。他勉强同意了,但要求我这个新系统最好要能省钱。一年之后,这项计划给投资带来了两倍的收益。面试官想知道这位求职者起什么样的带头作用,采取什么创新方法改变一种错误的工序。证明你可以创造性地解决问题并且能对付计划行不通的困境。你是否达到了你要的效果?Q: Describe a time in your work experience when the existing process didnt work, and what you did about it. A: The orderentry system at the telecommunications company where I worked was a mess. Orders werent being processed properly or in a timely manner. I did a work flow analysis to identify the bottlenecks, and then I convinced my boss that we needed to spend one hundred thousand dollars on a totally new system .He reluctantly agreed, but with the caveat that“This had better save us money. ”After one year, the project had paid for the investment twofold. 65 问:描述一次你不得不改变领导风格。答:通常我是那种很有远见而且喜欢授权给下属的领导,但是我希望我下达的命令能立刻执行。当我被派去负责一项扩大产品出口的任务时,9 个人来协助我一起工作,接着我开始授权。我很快意识到,尽管这群员工有很好的国际背景,但他们对我计划的反应却不太令人满意。实际上,他们想参与计划的设计。我同意花半天的时间与他们谈论,然后我意识到他们也有很好的点子。使计划进展的惟一方法是鼓励工作组的全体人员为我们的出口问题提供解决方案。我想这些人会一致认为,在必要的时候,我能灵活地、乐意地去改变我的领导风格。你回答这个问题时应强调你能让不同的人都感到称心,所以能产生较好的工作关系。叙述要具体,你如何主动改善不理想的情况?其他参与者对你会有什么评价?Q: Describe a time you had to alter your leadership style. A: Im normally a strong leader who has good vision and enjoys delegating, but I expect my orders to be carried out promptly. When I was assigned a project to increase our product exports and was given a committee of nine people to work with, I immediately assumed I had the best plan and began my normal routine of delegating. I quickly realized, though, that this group of employees, with international backgrounds, was not responding well. In fact, they asked to have input into my plan. I agreed to spend half a day talking with them, and then I realized that they, too, had good ideas. The only way to move ahead on the project was to encourage the entire group to offer solutions to our export problem. I think these people would agree that66 问:以前的同事或部属如何描述你的领导风格?答:我的同事可能会说我的领导风格是少说多干有魄力的。决策时我不会小题大做,在决策过程和执行计划的行动中,我设法让每个人都参与。我的同事确实相信我给整个集体带来了积极的干劲并且启发了别人。面试官正设法断定当应聘者的证明人或其同事接到电话时会对应聘者作出什么评价。实事求是地回答,不要过分渲染或过分谦虚。坦白地描述你的领导风格,举些反映你个人工作方法的具体例子。以前的同事总的来说是否积极地评价你对部门的贡献?Q: How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style?A: My colleagues would probably say that my leadership style is the strong, silent type. I dont make a big deal about being in charge or making decisions. I try to involve everyone around me in the decisionmaking process and in
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