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第 1 页 共 7 页第四天:好段落的标准学完段落的展开方法以后,我们就保证能写出好的段落吗?什么样的段落可以被称之为好段落呢?一般说来,一个好的段落应该具有这样的特点:意思完整,主题一致,前后连贯,过渡自然。换句话说,一个好的段落必须能够充分地表达思想,内容上没有任何残缺;一个段落只有一个主题,所有的扩展句都为主题句服务,主题句与扩展句在意义上始终保持统一;段落结构安排合理、条理清楚,句与句之间的转换自然、顺理成章。这就是段落的统一性和连贯性。一、统一性段落中每一句均须与此段的主题相关,并提供数据来支持主题,句子间必须先后有序,合乎逻辑,否则便会欠缺统一性。当你写下一段落时,必须检查每句的内容是否依据主旨,如果不是的话,便要修改或移到另一段。例如:Learning a foreign language has changed. Not long ago, students would sit with pen in hand, writing the basic forms of a language, learning structures they would never be able to speak. In that same classroom today, pens and notebooks have been put away. The spoken sounds of foreign tongue fill the room. Today the last skill learned writing a foreign language comes as a natural and possible part of the total language learning process. Yet, just a few years ago, the last skill learned was the first skill mastered todayspeaking a foreign tongue. To visit some foreign countries, travelers h ave to apply for visas.由以上段落可见,每句均围绕主旨而发展,主题句是“Learning a foreign language has changed.”,但其中有一句“To visit some foreign countries, travelers have to apply for visas.”则是说申请护照的,明显地不合此段主题 learning a foreign language,所以必须移走,才能使本段意思归一。活动教室请找出下面这段话中与主题不统一的句子。No one knows exactly when people started drying tea leaves, putting boiling water on top and then drinking it. Experts believe tea drinking may have started in China, Tibet and India. A Chinese legend says that it began in 2500BC when a few leaves accidentally fell into the Emperors boiling water. Tea is very delicious and very popular today. Chinese records from 780AD talk about 第 2 页 共 7 页growing, drying, and drinking tea. Soon after that tea was brou ght to Japan by Chinese Buddhist monks. During the 1600s it was brought to England.二、连贯性段落除了必须具有统一性及文字流畅外,句与句,字与字之间还要有连贯性,要达到此点,便需要做出适当排序;如果一个段落内句子不统一,则即使有连贯性也没用,反之,若没有联系的句子乱成一团,就算全部与主旨有关,也难以让读者看懂。所以,段落的统一性和连贯性二者缺一不可。要保证段落的连贯性,常用的方法有以下几种:1.使用过渡性词语过渡性词语是一种关系指引词,不仅能承上启下,还能转折上下文的语气,充分显示句与句之间的逻辑关系,能贯通思想的脉络,使段落思想表达得清晰、流畅。过渡性词语的种类很多,须根据上下文的内容选择使用。常用过渡性词语详见附录。注:在使用某些过渡词时,必须了解标点符号的用法。1)若转折词在一句子中用作引申或转折意思,要用分号和逗号。比如:You cannot go to the beach because it is raining heavily; moreover, you havent finished your homework.2)如果要用转折词表示两句子间的意思衔接或转移,则运用标点符号时便如下列所示:. Constantly,. However,. Furthermore,.例如:I studied English for four years in college. Nevertheless, I had trouble talking with people when I was traveling in the United States.3)在使用从属连词时可用在句子中间,或放在句首,要留意标点符号的运用各有不同。例如:The city becomes calm and well ordered after the parade.After the parade, the city becomes calm and well ordered.Speech is the image of actions.语言是行动的反映。 常用标点符号解析:第 3 页 共 7 页逗号(Comma ,)逗号是最常用也是最常用错的标点符号,其中一个最常见的用法是分开从句(clauses)及短语(phrases) 。1)将逗号放于连接词之前(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) , 连接两个独立的从句(independent clauses) 。可通过:“fan boys” 这两个词来记忆连接词2)以逗号来分开句子内的词、短语或从句3)以逗号来分隔并列的形容词4)以逗号来分隔非限制性定语从句注意:不要在限制性定语从句中加上逗号。错误句子: Stores, which honor credit cards, have noticed an increase in sales.正确句子: Stores which honor credit cards have noticed an increase in sales.句中 which honor credit cards 是不能缺少的部分,如果删去,即指“所有商店都注意到营业额有上升”,而不是原意所指“可以使用信用卡的商店” ,所以我们不能用逗号分隔。5)用逗号来分隔同位语When I graduate in June, I will begin work at ABC Company, a local trading firm.6)用逗号来分隔句子中的插入成分7)用逗号来分隔引述句8)在日期、名称、地址及数字上使用逗号的要点注意:如果日期中只包含月日、年月、或年份季节,则不须加逗号。年份是不用逗号的,如 1997(但是我们会用 25,000 B.C.) 。度量上,我们用逗号来分隔文字,如:five feet, three inches. 页数上则用 page 10, line 5Better the devil you know than the devil you dont know.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。句号 (Per iod .)在常用标点符号中,句号仅次于逗号,而且也是较易使用的符号。只需要大家一定记住:英语的句号不同于汉语的句号,是一个实心点。很多同学一不小心就会写成一个小圆圈,而且这样的同学还随处可见、为数不少。句号一般有三种用法:(1)结束句子: Turn it on, please.(2)结束略语: Mrs. e.g. ect. N.Y.(3)分开小数: 0.98 $2.38分号 (Semicolon ;)分号最常用于两个从句之间,其分隔度比逗号大,但比句号小,通常用作表示句子中两个第 4 页 共 7 页从句意思相连。(1)以分号代替句号来分隔两个相关的独立从句Spring is here; the birds are chirping with joy.(2)当其中一个独立从句中包含逗号时,以分号来分隔两个从句If you give children too much freedom, they will never learn to control themselves; on the other hand, if you give them too little, they will never become self reliant.(3)当要使用连接副词或其他连接语来联结从句时,以分号作分隔。2.正确处理“替代和所指”除了过渡性词语外,省略、替代和所指(reference )等手段同样可以起到连句成段,保持段落连贯性的作用。代词是很重要的关系指引词。它们不仅能指明句子内部某些词之间的关系,而且能沟通和建立句子和句子之间意义上的联系,从而使段落中前后句子的意义逻辑地、有条理地联系起来。利用代词指代前面提到的名词,可以起到承上启下的作用。如:(1) Tom finished his drink at a gulp, wondered about another, decided not. (2) His career might be slithering downhill, his book might be choking itself to death, but he still had Thea. (3) And this, he knew as he looked at his glass, was no way to keep her. (4) He knew it, and yet he kept slipping away from his resolution. (5) How else did you blot out the feeling of failure?(6) But the subconscious was a real devil, eating away at him. (7) No matter how determinedly he dropped the hours and disappointments out of his conscious mind, they only sank below the surface, and lay there.上文中, (1)是主题句,为全段提供心理背景;(2)以两个平行结构承接上文,并以过渡词 but 表示意义转折;(3)用过渡词 and 表示意义引申,并用指示词 this 承接上文(所指) ;(4)中的 and yet 表示意义转折;(5)用 else 承接上句(所指) ;(6)是第二段的主题句,以 but 为承上启下的过渡词;( 7)通过近义词重复(conscious/subconscious)承接上文。在这短短的百十个词的两段话里,单单第三人称代词就出现了 16 次之多:其中he (指 Tom)出现
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