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TWE 议论文写作概论议论文亦称论说文,目的在于论说一种观点.论说的过程包含对别的观点的驳斥.托福中议论文作文题所给的条件一般包括一个问题,两种观点或几种选择,要求考生加以评论,提出自己的看法,或选择,并说明理由.“托福”议论文的作文题特徵决定了作文写法的基本框架,准备时应主要练习两种写法,第一种是演绎法,及把自己的观点在文章的前部直截了当地摆出,然后再把论据一条一条地叙述,支持前面的观点.论据可以合写成一段,也可以按一个论据一个自然段的方式排列.论据写完后,文章便可以结束,也可以再加一段,重提前面的观点,并作进一步的阐说.第二种是归纳法,采用与演绎法相反的手段,显逐条分析,列出论据,最后自然地得出结论,表明自己的观点.无论何种方法,论据应力求全面客观,实事求是,以增强说服力.议论文对语言的要求主要体现在三个方面: 首先,要用恰当的逻辑词表示文章的逻辑性.第二,要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表示出文章的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉.第三个重要方面是句型结构,写作时应注意每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散.议论文写作样例:到美国留学问题Some argue that students should stay in their own country and study. Other argue that studying in he United States is more beneficial. Discuss the advantages of each situation, and explain which you think is better.试题分析一:条件:到美国留学问题/有人认为学生应在国内学习/有些认为赴美留学更有益二:要求:讨论在国内学习和赴美学习两种情况各自的优点,并说明你认为哪种学习方法更好三:写作分析:本题对每个考生都是熟题,但每个人都有自己的想法,有些想法不宜明言,例如生活标准问题,依赖奖学金或打工助学问题,移民问题等.文章应从正面谈,围绕学习本身,学习环境和学习费用等问题进行分析.根据题目要求,重点应放在两种情况的有利方面.不利的方面也要谈,但只应在比较的过程中谈,目的是得出结论,为自己的观点服务.既然每位考生都想能到外国学习深造,应该取何种观点不言而喻,文中可明确表达. Nowadays, many students of the less developed countries go to the United States to pursue their studies. Some people think that these students are lucky to have the chance while others hold that it would be better for them to study in their own countries. The two views are bith right to some extent because each situation has its advantages.Students studying in the United States can make use of the modern educational facilities there, such as laboratories,libraries, and teaching aids. They have the access to advanced knowledge of science and technology and they can learn English more quickly than in their own countries. Besides, their contacts wit different cultures and customs can broaden their minds and hence make them have a better understanding of their own countries.Students studying in their home countries have no language barriers in reading books, attending classes, and discussing their lessons with their teachers or fellow students. Consequently, they can achieve better results than in the U.S. Besides, they do not lose contact with the cultures of their home countries and they have fewer difficulties in their life. What is more important to most of the students is that education at home is less costly and they can concentrate on their study instead of doing part-time jobs to support their study.My view is that the two situations have both advantages and disadvantages. To minimaze the losses and maximize the gains, we should fist of all make a sound decision on the optimum time of departure. It is better to learn the basics of our subjects and achieve a certain degree of English proficiency in our home countries because it saves both time and money. After this stage, it is better for us to go the United States and pursue our study there. The life in the U.S. may be busier and sometimes hard, but it is a worthwhile sacrifice for the most important consideration-academic achievements.范文分析文章认为留学较好,但这个观点没在前部表达,而是放在了最后一段.同时,文章的观点并非简单的赞同或反对,避免了绝对化.具体写法与分段如下:第一段:叙述情况,指出各有优点第二段:赴美学习的有利一面第三段:在本国国内学习的有利一面第四段:指出应在国内打基础,然后到美国深造,同时表示决心 议论文写作样例:某大学计划设立一个新的研究中心A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture(farming).Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.试题分析一.条件: 某大学计划设立一个新的研究中心/有人要建商业中心/另一种建议是建农业研究中心二.要求: 推荐其中一种方案,谈出具体理由.三.写作分析: 该题为陌生题,可能会有内容方面的困难.应该谈本国国内之事,可选任一种方案,但最好谈自己熟悉的话题.要结合实际,列出充足的理由.参考范文:Since the announcement of the Universitys plan to develop a new research center in our country, many people have showed their concern for the project and expressed their views of type of center it should be. It is now clear that the diversified views have converged to two: a business research center or an agriculture research center. Now that we have to make a decision, I think we should choose the latter without hesitation.As everybody knows, our country is an agricultural country whose farming produce is not enough to feed its own people. We have no way out but to develop our agriculture because agriculture is the foundation of our national economy and because it would be a disaster to the whole world if we rely on foreign food to feed the biggest population in the world.To develop our agriculture, we cannot just call on the peasants to work harder because they have being working the hardest from generation to generation. What we should do is to raise their educational level and provide them with better seeds, more fertilizers, advanced machinery and equipment, and up-to-date technical advises. In short, we have to rely on science and technology to develop our agriculture.Some people would say that this cannot be a convincing reason because science and technology are needed not only in agriculture but also in all other fields. My view is that our situation in agriculture is the most serious and the challeng
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