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Unit 13 Shapes 教学设计一、教材分析:本套教材是为北京市海淀区以及其它经济与教育发达地区的同学们小学学习英语而编写的,同学们可以在学习过程中逐步获得多元智能的发展。本书由课程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心、北京市海淀区教师进修学校和加拿大 Lingo Media 国际集团联合编写。本节课是新起点英语一年级下册第十三单元的第一课,主要是几种常见图形的介绍。是本单元的起始课。本节课围绕小学英语游戏教学这个课题,形式多样的活动贯穿于课堂的始终,力图创设一个儿童化、趣味化、情景化的氛围。帮助学生掌握重点、突破难点,在游戏、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流中习得语言和运用语言。本套教材的教学目的是激发学生英语学习的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调并初步打下良好的书写基础;培养良好的学习习惯;培养他们初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。二、教学目标:(一) 利用图片引入 4 个基本形状及会说其名称单词 circle,square,rectangle 和 triangle。(二) 能够听懂并简单回答有关形状的名称、数量及颜色的问题。(三)通过 4 种形状单词的学习,培养学生对身边图形的认识和观察能力。三、教学重点:(一)学生在初步感知、理解的基础上,逐步涉及圆形的、正方形的、三角形的、长方形的实物。(二)能够熟练说出有关 4 中图形的 chant。四、教学准备:教学挂图、录音磁带、单词卡片、学习用具、课堂学习评价图。五、教学过程:(一)Step 1: Warm up1、GreetingGood morning , boys and girls.(Good morning , Miss Zhao.)Nice to meet you.(Nice to meet you, too.)How are you today?(Fine, thank you.)Shall we sing a song?(OK.)2、 Sing: HAPPY (二)Step 2 Presentation (新授四个单词)1、Today well learn Unit13 Shapes. Read after me: shape(shape)I have an eraser. What shape is it? -(square)2、Please look. Whats this?(Its a coin.)Its a one yuan coin. What shape is it? -(circle)T: Can you find circle in our classroom?Yes. (Find the circles in the classroom.)3、Some days later, youll become a young pioneer. You can wear a red scarf. Please look at the red scarf. What shape is it? -(triangle)4、T: Show me your book. What shape is it? -(rectangle)(三)Step 3 Practice1、GuestureJust now we have learn 4 shapes. Now do you want to play a game?I can make a circle with my finger. Can you? ( No.)Ok. Let me tell you. Follow me boys and girls. Show me your fingers.Make the guestures follow to the teacher.Pair work: Make a circle, square, triangle and rectangle.、2、Guessing game.What shape is it? (露一小半图) (square)What shape is it? (露一小半图) (circle)What shape is it? (露一小半图) ( triangle)What shape is it? (露一小半图) (rectangle)公布竞赛结果3、Lets use the shapes to make a picture. Do it as quickly as you can. If you are ready ,group leaders please take your picture here.(在音乐声中小组合作,用所给的图形拼一幅图。)(四)Step 4、 ChantAre you happy this class?(Yes.)Ok. Now do you want to learn a new chant?(Ok.)Play the tape.Say the new chant follow to the tape.Who can act the new chant in the front?S1,S2, S3, S4 act square, circle, triangle and rectangle.(五)Step 5、 Homeworkrecite the new chant.(六)板书设计:Unit13 Shapes 课堂评价square circle Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4(图型) (图型) ( 图 形 卡 片 )trianglerectangle(图型) (图型)Unit 13 Shapes 周慧慧一、教材分析本节课的教学内容为新起点小学英语(人教版)一年级下册 Unit 13 Shapes Lesson73 第一课时。围绕“形状”这一话题学习有关 4 种基本形状的名称单词 square, circle, triangle, rectangle;以及关于形状的简单问答 What shape is it? Its a ,并用所学过的知识对事物进行简单描述。二、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标(1)能听懂,会说,会读表示图形的单词:square, circle, triangle, rectangle;(2)能听懂,会说和会读以下句型:What shape is it?Its a This is a/an It has(3)能用这几种基本形状较形象地拼组成生活中丰富多彩的事物,并对这些事物进行描述;2. 情感目标(1)引导学生发现形状间的相互关系,培养学生的观察能力、创新能力,养成仔细观察,善于动手操作的好习惯;(2)培养与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的意识;(3)初步了解英语国家中的重要节日圣诞节。三、重点难点1. 句型 What shape is it? Its a 的应用;2. 综合所学语言描述由形状组成的物体并表达自己的情感。四、教学准备1. 上课前布置教室,张贴一些圣诞节的图片;2. PPT 课件,单词卡片,教学录音磁带等。五、教学程序设计Step 1 Greetings and warming-up开课前,教师播放音乐 “We wish you a Merry Christmas” ,让学生一走进教室就感受到节日的气氛,通过学生和老师一起唱歌跳舞,庆祝圣诞节的到来。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ann.T: Christmas is coming, right?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets sing a song to welcome Christmas. 【设计意图】 音乐的播放烘托了课堂气氛,紧扣学生的起始兴趣点,不断唤起他们对学习、使用英语的兴趣,让学生一开始就进入真实的英语情境。Step 2 Presentation(1) Lead-in 教师用课件呈现圣诞老人和圣诞树(树上挂满了五颜六色的形状)的图片。引导学生用 “Hello”和图中的圣诞老人打招呼,并告诉学生:圣诞老人将他的礼物都挂在了圣诞树上。礼物放在各种形状的礼品盒中。学生通过观察礼物从而引出课题 Shapes。T: Now, please look! Who is coming?Ss: 圣诞老人T: Right. This is Father Christmas. Lets say hello to Father Christmas.Ss: Hello, Father Christmas.Father Christmas: Hello, children. I have some presents for you.T: Oh, great! Father Christmas brings some presents for us. Look, they are on the tree. What can you see on the tree, children?T: Yes, we can see shapes on the tree.T: Now say after me. Shapes教师板书课题并领读单词 Shapes。【设计意图】 通过“展示圣诞老人和挂满形状的圣诞树”这一环节,一方面使学生了解圣诞节的基本知识,激起小学生的学习兴趣,另一方面通过让学生观察树上的形状,巧妙引出课题。(2) New words and sentences通过展示图片询问该学生“是什么形状的”引出新单词,并初步涉及句型 “What shape is it?”。 T: Look at the picture. Who can come here and tell me what shape is it?S1: Its a squre.教师采用以上方法依次呈现 triangle, rectangle, square, circle 等单词,并让学生朗读这些单词,并在句型 “What shape is it?”“Its a ”中进行运用。Step3 Practice(1) Make shapes and group work教师引导学生用手指摆各种形状,并通过合作用肢体表现更多形状。T: Look, I can make a square with my fingers. Can you do it like this?学生采取“开火车”的形式轮流用手指摆形状,并问答句子 “ What shape is it?” “This is a”。S1: What shape is it?S2: Its a triangle.S2: What shape is it?S3: Its a circle. T: Now I need some help. Who can help me?教师借助几个学生一起用身体摆出长方形。Ss: Its a triangle.T: Now, please make some shapes with your friends. Show us your shapes.Ss: This is a big triangle.【设计意图】 教师引导学生通过肢体表现形状,这种行为在培养了学生肢体表达能力的同时也训练了学生与他人的协调、沟通能力,有利于学生整体素质的发展。(2) Find shapes around us学生在老师的引导下有意识地去寻找身边和生活中具有或像某个形状的实物。T: Look around u
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