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译林英语六下Unit3听力部分 (30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(每小题读两遍。10分)( ) 1. A. away B. way C. always D. player( ) 2. A. litter B. little C. letter D. let( ) 3. A. milk B. meat C. fish D. fruit( ) 4. A. diet B. diary C. quiet D. finally( ) 5. A. foot B. food C. good D. four( ) 6. A. number B. November C. remember D. December ( ) 7. A. get off B. get on C. get up D. get to( ) 8. A. watch B. catch C. match D. lunch( ) 9. A. at a time B. at lunchtime C. on time D. all the time ( ) 10. A. a little B. a lot of C. a lot D. a few 二、根据所听内容选出正确的答语。(每小题读两遍。5分)( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she is.( ) 2. A. At six. B. At home. C. some porridge. ( ) 3. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I cant.( ) 4.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, there isnt.( ) 5.A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. No, there arent. 三、听短文回答问题,选出正确的选项。(短文读三遍。5分)( ) 1. Mike and Liu Tao watched TV _. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening( ) 2. They went fishing _. A. on the farm B. in the park C. in the zoo ( ) 3. They went fishing _.A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike( ) 4. this afternoon they also _.A. played football B. played basketball C. played table tennis( ) 5. Who cooked lunch? A. Mike B. Mike and Liu Tao C. Mikes mother四、听录音,完成下短文,每空一词。(读三遍。10分)Mike likes _ sweet food. He _like drinking water. He only _a _water every day. He has some bread and milk for breakfast. He has _ _ eggs every day. Yang Ling likes sweet food, too, but she eats a little at a _. She has a lot noodles for breakfast. _ she _ _ egg, too.笔试部分 (70分)五、 从下列每组中找出划线部分的发音与其它三个不同的选项。(5分)( ) 1. A. country B. shout C. cousin D. mouse( ) 2. A. morning B. horse C. work D. sports( ) 3. A. cha B. have C. name D. than( ) 4. A. food B. good C. book D. look( ) 5. A. low B. window C. flower D. show六、翻译下列词组。(10分)1健康的饮食_2.take a small bottle_3.许多食物_ 4. a short man behind me _5.喝太多可乐_ 6.eat a lot at a time_7.不得不回家_ 8.a map of the town_9.和我一起来_ 10.be good for your teeth_七、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1. Tom _from the USA. He _ us English.A. come, teach B. comes, teaches C. are, teaches( )2. He _ my teacher in the playground just now.A. meets B. met C. meet( )3.There is _ water in the bottle. A. a few B. a little C. any( )4. How many _ are there in the basket? There are six. A. bread B. mangoes. C. meat( )5 Im going _ Guangzhou Road.A. in B. at C. along( )6. My teacher likes _ bikes. A. ride B. rides C. riding( )7. _ a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetables. A. In B. To C. On ( )8. Lets go to the zoo. How do we _ ?A. to get B. get to there C. get there( )9._ to the hospital faster, you can take a taxi.A. Get B. To get C. For get( )10. I eat a little meat _ a time. A. at B. in C. on八、选词填空。(10分)1. He is asking Yang Ling how _ there. (get)2. _ (not pick) the flowers in the park.3. Will you please _ (go) to the park with me?4. I _ ( go ) to Beijing last summer holiday.5. They stopped the thief and _ (take) him to the police station.6. Dont make noise, My mother _ (sleep) in the bedroom.7. She often _ (play) basketball after school.8. They are now _ (live) in Beijing.9. How many _ (bus)are there?10.From then on, they _( become )good friends.九、按要求完成下列各句。(10分)1.Mike has some bread for lunch. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mike _ _ bread for lunch?2. I got my purse back. (改为否定句) I _ _ my purse back.3. There is one stop on this road. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ are there on this road?4. I have some noodles for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you for breakfast?5. The middle school is near the post office. (对划线部分提问)_
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