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高二上期末复习期末复习1、_ since the night before, I felt very hungry、A、 Having not eaten anything B、 Not eating anythingC、 I hadn”t eaten anything D、 Not having eaten anything2、 The wealth of a country should be measured _ the health and happiness of its people aswell as the material goods it can produce、A、 in search of B、 in case of C、 in terms of D、 in spite of3、 Regardless _ what I said to him, he refused to follow my advice、A、 to B、 at C、 of D、 in4、 We have to _finding a solution、A、 set about B、 set down C、 set out D、 set up5、 If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Friday、A、 comfortable B、 fair C、 easy D、 convenient6、 Anyone _ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police、A、 seen carry B、 seen carrying C、 saw to carry D、 saw carrying7、 He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _ to、A、 spoken B、 speaking C、 speak D、 be spoken8、 _ medicine works in a human body is a question _ not everyone can understand fully、A、 How; that B、 That; which C、 That; which D、 What; that9、 Since she left home, I have been worried about her and _ well at all、A、 was sleeping B、 wasnt sleepingC、 have been sleeping D、 havent been sleeping10、 _in the regulations that you should not tell other people the pass word of your e-mail account、A、 What is required B 、What requires C It is required D、 It requires完形填空Escaping natural enemies and finding food are challenges faced by all living creatures、 Hiding and hunting are obvious , but many animals have evolved a smarter approach、 By over less cheating animals、A camouflaged animal natural enemies or lie in wait for prey 、Well-known zepas and tigers, both of which have evolved stripes that make them to tell from the long grass or jungle plants of their habitats、 Stick and leaf insects, whose entire look like parts of the plants among which they live, improve their disguise by remaining for moving in the wind、 Many insects, birds and fish are almost to see in their natural homes、 So closely do their and patterns look like sand, rocks, or the seabed、 There are insects that look like leaves, and shrimps whose bodies are almost totally in water、Some animals change their appearance to seasonal changes in their surroundings、 The arctic hare, for example, has pown fur during summer turns white for the winter to hide in the 、 Other species can pick and choose their at will- sea urchins have been carrying pebbles and seaweed on their backs, while hermit crabs camouflage themselves with live sea anemones to their shells、 When moving to larger shells as theygrow, these have even been known to take their favorite anemones with them、11、A、 problems B、 tools C、 solutions D、 tasks12、 A、 hiding B、 dressing C、 disguising D、 treating13、 A、 advantages B、 challenge C、 adventures D、 purposes14、 A、 avoids B、 dislikes C、 risks D、 imagines15、 A、 put up with B、 get on with C、 keep up with D、 get away from16、 A、 enemies B、 choices C、 subjects D、 examples17、 A、 easy B、 safe C、 difficult D、 convenient18、 A、 bodies B、 heads C、 feet D、 wings19、 A、 active B、 alive C、 still D、 colorful20、 A、 as if B、 only if C、 since D、 though21、A、 common B、 unnecessary C、 impossible D、 interesting22、 A、 sizes B、 colors C、 shapes D、 functions23、 A、 pight B、 vivid C、 clear D、 golden24、 A、 learn B、 match C、 show D、 record25、 A、 until B、 so C、 as D、 but26、 A、 snow B、 mud C、 water D、 bushes27、 A、 face B、 disguise C、 changes D、 surroundings28、 A、 taught B、 made C、 forced D、 observed29、 A、 attached B、 applied C、 exposed D、 adjusted30、 A、 insects B、 crabs C、 urchins D、 anemones阅读理解CAn elderly carpenter was ready to retire、 He told his employer, a contractor, of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family、 He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire、 They could get by、The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor、 The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work、 He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials、 It was an unfortunate way to end his career、When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter、 “This is your house,” he said, “my gift to you、” What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently、 Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well、So it is with us、 We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than
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