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(科普版)小学四年级下英语期中测试卷一、单项选择题。(13分)1. - Excuse me, _ she from Japan? -Yes,she is. A. am B. am not C. is D. is not2. This is_ son. A. me B. my C. they D. I 3. - Where _ she from? -She is from America. A. are B. is C. do D. does 4. I am good at _. A. dancing B. dance C. danceing D. singging5. These _ elephants.A. is B. are C. those D. there6. Are these bees? A. Yes, they are not. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they are. D. No, they is. 7. I work_ a hospital, I am a_.A. on; daughter B. in; daughter C. on; doctor D. in; doctor 8. -_ can you see ? - I can see some cups . A. How many cup B.How many cups C. What D. What cups 9. -Can you see some_? - Yes, I can. A. egg B. eggs C. egges D.apple 10. Whats four+nine= ? - Its _. A. three B. thirteen C. thirty D. thirty-three 11. -Can you see_birds? - No, I cant. A. any B. some C. much D. how many12. _ is Tom, he is _ America.A. This; come from B. This; from C. That; come D. That; comes from13. What color _ these pens?A. is B. am C. are D. the二、英汉互译。(10分) 1. five English books _ 2. 去上学 _ 3. Im only four. _ 4. 在桌子上 _ 5. green tea _ 6. 我爱我的家 _ 7. three tigers _ 8. 擅长 _ 9. watch TV _ 10. 吃早饭 _三、判断下面句子的对错,对的在后面括号写“T”,错的在错的单词下划横线,并把正确的填到后面括弧中。(10分)1. She like to play ping-pong. ( )2. There are many tree in our school. ( )3. She is a beautiful girl. ( )4. He have a good bikes. ( )5. Xiaoming want to go to Beijing. ( )四、用括号中动词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. I _(be) a good pupil. 2. His father_(be) a teacher.3. Their friends_(be) from Beijing. 4. She is good at _(draw).5. How many _(bee) can you see? 6. They _(go) to school by bus.7. Are_(this) your pens? 8. This is _(Mike) father. 9. “I”_(be) is a letter(字母). 10. These are _(monkey).五、从B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在对应的的括号里。(10分) A B( )1. Are they your parents? A. Thirty yuan .( )2. Can you speak English? H. I am eleven .( )3. How much is the nice shirt ? C. No . It s time for math .( )4. Is it time for English ? D. No , they aren t .( )5. Whose dresses are those ? J. Yes, I do.( )6. What are these ? F. They are my mother s .( )7. How old are you ? G. She s a nurse .( )8. How many erasers do you have ? B. They are hens .( )9. Do you like bananas? I. I have nine .( )10. What s your mother ? E. Yes,I can.六、根据单词首写字母以及中文提示填上正确的单词。(10分) 1._(欢迎) to my bedroom . In my 2.b_(卧室)you can see a 3.c_(椅子) , a 4.d_课桌)and a 5.b_(床). Look, there 6._(be) a pencil-case , a 7.c_(电脑) and a 8._(钟表) on the desk . In the pencil-case there are three 9._(钢笔). And there are two 10._(大的) teddy bear(玩具熊) in my bed.
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