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Unit 1 The Texts: Piracy in the Twenty-First Century参考译文:二十一世纪的盗版现象课文一现代社会依赖于技术创新,而技术创新须依靠知识产权来保障。越来越多的国家遵守国际条约,实行知识产权保护。但这方面做得还远远不够。我们来回顾一下过去,看看缺乏知识产权保护会导致什么样的后果,从而吸取教训。Reading BAs many Western companies once discovered to their cost, investing in Southeast Asia before the advent of secure intellectual property rights was an expensive proposition. To enter these markets, Western companies had to disclose to authorities details not only of their products, but also of the processes whereby their products were created. The result, all too often, was rapid and blatant copying of goods which were not protected against copyright abuse of this kind.参考译文:许多西方公司付出了惨痛的代价才发现,知识产权保障机制还未健全时,在东南亚投资无异于将钱付诸东流。要进入这些市场,西方公司不仅必须向相关当局说明他们的产品,而且还要说明他们产品的制作过程。而结果经常是本该受到知识产权保护的产品很快被无耻地抄袭。Reading CThere are numerous examples of such copyright piracy from the past. The American chemical giant Du Pont, for example, introduced into one Asian country its famous Londax herbicide, which kills weeds in rice fields. The company had invested millions of dollars in the research and development of this product, and ploughed another US$25 million into opening a local production plant. Less than one year afterwards, however, very cheap bottles of a fake Londax were openly on sale. The only difference between the fake and real items other than the price was that the fake was called Rondex and came in a blue rather than green bottle. However, as it was so much cheaper than the original, it effectively destroyed Du Ponts investment. It also made the company much less willing to invest in R&D (research and development) of new chemicals. The “recipe” for Londax should have been treated as the intellectual property of Du Pont. For another company to make unauthorized use of it was stealing, just as surely as if they had stolen Du Ponts machines or any other physical property.参考译文:盗用知识产权的例子不胜枚举。例如,美国化学制品巨头杜邦向一亚洲国家引进了一种名叫 Londax的著名除草剂,用来除掉稻田里的杂草。该公司在该产品的研发上投资了数百万美元,而且又投入了2500万美元在当地开设了一家生产厂家。然而,不到一年以后,一瓶瓶非常廉价的冒牌 Londax公然上市了。冒牌产品和正宗产品除了价格外的唯一区别是冒牌产品的名称是Rondex,用的是蓝色瓶而不是正宗产品用的绿色瓶。但是,由于冒牌产品的价格比正宗产品的价格低廉许多,它成功毁掉了杜邦公司的投资。同时它也使得该公司不再愿意投资于新化学制品的研发。生产 Londax的配方本应该被当作是杜邦公司的知识产权。其他非法使用该配方的公司是犯了偷盗行为,就像盗取了杜邦公司的机器或者该公司的其他财产一样。Reading DIt was not only products that were vulnerable protecting a brand name in the Asian market was once nearly impossible. Even Kelloggs, the manufacturers of the original Kelloggs Corn Flakes, found themselves competing with a product superficially similar to their own: Kongal Cornstrips, which even came in a near-identical box. Unfortunately, as in the Du Pont case, Kelloggs chances of successfully prosecuting the copyists were virtually zero, because local law did not adequately recognize the concept of copyright protection.参考译文:不光是产品,在亚洲市场上保护一个品牌也曾经是几乎不可能的事。就连 Kelloggs玉米片的生产商 Kelloggs公司也发现自己的产品被山寨:Kongal 牌玉米条,连包装也几乎一模一样。不幸的是,和杜邦公司的事件一样,Kelloggs 公司成功惩罚侵权者的几率几乎为零,因为当地的法律不承认知识产权保护的概念。Reading EFortunately, the situation is now much improved following various rounds of negotiations within the World Trade Organization. Nonetheless, international companies must remain vigilant against violation of their intellectual property rights. There are always those who will seek to profit from someone elses research efforts, financial investment and market goodwill. Innovation will be killed if its rewards cannot be protected by the law.参考译文:幸好,在经过许多轮世贸组织的谈判后,情况大为改观。然而,跨国公司必须保持警惕,以防被侵权。总有人试图从别人的研发、投资、商誉中牟利。如果成果得不到法律保护,创新就是空话。Reading FText 2_You hear a lot about copyright and intellectual property (IP) nowadays, usually from one point of view: that of the copyright holder. Thats not an accident theres a lot of money to be made from so-called “intellectual property” rights, and many people will want to convince you that intellectual property rights are necessary and good, rather than being a giant rip-off for consumers across the planet. What youll most likely be told is that intellectual property rights need to be protected, otherwise no one will “innovate.” Why invent something if someone else makes all the money from it and you get nothing?参考译文:课文二如今你经常会听到“知识产权”这个词通常是从产权者嘴里。这不是意外,所谓“知识产权”可是能够让人挣大钱的,所以无数人想使你确信:知识产权是必需的,而不是忽悠全球消费者的大噱头。他们最有可能告诉你,知识产权应该受到保护,否则“创新”无从谈起。可为什么搞出这样一种东西,也就是其他人都从里面挣钱,而你却什么也得不到?Reading GWhile this is a real problem that needs to be addressed, its also a limited way of looking at innovation. Innovation is a cooperative process, a social process that builds upon the work of countless other people. Its natural for people to innovate, and to work creatively together to find solutions to problems and challenges. Seen from this perspective, protecting IP slows down innovation, because people cannot use each others ideas, or even similar ideas, without paying a lot of money or risking a lawsuit.参考译文:虽然这是个亟待处理的问题,但它还是种对于创新的狭隘观点。创新是一个合作的过程,是一种建立在无数人努力之上的社会进程。人们很自然地会去创新,会去合作,会去创造性地解决问题。从
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