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动词类:自动词(intransitive verb)的被动语态All the guests are arrived. 句中的动词 arrive 是自动词,按要求不可以用被动语态 (Passive voice)。解答 被动语态在英文中是有很奇妙的用途的,铡如,同是一个 Passive,它又可分为 Statal Passive (状态的被动) 和 Actionat Passive (动作的被动 ),在意义上也有很大差别,如: (a) He was dressed in the latest fashion. (他穿得最时兴了。) (b) The children were dressed every morning by their mother. (孩子们每天早晨由母亲为他们穿衣服。)(a) His bills are paid, so he owes nothing now. (他的帐全部付清,现在他一文钱都不欠人家的了。 )(b) His bill are paid regularly on the first of every month. (他定规在每月一日付账。)上举的 (a) 例表示状态的继续,(b) 例表示动作的完成。前者是静态的,后者是动态的。在后者句中通常是带有副词,如上例中的 every morning 及 regularly 等等。又如:He is buried at Westminster. 表状态He was buried yesterday. 表动作。She was dressed in black. 表状态。She dressed herself in black. 表状态。他动词用被动语态的形式是很普通的用法,但在意义有区别的。自动词本身是没有被动语态的,但有某些特定的自动词,却具有be 十自动词的过去分词的形式,用来表示事物的状态 (state) 或结果 (result)He was married(=He married) ( 他结婚了。)The train was stopped(=The train stopped) (火车停止了。)We were agreed to go(=we agreed to go。) (我们都同意去。) 1 was determined to go(=I determined to go) (我决心去。)如最后一例,两种说法虽用了等号,但含义是有分别的,如:I determined 只是表示单托的决心而已,I was determined 表示毅然决然的样子,因为已经坚定不移的下决心了。因此,决不可把它作为被动语态来看待,最好把那个自动词的过去分词 看作是一个形容词,就好解释了。如:The sun is risen (=The sun has risen and is now in the sky) (太阳出东了。 )The sun is set( 太阳落山了。)My money is gone! (我的钱都花完了。)She found that her strength was gone(她发现她的! 气力都没有了。) Spring is come(春满人间。) All the guests are arrived(客入都到齐了。)We are gathered here this morning,( 今天早上我们大家聚集一堂。) He is dressed elegantly。 (=He dresses elegantly。 。) (他衣著华丽。) Dative verb 的用洼英文动词可分自动词和他动词两种。 (及物动词和不及物动词)解答 授予动词 (dative verb) 是他动词的一种。凡须要有宾语的动词就是他动词。一般的他动词只要有一宾语就行,但这种他动罚,须要有两个宾语,一个直接宾语,一个间接宾语。需要两个宾语的他动词,就叫做授予动词。例如:授予动词根据含义不同,可分为五类:(1) 表授予之意的:l have given him a months notice(我在一个月前通知他了。)Your letter has afforded me much pleasure(接奉来函,至为欣慰。 )Will you please reach me that book? (请把那本书递给我一下。)Ill lend you all the assistance in my power(我将尽力来援助你。)He has promised me an appointmerit。( 他答应帮我找事。)(2) 表告知之意的: He has told me a secret( 他告诉了我一个秘密。)Will you please sing us a song? (你给我们唱一支歌好吗?) Professor Wong teaches us English(王教授教我们英文。) 、I asked him a question(他同了他一个问题。 )tie answered me nothing(他什么也未同答。)(3)表贡献之意的:He has rendered me a great service( 他帮了我一个大忙。)Exercise will do you good。 (运动对你有益。)Will you do me a favor? (麻烦你一下。) 1To do him justice,he is not a bad man (公平地说,他并不是一个坏人。)Ile paid me a high compliment( 他很尊敬我。)(4)表得失之意的:1 will get you a ticket( 我去替你买票。)This ticket will gain you 4 admission(凴该票入场。)1 will secure you a position(我要替你找一个职位。) 1 will try to procure you the best terms I can。( 我要尽力去争取有利的条件。)the book won him a reputation(那本使他出了名。) His slowness lost him the chance( 他太迟钝,失去了机会。)(5)其他可用授予的:Passengers are allowed 30 Ibs of Luggage( 旅客只许携带三十磅行李。)I have forbidden him my house(我不许他进我的屋子。)They deny me justice(他们对我太不公平了。)Can you spare me a few minutes? (耽误你两三分钟好吗?)Her landlord charged her no rent(他房东不收她的房租。) We willingly forgive him his faults(我们愿意恕免她的过错。)They grudged me even my pittance(他们连最少的报酬都不给我。)How l envy you your good health! (我多么羡慕你的健康呀!)I owe you one thousand dollars(我欠你一千元。)He does not bear any one malice( 他对任何人都不怀恶意。)1 wish you every happiness(祝你幸福无量。) 。另外还有一种变异的授予动词,只有间接宾语,无直接宾语,如:The dress becomes you very well. (这件衣你穿了很适合。) It behooves you to be carful(你应当心。)I am prepared for the worst that can befall me。( 我准备好应付最坏的事情发生。)This house cost me thirty thousand dollars。( 此屋花了我三万元。) How long did it take you to master English? (你把英文学好花了多少年工夫 ?)This coat has lasted me five years( 这衣穿了五年。)Skill would avail US nothing against number(在敌人的数目过多时,我们的技术也要失去效用的。)This room serves me for a study。( 此室我用作书房。)My heart failed me at the sight(一见那光景我就失去了勇气。)My knowledge of English stood me in good stead (我的英文知识发生了很大的用途。)(注) 这种变异的授予动词是不能用做被动语态的。上举例中的 to be careful,thirty thousand dollars, to master English,five years,nothing (against number) 等都是副词,不可误作直接宾语。Factitive verb 的用法英文在自动词和他动词外,还有 factitive verb 使役动词。解答 英文动词只有两大类:自动词和他动词。自动词又可划分为:完全自动词 (complete intransitive verb) 和不完全自动词 (incomplete intransitive verb);他动词又划分为:完全他动词 (complete transitive verb) 、不完全他动词 (incomplete transitive verb) 和与格动词 (dative verb) 等。Factitive verb 指的就是他动词中的不完全他动词 (incomplete transitive verb),也就是说该类动词不仅需要宾语,还需要宾语补助语,例如:He made her his wife(他使她成为他的妻室。)He made her happy(他使她快乐。)上例中的 He 是主语,made 是他动词, her 是宾语, his wife 和 happy 便是宾语补语。又如:(a) I think it is right(我想这是对的。) (b) I think it right(我想这是对的。)在(a)句中 I 是主语,think 是完全他动词,it is right 是宾语,但在 (b)句中的 think 是不完全他动词,除了宾语 it 外,还有宾语补语 right又如:(a) He has become rich by diligence( 他因勤致富。)(b) Diligence has made him rich(他因勤致富。)在(a)句中 He has become,意思是不完全的 (因为 become 是一个不完全自动词) ,必须加补语 rich 才成句,至于在(b)句中 Diligence has made him (勤快使他成为),意思也是不完全的 (因为 make 在此属不完全他动词),必须加补语 rich 才成句。将不完全他动词举例说明如下:Who made you judge between us? (谁要你做我们的裁判?)What do you call this flower? (这花叫什么名字?)They elected him chairman(他们选他做主席。)I thought him a fool我认为他是一个傻子。)Keep your eyes open all the time(时时要注意看。)He left me her guardian(他立遗嘱
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