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八年级英语下册Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful Section A学案(新版)仁爱版He said the fashion show was wonderful Section ATeaching Aims:1、学习宾语从句,尤其注意时态的选择2、 He said the fashion show was wonderful、3、He said he was doing his homework、4、She asked her father if/ whether she could、 Learn by yourself:一、 Look at Part1 and find out the following words:1、时装秀2、上个月3、著名的模特5、展示服装6、运动装7、在二楼8、一件棉短上衣9、棕色的裤子10、一条羊毛(连衣裙)11、在她手中 二、用所给单词的恰当形式填空。1、Jane said the movie (be)wonderful、2、Mr、 Green told her son that the earth (go)round the sun、3、 The poster (say)the party starts at7:30p、m、4、 Do you know when Miss Wang (come)for dinner this evening?5、Many famous models are going there (model)the clothes、三、翻译句子。1、很多人去看了昨晚在海口剧院举办的时装秀。M any people went to in Haikou Theater last night、2、她说她正在设计她们的校服。S he said she their school uniforms、3、你应该先洗你的衣服。You should 、4、露西正穿着意见丝绸的连衣裙。L ucy is wearing 、5、我想买一件皮夹克。I want to buy 、四、单项选择1、There is a fashion show at seven oclock and there is one at ten、 A、 other B、 others C、 another2、-Do you think an art shoe next week?Yes, I think s、 A、 is there B、 will there be C、 there is going to be3、What did Jims mother ask?- She asked Jim at that time、 A、 what he was doing B、 what was he doing C、 what he is doing4、 The teacher told me that he on a trip to Beijing the next day、 A、 will go B、 would go C、 goes五、句型转换。1、He says there will be a food festival next week、(改为主句谓语动词是一般过去式的宾语从句)2、Can I go to the show? Jane asked her mother、(合并为复合句)Jane asked her mother go to the show、3、where do you come from? He asked me、(合并为复合句)He asked from、4、We will watch the football match on the playground at15:30 tomorrow、(对划线部分提问)and shall we watch the football match?5、There will be a flower show in the park、(同义句转化)There a flower show in the park、 第 4 页 共 4 页
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