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初中英语教学设计学校:武汉市鲁巷中学教材版本:Go for it.教师高克军年级七年级学生人数44授课时间2015.4.13课题Unit6Im watchingTV.课时安排5 课时第 4 课时授课类型新授课Section B 2a-2c一、学情分析了解时差,用现在进行时谈论人们正在进行的活动。二、教材分析2a 不同地方的时间是不一样的。2B 通过阅读一片有关朱辉的电视报道完成一些任务,提高阅读能力。 2C 组词造句。三、教学目标设计语言知识any, other, young, child, children, race, host, study, state, the UnitedStates, American, dragon, Dragon Boat Festival, miss, wish, delicious, still.现在进行时 be+动词 -ing语言技能阅读(略读和精读)复述学习策略与思维技巧小组合作学习, 思维导图,自我总结反思情感态度与价值家是最好的地方。四、教学重点难点教学重点目标语言现在进行时教学难点American, races, miss, wish, still, Dragon Boat Festivalthe United States五、教学方法任务型教学(学法)小组合作学习六、教学媒体运用多媒体,课件,导学案,家庭作业单Know about the time difference.(2a)七、教学过程设计教学环节1教学过程1. Listen to a song named What time is it?2. Role-play a conversation and answer two questions.Maria: Hi, David! I m calling from Sydney.David: Sydney? What time is it there?Maria: It s 10:00 p.m.David: It s 4:00 a.m. here in Los Angeles!Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time difference.Sorry. Go back to sleep! I-mail llyoue later.3. Read the times by the clocks in 2a.4. Guess what American students are doing now.教师活动播放歌曲,呈现对话,引导提问,激发想象学生活动欣赏歌曲,朗读对话,回答问题,读出2a 中的时钟表示的时间,猜想美国学生正在做的事情。设计意图了解时间差Read a TV report about Zhu Huis story.(2b)教学环节2教学过程1. Know some background information about the story.2. Ask and answer about the pictures in the ppt.3. Read quickly and answer two questions. Key 1:Key 2:4. Read carefully and fill in the form.His familyActivitiesHis host familyActivitin Shenzhenin New YorkiesMom andThe motherauntDad andThe fatheruncleCousinZhu Hui5. Try to translate the following sentences.1) But there isn t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it e anyother night for Zhu Hui and his hot family.2) Zhu Huimisses his familyand wishes tohave his mom sdelicious zongzi.3) Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there“ no place like home”.6. Make up your own mind map according to the story.教师活动1. 介绍阅读文章的背景。2. 引导学生谈论图片。3.指导学生快速阅读并回答两个问题。4. 督促学生仔细阅读并填表格。5. 指导学生翻译重点句子,并给予点评。6. 帮组学生绘制思维导图。学生活动1. 听老师介绍阅读文章的背景。2.和老师一起谈论图片。3. 快速阅读并回答两个问题。4.仔细阅读并填表格。5.翻译重点句子。6.绘制思维导图。 7.小组讨论,全班展示。设计意图根据阅读前,阅读中,阅读后的理论要求,采用独学,讨论,展示的方法,以及快读和精读的阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。教学环节 3教学过程Making phrases.(2c)1.Look at the examples and try to make as many phrases as you can.2.Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B.3.Find and underline the sentences that includes the six phrases in 2b.教师活动1.给出一些组词的例子。 2. 鼓励学生造出更多的短语。3.带领全班核对 2c 的答案。 3.要求学生展示划出的含有2c 中配对短语的句子。学生活动1.用所给动词造出尽可能多的短语和句子。2.完成 2c 中的配对任务。3.在 2b 中划出含有 2c 中配对短语的句子设计意图词语的正确搭配对于造出正确的语句很重要,一词多用,不仅可以巩固用词能力,还可以锻炼发散思维能力。Retell Zhu Huis story教学环节4教学过程1.Work in groups.(with the help of the form, underlined sentences, or mind map)2.Show it in front of the whole class.教师活动1.介绍复述技巧2. 学生在小组内复述时巡视,必要时提供帮助。3. 倾听学生的复述展示并点评。学生活 1.听老 介 复述的技巧。2. 借助表格、划出的句子和思 ,在小 内复述朱 的故事。3. 出代表在全班展示。 意 复述故事可以 学生 文章的理解程度,有助于提高口 表达能力,也能提高 和写作能力。1. Listen to a song named What time is it?八、教学情境 2.Role-play a conversation and answer two questions.Maria: Hi, David! I m calling from Sydney.David: Sydney? What time is it there?Maria: It s 10:00 p.m.David: It s 4:00 a.m. here in Los Angeles!Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time difference.Sorry. Go back to sleep! I-mail youlllater.3. We are having an English class. Guess what American students are doing now.小 To be No.1九、学生学 活 分成 6 个小 ,根据活 完成的 量和效果 分。 价 左 是 和重 点,中 是PPT, 右 是小 分板十、板 Blackboard designingUnit 6 I m watching TV.PPTTo be No.1 !Section B 2a-2cG1G2 G3 G4 G5 G62a. the time differenceT1in different places2b. studying in the United StatesT2living with an American familyT3Dragon Boat Festivalmaking zongzi/eating zongziT4watching the boat racesT5like any other nightreading a story to her young childrenTotalmisses his familyNo.wishes to have his mom s delicious theres still “no place like home ”十一、作 1.Unit 6 I m watching TV.Section B 2a
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