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XX 圣路易斯华盛顿大学英语专业介绍美国是一个留学大国,每年有众多留学生到美国求学。美国留学是学习英语的很好的机会。 圣路易斯华盛顿大学的英语专业怎么样?就业前景好吗 ?下面和出 guo 来看看吧 !An English major is a good foundation for careers inmunications, business, law, social work, the fine arts, andteaching. Course work introduces students to importantliterary texts and to the development of the English languageand the originsof western literatureand culture.Students candevelop readingand writingskills,rigorouscriticalthinkingskills, and the ability to municate plex ideas persuasively, all while obtaining a broad liberal education.学习英语专业可以为传播学、商学、法学、社会工作、美术和教学打下良好基础。 课程向学生介绍重要的文学文本、英语语言的发展以及西方文学和西方文化源头。 学生在接受广泛的文科教育的同时,可以自己的培养阅读技能、 写作技能、严谨的批判性思维技能以及清晰表达复杂思想的技能。Program RequirementsAll University College undergraduate students must satisfy the same general-education requirements. Before enrolling in any literature course, you must satisfactorily plete English Composition 101.所有的大学学院本科生必须满足同样的一般教育要求。注册任何一门文学课程之前,你必须完成英语写作101 并达到要求。English majors are required to take 10 courses as noted below: two required introductory courses; four required300-level courses (Introduction to Literary Theory, three historical); and four 300-level electives.英语专业学生要求上以下10 门课程:两门必修导论课程, 四门必修 300 级课程 ( 一门文学理论导论、 三门历史课 ) ,四门 300 级选修课程。Two Introductory CoursesIntendedto be taken first,which are criticalsurveys ofthe literary history of the major literatures in the Englishlanguage. Along with an understanding of the historicalmovements in literature,these courses also willhelp studentsdevelop a vocabulary of critical analysis and literary criticism:1.Early Texts and Contexts (U65 261)2.Modern Texts and Contexts (U65 262)两门导论课程要先学, 课程重点考察英语语言主要文学的历史。在理解文学历史运动的同时, 课程帮助学生扩大批评分析和文学批评方面的词汇量。课程分别是早期文本语境(U65 261) 和现代文本语境 (U65 262) 。Four 300-Level CoursesIntroduction to Literary TheoryThree Historical Courses. You must select at least one course from each of the following groups:Group 1: Medieval, Early ModernGroup 2: The Eighteenth Century, The Nieenth Century, The Twentieth Century and laterFour 300-Level Electives包括文学理论导论和三门历史课。以下两组课程每组至少要选一门:第一组:中世纪,早期现代第二组:十八世纪,十九世纪,二十世纪及以后Application RequirementsBelow is a list of requirements for an application to the English undergraduate degree at University College. Your application will be reviewed once all requirements arereceived.以下是申请大学学院英语本科学位的各项要求。一旦所有要求送达,你的申请就会被受理。1.Completed application formTheapplicationform forthe Englishundergraduatedegreeis available online on the Apply page.英语本科学位申请表在学校网站的 Apply page( 申请页面 ) 上有。 2.Official transcripts from all previous college work Contact the registrar at each previous college oruniversity attended to request an official transcript. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the registrar to University College.联系你以前学校的登记员。官方成绩单直接从登记员那里发送到大学学院。3.Personal statementTell us about yourself in a brief essay (about 250 words). Whyare you applying to University College? What are your goals, both academic and professional? What do we need to know when considering your application.以短文 ( 约 250 个单词 ) 的形式介绍你自己。告诉我们你为什么要申请大学学院, 你的学术目标和职业是什么,以及审核你的申请时我们应该知道些什么。4.TOEFL scores, if applicableIfyou are not a U.S. citizen,officialTOEFLscores mustbe forwarded to University College. (Graduates of a U.S.universityor collegeor Canada, Australia,and U.K. residentsare exempt ifthey have earned a bachelors degree or a graduatedegree from such college or university.)如果你不是美国公民,你需要向大学学院提供官方托福成绩。( 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国的学生,已经从学院或大学获得学士学位或毕业学位的,不需要再提供托福成绩。)5.$35 application feePaymentmay be submittedby creditcard onlineas partofyour application, or via check or money order payable toWashington Universityin St. Louis.You may pay thefeeby cashat the University College office.作为申请的一部分,申请费可以信用卡线上支付。也可以通过核实或汇票在圣路易斯华盛顿大学支付。你可以在大学学院办公室现金支付。Minor in English (15 units)Required Courses (6 units)LiteratureinEnglish:Early Texts and Contexts(U65 261)LiteratureinEnglish:Modern Texts and Contexts(U65 262)Elective Courses (9 units)Advanced-level courses in English, one of which must be in literature pre-1700英语文学:早起文本语境(U65 261)英语文学:现代文本语境(U65 262)高级英语课程,其中一门必须是18 世纪以前文学。,出 guo出 guo 独家翻译,版权归出 guo 所有,未经出 guo 授权许可,任何公司任何人不得复制和,违者必追究法律责任 !内容仅供参考
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