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explanations,text,new words,Lesson 59 China,New words,speak v. 说 Chinese n. 中国人;汉语 capital n. 首都 flag n. 旗帜 star n. 星 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 Palace Museum 故宫,speak,I speak English,I speak Chinese,Chinese,We are Chinese. We speak Chinese,Who are they, do you know,Tiananmen Square 天安门广场,capital,Beijing is the capital of China,flag,Tiananmen Square,Palace Museum,A map of China,M: Whats this, Li Ming? L: This is a map of our country. We live in China. We speak Chinese. M: Good! What is the capital city of China, Li Ming? L: Its Beijing! M: Yes! Beijing is the capital city of China! What country is east of China? Do you know, Li Ming? L: Yes, I know! The U.S. is east of China,In China,M: This is Chinas flag. What colour is it? L: It is red. It has five stars,What is it? This is Tiananmen Square in Beijing,M: What is it in English? L: I dont know! M: Its the Palace Museum,We live in China. 我们住在中国。 live为不及物动词“住,居住”,其后若跟名词则必须在名词后加适当的介词。例如: I like to live in the country. 我喜欢住在农村。 Do you like to live on a farm? 你喜欢住在农场吗? He lives happily. 他过得很幸福。 与live有关的词组 a. live on sth.“以.为食”,例如: Sheep live on grass. 羊以草为食。 Tigers live on meat. 老虎以肉为食。 b. live a “过.的生活”,例如: I hope you live a happy life. 我希望你们过幸福的生活。 live a life还可作形容词,意为“有生命的,活的;现场播报的”。例如: It is live fish. 这是条活鱼。 It is a live broadcast. 这是现场广播,We speak Chinese. 我们说汉语。 speak为动词“讲,说”的意思。例如: Can you speak French? 你会说法语吗? She likes to speak to me. 她喜欢和我说话。 辨析:speak, say, talk与tell speak只表示“讲某种语言”时是及物动词,其余情况下是不及物动词。例如: She can speak Japanese very well. 她日语说得很好。 Can it speak? 它会说话吗? say为动词“说”,say必须与说话的内容一起出现在句中。例如: He says “Hello” to me. 他向我问好。(Hello是说话的内容) The teacher often says “You must work hard.” 老师经常说“你们必须好好学习!”(引号内的内容是说话内容) talk为动词“谈论,讨论”的意思,常用于talk about sth. (with sb.)词组中,意为“(与某人)谈论某事”。例如: Lets talk about football. 我们谈谈足球吧。 She often talks about her homework with me. 她经常和我讨论她的作业。 tell为动词“告诉”,常用于词组tell sb. sth.或tell sth. to sb.中,意为“告诉某人某事”。例如:Can you tell me the news? 你能把消息告诉我吗? He likes to tell stories to us? 他喜欢给我们讲故事,What country is east of China? 哪个国家在中国东部? 句中的east是副词“向东”的意思,所以其前无冠词,此句也可以表述为What country is to the east of China? 这里的east是名词“东方,东部”的意思,What is it in English? 这个用英语怎么说? in English表示“用英语”,“介词in+某种语言”表示用某种语言。例如: Can you say it in French? 你能用法语说吗? Whats it in Japanese? 这个用日语怎么说
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