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生病的英语作文范文 前几天,我发烧了,整个脑袋痛得好像快要 _一样,那天只上了两节课,家长就来学校接我回家休息。 _会这样呢?只怪我平时不听妈妈的话。 早上,妈妈带我去上学,有时天气很冷,妈妈就会经常对我说多穿一件外套,可我却总说不冷,甚至晚上天气非常冷,我还脱掉衣服,当天晚上,妈妈说:“这就是你不多穿衣服的下场。”发烧,鼻孔塞住了,无法呼吸,脸蛋红扑扑的,老口干,觉得整个人软绵绵的,说起话来有气无力的好像一只小兔子在说话。 哎,生病的滋味真苦啊! A few days ago, I have a fever, pain in the head like was exploding, only had two lessons on that day, the parents came to school after I go home and rest. Why is this so? Only blame me at ordinary times dont listen to your mother. In the morning, my mother took me to school, sometimes the weather is cold, mom will often say to me how to wear a coat, but I always say not cold, and even the weather is very cold in the evening, I also took off his clothes, that evening, mother said: this is you dont wear clothes. Clogged with fever, nostrils, unable to breathe, fa _ red, dry mouth, old feel the soft, faint speaks like a bunny in the talk. Ah, the taste of the sick really bitter! 从昨天开始,我就感觉到脸部很烫,似乎是发烧了,躺在枕头上一小会,枕头就滚烫发热,我告诉了妈妈,妈妈认为我并没有发烧,可是我的头很晕,于是,就去睡觉了。 第二天,“病情”似乎愈加严重,感觉呼吸、嘴轻轻一吹,就会很烫。晚上,我吃完晚饭,妈妈给我量了体温,38度,有些高烧,妈妈说我是少喝水,一直吃上火的东西才引发的。为了不再难受,我就一直灌水,一直“小号”,最后降了一些温,耶耶耶,春节可以吃好吃的了! 祝各位春节快乐!万事如意! Sin _ yesterday, I felt very hot fa _, seems to be have a fever, lay on the pillows for a moment, scalding hot pillow, I told my mother, my mother thought I didnt have a fever, but my head is very dizzy, then went to bed. The next day, seems to be more and more serious illness, feel the breath, mouth gently blows, will be very hot. In the evening, I eat dinner, the mother gave mes temperature, 38 degrees, some of the high fever, my mother said Im a little drink, only eat things were mentioned. In order to no longer sad, I have been to infuse water, has been a s _ll, the last drop some temperature, earphones, Spring Festival can eat delicious! I wish you all a happy Spring Festival! All the best! 半夜的时候突然觉得肚子疼,我赶紧穿上衣服上厕所,不知道怎么回事拉起了肚子,直到早上拉了三四次。妈妈就给班主任打 _请了一天的假,让我在家休息一天,早饭妈妈给我熬了一碗小米粥,让我喝了暖暖肚子,半小时后妈妈又让我吃了治拉肚子的药,到中午好多了。 可是到了下午我又觉得头痛,妈妈一摸我的头说有点发烧,妈妈赶快拿来体温表给我量体温,一量39度3,有点高烧,妈妈赶紧给我拿药,喝了俩片退烧片和一片消炎药,让我盖上被子睡觉,一觉醒来感觉好多了,头没有那么痛了,量了一 _温也正常了。这一天又拉又发烧的把我折磨的浑身没劲。 In the middle of the night when suddenly feel belly pain, I quickly put on clothes to go to the bathroom, pull up the belly, dont know what is going on until the morning pull three or four times. Mother will call the teacher in charge, please a day off, let me take a day in the home, cook a bowl of millet gruel for breakfast mom, let me drink a warm sto _ch, mother let me eat again in half an hour to treat have loose bowels medicine, much better at noon. But in the afternoon I have a headache, my mother touch my head and said a little fever, mother gave me to bring thermometer temperature, a quantity of 3 39 degrees, a bit of a fever, mother hurriedly give me medicine, drank two fever pills and a pie _ of anti-inflam _tory drugs, let me cover the quilt to sleep and wake up feeling much better, less pain in the head, the temperature is nor _l. On this day and also a fever torture me boring. 今天晚上,我妈妈生病了。我想去朋友家玩,可我要照顾我妈妈;我想看电视解解闷,可是“电视消愁愁更愁,越看越愁”;我要出去买东西,还要照顾我妈妈。 妈妈要吃药,我给她冲药。嗨,我终于体会到了妈妈照顾我的辛苦,我以后一定会帮妈妈分担一些力所能及的家务活。 This evening, my mother was ill. I want to go to my friends house to play, but I have to take care of my mother; I want to watch TV, but the television deserve sorrow a sorrow, watched the sorrow. I want to go out to buy things, had . to take care of my mother. Mother to take medicine, I gave her medicine. Hi, I finally realized my mother take care of my hard work, I will help my mother share some later can do housework. 昨天晚上,我们一家正吃饭。吃着吃着,爸爸看见我的脸红了。“ _生病了!”爸爸惊讶地说。妈妈摸了摸我的头说“发烧了,你快去买药吧”。爸爸放下手中的筷子,急急忙忙地跑出去了。妈妈拿来一杯热水让我喝。过了一会儿,我迷迷糊糊地看见爸爸满脸都是汗地来到我身床前给我吃药。吃完药后,爸爸说:“ _,快点睡吧,睡一觉就好了!”我迷迷糊糊答应着。不知不觉中,我睡着了。当我醒来的时候,我一看表,呀,已经是凌晨一点了。可是爸爸妈妈还坐在我身边看着我。我幸福得眼泪都要流下来了! 爸爸妈妈,我爱你们! Yesterday evening, our family are to eat. Eating eating, dad see my blush with shame. Son was sick! Dad said, surprised. Mother touched my head and said have a fever, you go buy medicine. Dad put down his chopsticks, and hurriedly ran out. Mom to let me drink a cup of hot water. After a while, I vaguely saw dad was sweating all over to e to me to me to take medicine before bed. After taking medicine, dad said: son, hurry up sleep, sleep! Im in a daze promise. Unconsciously, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I glan _d at my watch, ah, its already 1 am. But mom and dad sat next to me looked at me. I have to shed happy tears! Mom and dad, I love you! 模板,内容仅供参考
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