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TED英语演讲:凌晨四时的妙境须知:里夫斯疯狂地迷恋于凌晨四点这一现象。在20xx TED中,这个诗人与我们分享了这一个固定的时间搭配如何出现在生活中每一个角落。但是在这次讲话之后,他收到了无数的邮件,都在诉说这些尴尬或搞笑的巧合-从“今日花边”的杂志封面到在"摩登原始人"和“摩登家庭”的两次提名。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:凌晨四时的妙境,欢迎借鉴参考。The Museum of Four in the Mornin演讲者:Rives| 中英对照演讲稿 |The most romantic thing to ever happen tome online started out the way most things do: without me, and notonline. On December 10, 1896, the man on the medal, Alfred Nobel,died. One hundred years later, exactly, actually, December 10,1996, this charming lady, Wislawa Szymborska, won the Nobel Prize forliterature. Shes a Polish poet.对我来说,网络世界中发生过最浪漫的事情和大多数其它事情一样地开始:与我无关,并且不在网上。1896年12月,那个金牌上的男人,阿尔佛雷德·诺贝尔去世了。120xx年后,确切的说,实际上是1996年12月10号,这位迷人的女士,维斯拉娃.斯滋莫博思卡,获得了诺贝尔文学奖。她是位波兰诗人。Shes a big deal,obviously, but back in 96, I thought I had never heard of her, andwhen I checked out her work, I found this sweet littlepoem, "Four in the Morning."显然,她是一位了不起的诗人,但是在1996年之前,我从未听说过她的大名,当我拜读她的大作时,我发现这首可爱的小诗,“凌晨四时。”"The hour from night to day. Thehour from side to side. The hour for those past thirty."”从夜到昼。时光穿梭于两边。整点转瞬已过半.“And it goes on, but as soon as I read thispoem, I fell for it hard, so hard, I suspected we must havemet somewhere before. Had I shared an elevator ride with thispoem? Did I flirt with this poem in a coffee shop somewhere? Icould not place it, and it bugged me, and then in the coming week ortwo, I would just be watching an old movie, and this would happen.这首诗的格调就是这样,但当我阅读这首诗我深深地为之吸引这吸引如此强烈,以至于我怀疑我们以前一定在某处有过相遇。或许是在电梯间的广告栏或许我在某个咖啡厅里与这首诗一笑而过?我不能将它定位,而它在我脑中挥之不去接着之后的一两周,我正在欣赏一部老电影,奇迹发生了。(Video) Groucho Marx: Charlie, you shouldhave come to the first party. We didnt get home till around four in themorning.GrouchoMarx:Charlie,你应该要来第一个派对的,我们玩到了凌晨四点钟才回家。Rives: My roommates would have the TVon, and this would happen.我的室友会刚好开着电视,然后我就会看到这个:(Music: Seinfeld theme)(Video) George Costanza: Oh boy, I was uptil four in the morning watching that Omen trilogy.(音乐:Seinfeld主旋律)(电影)GeorgeCostanza:天哪,我一直在看凶兆三部曲直到凌晨四点钟。Rives: I would be listening to music, andthis would happen.莱夫斯:当我在听音乐时,这又发生了。(Video) Elton John: Its four oclock in the morning,damn it. (视频)EltonJohn:已经凌晨四点了,该死。Rives: So you can see what was going on,right? Obviously, the demigods of coincidence were just messing withme. Some people get a number stuck in their head, you may recognize acertain name or a tune, some people get nothing, but four in themorning was in me now, but mildly, like a groin injury. I alwaysassumed it would just go away on its own eventually, and I nevertalked about it with anybody, but it did not, and I totally did.莱夫斯:所以你发现了什么,对不对?显然的,巧合之神在和我开玩笑。一些人脑海中有一个数字挥之不去,你可能会选择一个特定的名字或音符,一些人什么都记不住,但是凌晨四点钟就在我脑海里,轻轻地,像穹窿般地划下一痕我常常想这感觉很快就会自己逐渐消失了,而且我从来没和任何人讨论过这些,但是它没有,而我和别人说了这件事。In 20xx, I was invited to speak atTED for the second time, and since I was still an authority onnothing, I thought, what if I made a multimedia presentation on atopic so niche it is actually inconsequential or actuallycockamamie. So my talk had some of my four in the morning examples,but italso had examples from my fellow TED speakers that year.20xx年,我被TED邀请去做演讲那是第二次,因为我并不是任何领域的权威人物,我想,我可以做一个多媒体的演示,在一个不太重要的话题上这实际上无关紧要或者实际上很繁琐。所以我的演讲有着许多我所经历”凌晨四点“的例子,但是其中也包含了一些例子是我同年的TED演讲者的经历。I found fourin the morning in a novelby Isabel Allende. I found a really greatone in the autobiography of Bill Clinton. I found a couple in thework of Matt Groening, although Matt Groening told me later that hecould not make my talk because it was a morning session and I gatherthat he is not an early riser. However, had Matt been there, he wouldhave seen this mock conspiracy theory that was un-freaking-canny for me toassemble. It was totally contrived just for that room, just for thatmoment. Thats how we did it in the pre-TED.com days. It was fun.That was pretty much it.我在一本小说中发现了凌晨四点是IsabelAllende所著。我发现了一个很棒的例子在比尔.克林顿自传中。我还在在迈特.格拉宁的作品中发现了一些,尽管迈特.格拉宁之后告诉我他不能来听我的演讲因为是清晨的时间段我知道他不是一个早起的人。然而,如果迈特来过这里,他就可以看到这个虚拟的理论那是我多么用心才构建起来的。而这完全是瞎编的仅仅是那个房间,仅仅在那个时刻。这是我们在为TED演讲做准备的那些天。那很有意思。大概就这样了。When I got home, though, the emails startedcoming in from people who had seen the talk live,beginning with, and thisis still my favorite, "Heres another one for yourcollection: Its the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. thatmatter." The sentiment is Marlene Dietrich. The email itselfwas from another very sexy European type, TED Curator ChrisAnderson.然后,当我回家后,我收到了很多邮件是来自观看过这期节目的观众,开始的一个,是我最喜欢的,“又一个例子供你收集:重要的是,有一个能在凌晨四点打电话的朋友。”这是玛丽琳.狄耶翠绮的感悟。这份邮件本身有着非常性感的欧洲风格,是TED的创始人克里斯.安德森。Chris found this quote on a coffee cup orsomething, and Im thinking, this man is the Typhoid Mary of ideasworth spreading, and I have infected him. I am contagious, which wasconfirmed less than a week later when a Hallmark employee scanned andsent an actual greeting card with that
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