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知识像烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数的人。-培根Module 5Cartoons一、Key Grammar 一般现在时、一般过去时与现在完成时的综合运用1. 一般现在时(1) 表示现状、状态、性质和经常性或习惯性的动作。Eg. It is hot in summer.(2) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。Eg. Light travels faster than sound.(3) 与一般现在时连用的时间状语有 always, often, sometimes, every day / week/ month/ year, once a week 等。Eg. My father goes to work by bus every day.(4) 在时间或条件状语从句中,一般现在时可表将来。Eg. If it is fine tomorrow I will go.2. 一般过去时(1) 一般过去时表示过去某一时刻或某段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。 Eg. I bought a bike last weekend.(2) 与一般过去时连用的时间状语有 yesterday, last night /week/ year, then, at that time, two weeks / months ago, in 2008等。Eg. I was born in 2008.3. 现在完成时(1)现在完成时表示过去发生的对现在有影响的动作。Eg. I have finished my homework. (2)表示过去开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。Eg. I have lived here since 2001.(3)与现在完, 成时连用的时间状语有 already, yet, before, so far, for ten years, since two days ago 等。Eg. I have stayed here since two years ago.二、词汇与句型1. It is time (for sb.) to do sth.= It is time for sth.表示“到了该做某事的时间”。Eg. It is timetogotoschool.= It is timeforschool.Eg. It is time for us to have lunch.= It is time for lunch.2. 辨析 through, across 与overthrough 表示“从物体内部穿过”,如穿过隧道,森林,窗户,门等;Eg. We have to walk through a big forest to get there.across 表示“穿过、横穿”,强调从物体表面通过,如穿过河道,街道等;Eg. Be careful when you go across the road.over 表示“越过”,强调从物体上方翻越,如翻过围墙,栅栏。Eg. He climbed over the wall.3. cant help doing sth. 为固定短语,表示“情不自禁地做某事”。Eg. I cant help crying when I saw the sad ending of the movie.4. win the heart of sb. 表示“赢得某人的喜欢”。Eg. The young man won the heart of the princess.5. 辨析 both, neither, none 与 allboth 表示“两个都”Eg. Both of my friends have come.neither 表示“两者都不”Eg. Neither of the films is good.either 表示“两者中任一”Eg. He wrote to either of them.none 表示三者或三者以上都不Eg. None of them are in the party.all 表示三者或三者以上全都Eg. All of us went to school yesterday.6 / 66. expect表示“期望;期待”expect to do sth.Eg. I expect to be a teacher when I grow up.expect sb. to do sth.Eg. My parents expect me to be a doctor in the future. expect that +句子Eg. I expect that I can become a famous person.7. be satisfied with 表示“对满意”Eg. My parents are satisfied with my behavior in the school.8. 辨析 as well, too, also 与 either 都表示“也;还”as well 用于肯定句,放句末,不用“,”隔开Eg. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher as well. too用于肯定句,放句末常用“,” 隔开Eg. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. also常与动词连用,放句中Eg. My father is a teacher. My mother is also a teacher. either 用于否定句,放句末,常用“,”隔开Eg. I cant speak French. Jenny cant speak French, either.9. 辨析 the number of 与 a number ofthe number of 表示“的数量”Eg. Whats the number of pandas in China? a number of 为固定短语,表示“许多的,大量的”Eg. There are a number of fish in the lake.10.be popular with sb. 固定短语,表示“受到的欢迎”Eg. The song is popular with old people. be popular among 固定短语,表示“在中深受欢迎”Eg. We are sure the toys will be popular among children.be famous for 固定短语,表示“因而出名”Eg. China is famous for its history. be famous as固定短语,表示“作为而出名”Eg. Linda is famous as a teacher. be famous to sb. 固定短语,表示“对某人来说很著名”Eg. Paris is famous to many people.一、单项选择( )1. He has lived here .A. for ten yearsB. for ten years agoC. since ten yearsD. ten years ( )2. This movie wasnt . He fell asleep half way through it.A. interesting enoughB. enough interestingC. interested enoughD. enough interested( )3. I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in the window.Its dangerous to do that.A.inB. throughC. overD. to( )4. The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims Li River after supper.A. overB. throughC. toD. across ( )5. Its time lunch. Lets find a restaurant to have a big meal.A. toB. forC. withD. by ( )6. You look sad. What has happened?Everyone us to win the match, but we lost.A. expectsB. expectedC. hopesD. hoped ( )7. Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry, lets make it time.A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. other ( )8. What about your school project? Oh, I it yet. Can you help me?A. dont finishB. didnt finishC. havent finishedD. wont finish ( )9. If there no buying and selling of animals, there no killing in nature.A. is;will beB. will be; will beC. is;isD. will;he is ( )10. My father is a teacher. He in a middle school.A. teachB. teachesC. taughtD. have taught ( )11. He left the room saying anything.A. withB. withoutC. byD. to ()12. Your dress is really nice!Thank you. I it in Shanghai last month.A. buyB. am buyingC. have boughtD. bought ()13. Which bag do you like, the red one or the blue one? . They are really nice.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All ()14. Superman is very popular childrenA. ofB. toC. byD. with ()15. you to Beijing?No, I .I there early next month.A. Have;been; havent;am goingB. Had;been;hadnt;am going
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