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内蒙古青华化工有限责任公司企业文化企业要有强大的生命力、高效率可持续发展,就必须赋予它灵魂,灵魂就应该反映当今现代化企业永续的企业文化,因为企业形象要靠文化来塑造,企业声誉要靠文化来传播,企业素质要靠文化来提高。企业宗旨: 为员工带来财富、为社会创造价值、为民族振兴工业企业精神:诚信、严谨、和谐、协作、高效、企业价值观: 以诚信为发展,以质量为根本经营理念:追求卓越、竞合共赢、共同发展 管理理念: 公平公正、规则简单、精细管理、 讲究实效务实自律沟通理念:沟通协调、同心同德执行理念:执行决定成败用人理念:德才兼备、敬业为本,唯德有位企业安全理念:落实责任、珍惜生命、珍爱健康五定原则:定责任人、定措施、定时间、定完成标准、定检查 三大作风:认真 快 坚守承认 绝不找借口三大思维:数字思维、成果思维、内向思维Enterprise cultureEnterprises should have strong vitality and efficiency of sustainable development, we must give it the soul, the soul should reflect modern enterprise sustainable enterprise culture, because the enterprise image depends on culture to mold, corporate reputation to rely on culture to spread, the quality of enterprises rely on culture to raise.Enterprise purpose: Bring wealth to the employees Create value for society As a national industrial revitalizationEnterprise spirit: honesty rigorous harmony cooperation efficiency Enterprise value: In good faith for the development of Fundamental to the quality Business philosophy: pursuit of excellence Competition cooperation win-win Common developmentManagement philosophy: Fairness and justice Simple rulesFine management Pay attention to actual effectPragmatic self-disciplineTheory of communication: Communication and coordination Be of one heart and one mindImplementation of the concept: the executive decides success or failureemployment ideality: having both ability and political integrigy professional oriented integrity Dedicated to the Mr Wiedeking oneEnterprise safety concept: responsibility cherish life cherish your healthFive fixed principles: fixed responsibility measures set time complete the standard Set the check Three styles: seriously fast commitment not excusesThree thought: Digital thinking results of thinking introverted thinking内蒙古青华化工有限责任公司位于内蒙古察哈尔右翼前旗天皮山工业园区内,是一家以从事矿产品贸易、生产、加工、销售为一体的现代化、综合性铬铁企业。公司所在地-察右前旗,地处内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市中南部。这里东接北京 380公里,南邻大同 100公里,西至呼和浩特 170公里,北通二连 330公里。京包线、集二线、集通线、丰准线、大包电气化铁路和集张线六条铁路从此经过;丹拉高速、二广高速、110 国道、208 国道及五条省际大通道公路主干线贯穿东西南北,交通十分发达。这里是内蒙古距出海口最近的地区,快捷的物流、发达的交通使得铬矿运输十分轻松;距离全球最大的不锈钢基地太钢仅仅 415公里,货运只有几个小时的车程。这与我国其它西部地区相比,优势凸显。内蒙古煤炭资源丰富、电力价格低廉,随着京呼高铁的开工及北京工业产业的战略转移,青华化工的竞争力将更加增强。公司成立于 2014年 4月,当年 6月份正式运营,总投资人民币 1.828亿元。厂区总占地面积 82279平方米。厂区布局呈南北狭长型,北侧西设人流出入口,北侧东角设有物流出入口,两出入口向内延伸为厂区内两主干道。厂区西北部为行政办公和生活区。其中投资 660万元建成的行政办公楼,一、二楼为办公区,三楼为接待区,四楼为会议厅;投资 480万元建成的餐厅,一楼餐厅可供 200名员工同时就餐;二楼活动室可丰富员工的业余生活;投资 510万元建成的三层职工公寓楼,可入住员工 300人。沿西主干道向南,右手侧最西端为辅助生产区。由北向南分别为化验室、消防水池、循环水池、水泵房、高低压配电室均有消防通道隔开;水泵房投资 300万,可供给我厂生产用水及生活用水;化验室投资 500万,室内备有碳硫分析仪等先进仪器。辅助车间东侧为主生产区,由北向南分别成品车间、渣池、浇注车间、电炉主车间、高碳、铬铁、渣池、配料站,由电炉主跨南侧期间有消防通道隔开。其中投资 1.6亿元安装两台 2X30000KVA为国内性能最好的矿热炉,它具有提高矿热炉功率因数、节约能源、提供电压支撑、减少闪变等功能,间歇式出铁渣并实现流水连续作业,年产高碳铬铁 10万吨。年工作日 330天,设备上配置了组合式把持器、纵向补偿、电脑配料现金技术等,上料系统提前预热减少能耗,使机械化、现代化、智能化融入一体,具有能耗低、效率高等特点。公司高层非常重视环境保护,投资 800万配备了先进的环保设施,每台电炉都设置了独立的布袋除尘系统,经除尘后的烟气完全符合国家一级排放标准,本地区行业领先。与生产区相对的西主干道东侧为机修车间及库房,机修车间投资 100万,配有数控板料机等先进设备;库存备品备件达 300万元以上。由此东南向是原料场和除尘系统。厂区从保护和改善环境出发,投资 550万元,在生产区种植了防护林带,在道路两旁和建筑物四周种植花草树木,以达到过滤空气、美化环境、保持生态平衡的效果。厂内设置 8米宽的环状道路,除尘输送管道和配送料廊桥架空布置,整体规划美观规范。青华公司创建股东从事铬矿行业的贸易工作近 10年,在津巴布韦拥有 30万吨的铬矿矿山,业务遍及土耳其、南非、巴基斯坦、阿尔巴尼亚、阿曼等国家,目前每年进口铬矿超过 40万吨,与 ETI、Dedeman 等大型矿山建立良好的合作关系,具有一定的市场运作能力和供应能力,满足工厂的正常铬矿需求。同时,公司聘请了从事近 20年冶炼技术的总工以及技术团队,现有技术人员和生产工人很多来自上海申佳、湖南铁合金、宁夏天元、山西恒通等铬系企业,总计有工程技术人员共 160名,其中教授级高工 5人,专家 6人,工程师 10人,强大的技术团队确保生产指标达到国内先进的水平。另外,公司拥有专业销售团队,现与国内知名企业太钢不锈、宝钢不锈、酒钢不锈、浦项制铁建立长期合作关系。乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海! Inner Mongolia Qinghua Chemical Co., LtdInner Mongolia Qinghua Chemical Co., Ltd. is located in Inner Mongolia, Chahar right front banner TIANPISHAN Industrial Park, is a engaged in trade in mineral products, production, processing and sales as one of the modern comprehensive enterprise, ferrochrome. The company is located in - Chayouqian banner, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in south central city of Wulanchabu. The East Beijing 380 kilometers south of Datong, 100 kilometers, 170 kilometers west of Hohhot, two even 330 kilometers north. Beijing Baotou line, set the second-line, Jitong line, Feng alignment, bag of electrified railway and set a line of six railway lines after; Dandong Lasa expressway, two wide high-speed, 110 national highway, 208 national highway and five provincial highway through the four corners of the world big channel, traffic developed very. Here is the Inner Mongolia from the estuary in recent area, fast logistics, developed traffic makes the chrome ore transport is very easy; away from the worlds largest stainless steel base, TISCO only 415 kilometers, transportation is only a few hours away. This compared with Chinas other western regions, highlights the advantages of. Inner Mongolia is rich in coal resources, electricity price is low, along the Beijing call transfer started high iron and strategy of Beijing industry, Qinghua chemical industrys competitiveness will be more enhanced.The co
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