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不读万卷书,行万里路,完成工作的方法,是爱惜每一分钟!Responsibilities in Our Life演讲稿 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我们演讲的题目是责任伴随我们的人生。 Dear teachers and fellow students. Good morning! Today the topic of our speech is : Responsibilities in our life. 明朝名医李时珍,三十八岁就已享誉盛名。但他却毅然离开王府,辞别太医院,在风雨严寒中跋山涉水,采集草药。终于在晚年写出本草纲目。因为他明白他的责任是悬壶济世! Li Shizhen, a doctor in the Ming dynasty, had already enjoyed a good reputation at the age of 38. But he resolutely left the palace and resigned from the Imperial Hospital. Then he travelled the lands and lakes to collect herbs and wasnt afraid of the cold, wind, or storm. He finally wrote the Compendium of Materia Medica in his latter years. He understood that it was his responsibility to cure the sick! 在我们周围,经常看到这样的景象:值日生总会留在班级,把灯、门窗关好才走;班长总是尽职尽责的为班级的大小事情服务;课代表们认真的收发各科作业,不辞辛苦的将一垛垛高高的作业从楼上搬到楼下;班主任细致的管理班级事务,关注着每一个学生。他们的行为表达方式不一样,但都可以用同一个词来描述,那就是:承担责任。 Around here, such is a common sight: students always stay in class; the lights, doors and windows are closed before they leave; The class leader always serves the class with due diligence. Class representatives diligently send and receive each groups work;they take pains to move a tall stack of paper up and down the stairs; The homeroom teacher carefully manages class affairs, paying close attention to each student silently. They behave in different ways, but they can all be described with the same words: carrying ones own responsibility. 想想我们的生活中,无时无刻不充满了责任。不同的角色也有着不同的责任。当你做为一名学生,勤奋学习便是责任;作为子女,孝敬父母便是责任;作为朋友,相互关心,便是责任同时,我相信,责任它也决不是一个挂在嘴边的空泛的口号而已。在我眼中,责任不应该是一种客观要求的行为,而更应是一种自主的,发自内心的行为和做法。当你把承担责任当做一种兴趣,一种自觉性,自发性行为时,我相信,这时的你已经离成功不远了。 Think of back through our lives, it was full of responsibilities. Different roles have different responsibilities. When you are a student, it is your duty to study hard. As children, it is ones duty to honor ones parents. As friends, mutual concern is ones responsibility. At the same time, I believe that responsibility is by no means empty words. In my eyes, responsibility should not be an mindfully required, but more so be autonomous, natural behavior, with practice. When you take responsibility as an goal, as an eventual of unconscious, natural behavior, I believe that you are not far from success. 我们的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。 Thank you for your time.
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