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Making the news,Unit 4,How do you know what is happening around us or even abroad,the media,Daily Weekly Monthly,article,headline,front page,What types of jobs do people do in making a newspaper,Discussion,reporter / journalist,interviewer/interviewee,photographer,editor,designer,printer,Reporter Editor Photographer Designer Printer,report edit photograph design print,Give me one verb to tell us what they do,Match the job and work involved,Reporter / Journalist Editor Photographer Critic Designer Printer,Interviewing people or finding out events from onlookers and writing news stories,Checking the writing and facts and making changes if necessary,Taking photographs of important people or events,Giving opinions on plays , books and events,laying out (design) the articles and photographs,Printing the newspaper,Unforgettable,” says new journalist,My First Work Assignment,Reading,Task 1: Skim the text, and find out 7 questions that raised by Zhou Yang,Reading,Q1: can I go out on a story immediately,Q2: what to take with me,Q3: what to remember when going out to cover a story,Q4: what to keep in mind,Q5: why is listening so important,Q6:how to listen carefully while taking notes,Q7: have you ever had a case of accusation,Section 1 (L1 to L_,Section 2 (L_ to L_,Section 3 (L_ to the end,to work with colleagues,what you should do when covering a story,a case where journalists were accused,15,29,16,30,Task 2,Task 3: What does the reading passage mainly talk about ? A. The skills necessary to become a good journalist B. The skills necessary to become a good photographer C. How to conduct a good interview D. Being carefully in the new environment,Careful Reading Section 1 (L1 to L15,Section 1 (L1 to L15) True or False. (Tell why) Zhou Yang works for a popular English Newspaper. ( ) Hun Xin is one of Zhou Yangs colleagues. ( ) Zhou Yang can go out on a story immediately. ( ) When covering a story, Zhou Yang only needs to bring a notebook. ( ) Zhou Yang is very professional in photography. (,Section 2 (L16 to L29,Section 2 (Line 16 to 29): What does a journalist need to remember when going to cover a story? Skills: Be 1._; Have a good 2._ for a story; Ask many different 3._; Use 4._ to find out the missing parts of the story. Listen to the interviewee carefully for 5._ facts,curious,nose,questions,research,detailed,If the interviewee agrees, you can use a 6. _ to get the facts straight. Tips: Dos: 7._to the interviewee carefully. Donts: Dont miss the 8._; Dont be 9._; Dont talk too much,deadline,Listen,rude,recorder,Choose the correct explanation(解释,What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story,A. tell a story B. write story C. send a story D. report a story,报道新闻,D,2. A good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story,A. know what has happened. be able to “smell” the truth when somebody is telling part of it. C. be able to discover the whole truth by doing research. D. B and C,有一个对新闻敏感的 “嗅觉,D,3. This is a trick of the trade,something that cheats somebody B. something that helps you do the job in a professional way. C. something used to hide secrets,4. We sometimes use small recorders to make sure that we get all your facts straight,A. to make sure that the story is accurate B. to get the facts directly C. to get the things specially,行业诀窍,直接获得全部真实材料,B,A,Section 3 (L30 to the end,Section 3 (Line 30 to 41) : 1. The footballer was accused because _. A. he usually told lies B. he stopped the reporter publishing an article C. he took money for not scoring D. he bribed another football team,2. From the passage, we can know that the footballer was a _ person. A. dishonest B. clever C. rich D. rude,3. Which of the statement is true according to Section 3: The footballer admitted taking money for not scoring. The journalist guessed from the footballers facial expression that he was not telling the truth. The journalist wrote an article announcing that the footballer is guilty. The footballer was guilty,denied,body language,suggesting,Summary of the whole passage: Fill in the blanks. (4 minutes) Its 1._ (necessary) for journalists to take cameras with their 2._ (profession) photographers. To be a good journalist, you should be 3. _ (curiosity) and have a good “nose” for a story. You should know how to acquire the 4._ (inform) you need. While 5._ (interview), you shouldnt miss your deadline,unnecessary,professional,curious,information,interviewing,Dont be rude, and never talk too much. Besides, you have to listen for 6._ (detail) facts. But make sure you listen to the 7._ (interview) carefully. If it is possible, you can also use a recorder to get the facts straight,detailed,interviewee,Discuss in groups: 1.What s your ideal(理想的) job? 2.What qualities do you need to have,Discussion,Suppose you are a good news reporter, what qualities do you need to have,Example: (A good news report
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