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Book5Unit3考前复习题编制:王焕成 审校:齐雪平一、单项填空1. I advise you to take school more seriously, otherwise youll have to go out and work, _.A. as a result B. now and then C. in time D. in case2. “How could you lose so much money?” Charlie asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from_ the kitchen table.A. at B. across C. through D. on3. In order to meet the demands they had to_ production.Afasten up Brise up Cspeed up Dgo up4. I dont believe that older people are always wiser. It _ the person and what kind of experiences he or she has had.A. disposes of B. results from C. depends on D. approves of5. Why was the thief caught by the police so quickly? Because he had left of his foot in the garden.A. an impression B. a shoe C. a toe D. a part6. What was he interested in when he was young? He art while at school.A. made up B. took up C. brought up D. put up7. More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities _ space.A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of8. Dont say anything about what were discussing to anyone; its _.A. previous B. open C. private D. optimistic9. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause.A. constantly B. now and then C. eventually D. regularly10. The government will _ the money from London to _ parts of the world.A. switch; another B. exchange; other C. switch; other D. change; another二完成句子1. The girl _her neighbours and they spoke highly of her. (make)这个女孩给邻居们留下好印象,他们高度评价她。2._, I have been unsettled these days.(worry)因为担心妈妈的健康,这段日子我感到心绪不宁。3. He lost sight of his wife when they reached _a large market because of too many persons buying things in every place.(look)当他们到了看上去像大市场的时候,他看不见妻子了,因为各个地方太多的人在购物。4. After the long journey,the three of them went back home _. (exhaust)长途旅行后,他们三人回到家,又饿又渴又累。5. _,his parents managed to send him to university. (lack)尽管缺钱,他的父母设法送他上大学。6. As a matter of fact,there is a limit to _. (tolerate)事实上,每个人的容忍是有限度的。7. _the platform the train began to move. (instant)我一到站台,火车就开动了。8. As anybody can see, we must never lose sight of _in harmony with nature.(live)我们永远也不能忽视这个事实:人类必须与自然和谐相处。9. _ trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. (face)面对如此多的问题,我们未能及时完成任务。10. Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away,_ out of the office.(go)Christie怒目瞪着老板转过身,好像想走出办公室。11. Owing to lack of time, we cannot do_. (than).由于时间不够,我们只能做这么多了。12. This is a place_.(dispose)这是一个废物得以处理的地方。13. For miles around me, there was nothing but desert, _. (sight)我周围几英里范围内除了沙漠什么也没有,放眼望去甚至没有一颗树。14. The discovery of new evidence led to_. (catch)发现新的证据导致小偷被抓。15. Wanghua is said_ a new computer program recently, but I dont know when she will finish it.(design)据说王华最近在设计一种新型电脑程序,但我不知道什么时候完成。16. _the hill, our city looks surrounded by the fog.(see)从山顶上看,我们的城市看上去被雾包围。17._, this house looks more beautiful. (paint)刷成红色之后,这房子看得更美。18._my studies, I have made great progress. (adjustment)由于对学习进行了及时的调整,所以我现在取得了很大的进步。19. _recently whether we can live in the undersea cities in the future. (be)近来一直有个问题:我们将来能否住在海底城市里。20. It is said that we will get _now in five years. (as)据说我们的工资五年后将翻一番。2
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