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Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words folllowing the outline given below.1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?范文1:Today in China, many families have only one child. So the children usually doted upon by all family members. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and family members, as a result they lack the ability to face their lives by themselves.There are some ways to help children to be independent. First, the child should have a chance to see the world around him individually to understand that there are various people and competitions in their lives, and learn to find his right position in the society only by individual efforts. Second, it is impossible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once.The parents may give the child enough help and space to make him feel comfortable. A child needs help from their families. Because without any help, the child may lose his faith. Thirdly, parents can help their children make their own decisions, which can challenge his ability to deal with problems. A child should be praised when he is successful or encouraged when he fails.To be independent is vital for the children, because no parents can go with their children for the whole life. Only an independent person can live and enjoy a full and meaningful life.范文2:It is nothing unusual to find overprotective parents who help their children in all aspects of life. The question is, are they sure their heart loaded with love will bring good to their children? Lets look at the real situation of the second-rich generation. Some of them, rather than becoming the second-strong generation, becomes the defeated generation which is notorious for their life focused on consumption rather than creation.Because of the changes of education in history, most Chinese parents, though successfully accumulate wealth, dont know much about the right value they should pass on to the new generation. They have tried all that they can to be good parents while neglecting the core value they should address, which is INDEPENDENCE.How should parents help children to be independent?They should give their children the freedom to make choices for themselves. Children cannot be happy if they dont have control over their life, which in daily life, means they make choices for themselves, like, what to eat, what to wear, what career to do, what kind of spouse they are going to marry. Some parents may be open-minded enough to let their children to make these tiny decisions about food and clothes, but when it comes to the big ones, they are too anxious to let their children have a try. They used to be young and they made mistakes and now it is their sons and daughters turn to be youngthe deep love and care is so intense that it becomes even suffocating-they are reluctant to give their children opportunities to start to be responsible for their own lives. 快速阅读部分)1.A) People instinctively seek nature in different ways.解析:第一段最后一句直接给出关键字profound belief, whether 引导的从句对应答案中的instinctively2.D) Things that are purchased.解析:第二段最后一句,what is best对应题目中的prefer, that is to say作为暗示直接引出之后的things that can be bought,选择D3.B) More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.解析:题干中有关瑞典研究,定位到第四段第一句,结合语义,不难得出B的正确答案4.D) are less likely to be involved in bullying解析:A选项具有干扰性,第三段结尾给出自然熏陶能够提高学生学科水平的线索,但考虑到快速阅读题的传统,即题目顺序对应文章顺序,所以应该定位到第四段之后的内容,即大段有关bullying的段落,得出答案D。5.B) Provide more green spaces for them.解析:对应第八段内容,作者通过否定患儿对药物的依赖性来给出自己的建议,结合全文主旨自然环境的重要性,得出B答案6.B) They enjoy a life of better quality.解析:第九段第二句点出老龄人口增长的侧重点是在高质量的生活水平上,紧接着又指出绿色的生活方式是达到该种高质量生活水平的最重要因素。7.C) access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence解析:十一段引文中can reduce violent behavior,直接对应C选项8.separated解析:题干是有关人们错误观念的问题,找到倒数第三段的关键段error引导的内容,再对应到humanity and the natural world,得出separated(照抄原文separable与can重复,separable本身词义即能够分离的)9.the wild world解析:最后一段第二句直接命中题干,照抄the wild world即可。10. harmony解析:最后几段内容的小标题直接给出harmonySection A 选词填空47. M) raised 48. L) psychological 49. E) contributions 50. A) abilities51. B) achieve 52. N) smart 53. I) extent 54. J) indicates55. G) essentially 56. H) eventually47. M) raised48. L) psychological49. E) contributions50. A) abilities51. B) achieve52. N) smart53. I) extent54. J) indicates55. G) essentially56. H) eventually47. raise在这里的意思是“养育”,the environment in which you were raised 意思是“你成长的环境”。48. psychological activity意思是“心理活动”,全句意思是“研究基因和外部环境如何相互作用影响人心理活动的学科被称为行为遗传学”。49. “make contributions to”为固定搭配,意为“为做贡献”。50. “ability to ”意思是“做某事的能力”,在此处,全句意思是“任何一篇宣称人类做出某种行为的能力是基于生物学的研究都是有争议的”。51. limitations to what you can achieve意思是“对你所能达到的水平的限制”。52. 此处需填一个形容词,而且用来形容人,根据题意,sma
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