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Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectKey vocabulary.Students learn the target language to talk about future intentions. 2. Ability ObjectsTrain students listening and cooperating skills. Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectA good plan is a good start to success. Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary Grow up, computer programmer, engineer, pilot, professional, act , move.2. Target languageWhat are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be a computer programmer. How are you going to do that? Im going to study computer science. Teaching Difficulties 1. Structures Future with be going to. . What, How questions.2. Grammar The simple future tense. Teaching MethodsWatching and describing method. Listening method. Pair work. Teaching AidsBlackboard and some pictures. Teaching proceduresStep1 Greet the class and meet them.Step2 Revision1. Revise the words about jobs by showing some pictures. 2. Ask students to say something about these jobs by asking “Which job do you like best?”Step3 New words teaching 1. Leadin.2. Teach new words and expressions by showing the pictures. Step4 Rank the phrases and presentation.( Activity 1a )1. Ask the students to rank these pictures from 16. 2. Check the answers. 3. Of these jobs, which job do you think is the most interesting. And present What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?Step5 Listening(Activity 1b)1. Listen and match the items in 1b, ask the students to draw a line between the job in the first column and the activity in the second column.2. Present the typescripts to students and ask the students to read them carefully. Step6 Practice(Activity 1c)Show a sample of the conversation to the students and students make similar conversations according to the sample. Ask the students to practice making conversations about their future plans in pairs. Students have two minutes to prepare. Then ask them to present their conversations group by group.Sample: A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be a basketball player.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to practice basketball every day.C: What is he/she going to be when he/she grows up?D: He is he/she going to be a/an C: How is he/she going to do that?D: He/She is going to Step7 ListeningLook at the picture, and ask these questions: Who is Cheng Han? What is he doing? What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Ask students to guess.Listen what Cheng Han is going to do, and check the answers. (P60, 2a)Listen again and fill in the chart. (P60, 2b)WhatCheng Han is going to be an actor.WhereHowWhenListen again, and imitate the tape loudly and clearly. Homework(作业):1. Make a survey.2. Write an essay about your dream job.
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