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关于在除夕的英语作文汇编九篇 关于在除夕的英语作文汇编九篇 在平日的、工作和里,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是帮大家的在除夕的作文9篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 Today is my favorite day - thirty, I want to _ke dumplings with the family, so happy!In the morning, I got up quickly, and dad together chopped meat, saw dad a kitchen knife in hand chop stuffing, that way, its like the inside of the journey to the west ox demon king, good terrorist!Chop up stuffing, our whole family began _ dumplings, my task is to roll wrappers, dad to _ke dumplings.I saw dad package dumplings can not but laugh, because dad package dumplings as the stone of huangshan, really all forms.When mom came over and saw dad package dumplings also laughed, and let dad laid off.See mother package dumplings, and dad huangshan stone pare the really big differen _!Ding dong a sound, I rushed to open the door, is my grand _ and grandpa, grand _ at dad package dumplings, also could not help but laugh, said before a few years sketch of a classic lines: how could also be _rried, why gap so big?I also laughed, to grand _ said: grand _, you have a good sense of humor!Grand _ _iled said to me: the old ah, must be the same as the heart of children, to live more and more young!.This years New Years eve is really unforgettable! New Year is ing in a long-awaited atmosphere, New Years day is a traditional Chinese festival. To get everything ready for the New Year, every family in the cleaning, in order to bid. New Years eve that day, we went to the big aunt, around the house all added up to a total of 17 people, so seats open two table, dishes every year will be pleasantly surprised, and I would have to guess what is it? Every year is big aunt and little aunt and mother prepared, even in kaohsiung second aunt the family will e back to share happy. Chinese New Year for Chinese people all over the world, is a very happy, happy festival, on that day the family reunion is how happy thing. Surrounds the relatives and friends together to eat and drink, say the past the past, contact feelings. When it es to the family reunion dinner in our house, I am not boasting, is really delicious! If you eat a bite will immediately bee addicted, seafood alone have Fried salmon and steamed cod, especially the Fried salmon, the crispy skin ate aftertaste letting a person is boundless. Surprise this year is to appear on the dessert, its called strawberry mu silk, mu silk i _ i _ cool to eat, there is a little light sweet taste, with strawberries is a bit of a sour sweet feeling, the taste is really unforgettable. I am very happy! Have dessert to eat, you know how I have the luck to eat STH delicious. Hope everyone can be a good start in the New Year, also hope I in the New Year, under the care of the family, can the _ooth, go in pea _. Also because of this delicious delicacies, more let me know that have a family is a very happy and happy thing. 新的一年在期待已久的气氛中到来,过年是华人传统节日。为了准备迎接新的一年,家家户户都在大扫除,为的是辞旧迎新。 除夕当天,我们到大姑姑家围炉,大家加起来总共有十七个人,所以席开两桌,每年的菜色都会有意想不到的惊喜,而我也都会去猜测它到底是?每年都是大姑姑和小姑姑还有妈妈一起准备,连远在高雄的二姑姑全家也会回来一起共享天伦之乐。 过年对全世界的华人来说,是一个非常快乐、开心的节日,在那一天全家团圆是多么的事。亲朋好友围在一起吃吃喝喝,说一说过去的往事,连络感情。说到我们家的年夜饭,不是我在自夸,是真得很好吃!只要吃上一口就会立即上瘾,光是海鲜类就有香煎鲑鱼和清蒸鳕鱼,尤其是香煎鲑鱼,那酥脆的外皮吃了让人回味无穷。今年的惊喜是出现在甜点上,它叫草莓慕丝,慕丝吃起来冰冰凉凉的,还有一点点淡淡的香甜味,点缀其中的草莓有点儿酸酸甜甜的感觉,那种味道实在是难以忘怀。 我很幸福吧!还有甜点可以吃,就知道我多么有口福了。希望大家可以在新的一年有个好的开始,也希望我在新的一年,在全家人的护下,可以顺顺利利、平平安安。也因为这一顿美味的佳肴,更让我知道拥有家人是一件非常幸福、快乐的事。 There are _ny festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most. Not only because its the biggest festival in the year, but also because its a new beginning that brings hope to people and its time for family gathering. Before the festival, people e home no _tter where they are. Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Years Eve. And then families sit together and share their lives or planes. Some will play games or hang out to have some fun. On the New Years Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone they meet. Children can get lucky money from relatives. In the following days, we will visit relatives home and bring New Years wishes to them. In short, its a time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it. Every year a holiday, I always go to the country home to play. Last winter vacation, I went to my grandmothers house. On the eve of the new years Eve, I woke up early. I thought the dinner was ready in the morning and wanted to help her grandmother, but until the afternoon, everyone started to get busy. My grandmother had a fire burning in the kitchen for dinner, uncle, brother and sister began to set the table and chairs. I used to help, too. We put three big round tables in the yard, each table with a large bottle of drink and wine. At this time, two aunt came. She greeted us on to the kitchen to help grand _ do dinner. After a while, as if it was about, a group of people came one by one. Among them there are children, _s and old
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