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Unit 4 Earthquakes,Reading,裂缝、开裂 蒸汽 废墟 爆裂、爆发 污垢 损害、伤害 震惊 灾难,NEW WORDS,recovery,Crack,steam,ruin,burst,dirt,injure,shock,disaster,陷入困境 营救、救援 掩蔽处 损失、损害 埋葬、掩埋 破坏、毁坏 运河、水道,NEW WORDS,trap,rescue,shelter,damage,bury,destroy,canal,Fast reading,What does the passage mainly talk about,Time: Place: Disaster,July 28, 1976,Tangshan, Hebei,A big earthquake,Main idea,An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28, 1976,Skimming,Tangshan, Hebei,July 28th, 1976,B. Strange things were happening before the earthquake,C. The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss,A. Helps came to Tangshan. All hope was not lost,Just match it,Part1,Part2,Part3,Para.1,Para.2 fish jumped out of bowls and ponds,people saw bright lights,cracked and burst,Para2-3 Damage caused by the earthquake,The city The people,It seemed as if the world was at an end,Damage caused by earthquake,Para. 2-3,Fill in the blanks,Damage caused by earthquake,Para. 2-3,Fill in the blanks,Damage caused by earthquake,Para. 2-3,Fill in the blanks,3:42,greatest,Steam,dirt,Bricks,crack,Damage caused by earthquake,Para. 2-3,Fill in the blanks,dams,useless,steel,Sand,electricity,Data(数据,of the nation felt the earthquake . A huge crack that was kilometres long and meters wide cut across houses. In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. of the people died or were injured during the earthquake,1/3,8,30,15,2/3,Para. 2-3,Data(数据,The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than . All of the citys hospitals, of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone,400,000,75,90,Para. 2-3,Para 4 Recovery after the earthquake,Army; 150, 000 soldiers,Dig out; bury,Workers; shelters,Fresh water,All the hope was not lost,Not all hope was lost,How the army helped the people in Tangshan,The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury those who were trapped,Miners were rescued from the coal mines,Shelters were built for survivors whose homes had been destroyed,Fresh water was taken to the city,Part3,Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage. (use one word to describe,Part 1: para 1,Part 2: para 2&3,Part 3: para 4,signs,damage,recovery,1.Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them. 2.The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan. 3.The people were very shocked at the destruction. 4.The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life,Summary of each part,During the earthquake,Huge cracks cut across houses, roads and canals,During the earthquake,fall (fell, fallen,pipe,crack / burst,destroy,During the earthquake,ruins,Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves,injure,back,After the earthquake,army,organize teams,dig out,trap,bury the dead,build shelters,survivors,Filling the blacks with the first given letter,Several days before July 28,1976,many s_ things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tangshan didnt think m_ of these. At 3:42am that day, the earth began to s_, which d_ the city,trange,arthquake,uch,hake,estroyed,Many people including workers and doctors, came to r_ those t_ under the ruins. Later that afternoon another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or i_ and more buildings f_ down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to _ the trapped and b_ the dead,escue,rapped,ell,ury,njured,dig out,What impresses you most,What the quake makes you think about,Self-rescue,How to help the suffers,What did they suffer and feel,What for rebuilt,What did they suffer and feel,Chang Qing (left), 71, and Wang Shubin, 54, hold a picture taken by Chang 30 years ago, when Wang was rescued after being buried in debris for eight days following the Tangshan earthquake,How to help,Tang shans new look,Homework,Thank you
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