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英语:Lesson31 课时训练(冀教版九上)I. 英汉互译1.感冒_2.生病_3.在医院里_4.感到难受_5.耽误上学_6.ask sb to do sth_7.have appendicitis_8.all day_9.drink plenty of water_10.much better_II. 根据汉语提示,完成句子1.超市整天有很多人。_ _ many people at the supermarket _ _.2.他第二天醒来时,发现自己在一个陌生的地方。_ _ _ he woke up and _ himself in a strange place.3.他们一直很有钱。They have always had _ _ _.4.经理在会议中间病倒了。The director _ _ _ _ _ _ the meeting.5.给我带点咖啡回来。_ some coffee back _ _.参考答案I. 1.have a cold 2.fall ill 3.in the hospital 4.feel terrible 5.miss school 6.要求某人做某事 7.患阑尾炎 8.整天 9.喝大量的水 10.好的多II. 1.There are all day 2.The next day found3.plenty/lots of money 4.fell ill in the middle of5.Bring to meLesson 31 (课下作业)I. 单项选择1.The teacher told the students _ football on the street.A. played B. to play C. not play D. not to play2.Could you tell me what you think about Hainan?Oh, if you get a chance _ there, take it.A. going B. gone C. go D. to go3.The girls were asked _ go out at night.A. to not to B. not C. not to D. not going4.Im certainly not going to let her _ in bed all morning.A. to stay B. staying C. stay D. stays5.He works _ harder than I.A. very B. very much C. much D. tooII. 句型转换1.I have something important to tell you.(变否定句)I have _ _ to tell you.2.Li Ming fell ill.(改为一般疑问句)_ Li Ming _ill?3.Lets go to the playground.(改为反意疑问句)Lets go to the playground, _ _?4.He has to stay at home, too.(改为否定句)He _ _ to stay at home.5.The doctor told me to stay in bed.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the doctor _ you _ _?III. 阅读理解Most people like to eat sweets and ice-cream better than meat and rice. If we eat them after a meal, theyre not bad for us. But if we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). It is important for us to eat our meal regularly(有规律地)each day. When we feel worried or excited, we may not want to eat.When a man is worrying about something, it is difficult for him to swallow(吞)anything dry because he has little appetite. Many years ago, some judges(法官)in England often gave a man some dry bread to judge(判断)whether he was telling the truth. If the man could not swallow the bread, they thought he was telling lies.1.If we eat sweets and ice-cream after a meal, are they good to our health?_2.If we eat sweets and ice-cream before a meal, what will happen?3.What do you think of the judges in England? Why?_参考答案I. 1.D tell sb not to do sth表示“告诉某人不要做某事”。2.D get a chance to do sth表示“得到去做某事的机会”。3.C ask sb not to do sth表示“让某人别做某事”。4.C let后的不定式要省略to,故选C。5.C much可以修饰比较级,表示“更的多”。II. 1.nothing important 2.Did fall 3.shall we 4.doesnt have either 5.What did tell to doIII. 1.Yes, they are. 2.Theyll take away our appetite. 3.Theyre very clever. Because the man who couldnt swallow the bread told lies.
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