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Topic 2 What sweet music,Section D,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composer just a little a child,Paragraph 1,used to on the piano in the room every note he asked said Father Mozart,Paragraph 2,When left went up to sounded beautiful decided to give,Paragraph 3,Soon played so quickly that But write music was surprised. such beautiful amazing child,Paragraph 4,Section C,understand composer notes smiled wonder,takes English lessons as well as was born amazing player at the age of,a lovely baby,What a lovely baby,Look and say,What a/an+adj+n! 多的一个啊,beautiful flowers,What beautiful flowers,What +adj+n(复数)! 多的啊,bad weather,What bad weather,What +adj+n(不可数) 多的啊,wonderful,How wonderful,How +adj! 多啊,How exciting,exciting,How +adj! 多啊,fast,How fast,How +adv! 多啊,Make exclamations as many as you can,happy,sad,carefully,cool,sweet / music,terrible / movie,dangerous / accident,surprising / song,1. _ a cute dog,2. _ wonderful,3. _ bad weather,4. _ carefully he studies,5. _ beautiful flowers,6. _ delicious,What,How,What,How,What,How,Grammar,Exclamations,Read through Sections A C and fill in the blanks with the correct words,What,How,beautiful,What,Summary,Functions,hard,like,quickly,with,quick-quickly,Now Kangkang and his friends are talking about their favorite music. What kind of music does each of them like ,It is great fun for him,It makes him happy,Playing the drums is exciting,jazz music,violin music,the drums,Retell the passage according to the table above,It sounds wonderful,piano music,Watch the flash of 1a , then complete the table on Page 70,1a,视频1a-P69,录音1a-P69,Key points,Good music brings people comfort and peace of mind. peace(n) 和平,宁静 /pi:s/ peace of mind 心灵的平静 好音乐可以给人带来舒适和宁静,Key points,Everyone loves music but different people have different tastes. taste (v) 尝起来 (n) 品味,Key points,Wang Junfeng says that every culture has its own special kind of drumming. culture /kVltSE/ 文化 drum (n) 鼓 (v) 打鼓 王俊锋说各种文化都有其独特的鼓乐,Listen to 1a and find out the phrases in the passage,ask sb. to do sth. teach sb. to do sth. play the piano,listen to make sb. + adj,Task,Survey your classmates about their favorite music. Then make a table similar to 1a and write a passage,Our class is going to have a party,Design a poster about the party,Project,Homework,Sum up the types of music we have learnt and bring some VCDs to show the music you like. Write a passage about your or your classmates favorite music,Thank you
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