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课题8A Unit 4 Wild animals Main task学习目标知识目标学习并掌握能用来描写动物外貌、能力、性格、所面临的危险以及如何保护动物的词组和句子能力目标1)能通过 Report: Giant pandas are in danger的阅读了解写大熊猫的五个方面。 2)能从五个方面写一篇关于 Report: Animals are in danger的文章。情感目标通过讨论有关野生动物所处困境及其濒临灭绝等问题,人类应该保护自然,保护动物。学习重点知道写一篇关于动物处于危险的调查报告应从哪几个方面入手。学习难点知道写一篇关于动物处于危险的调查报告应从哪几个方面入手。课前自学一复习Reading ,what have you learnt about giant panda in this unit?二翻译下列词组并在课文中划出:1. 安静且温和 _ 8. 变得越来越小_2. 生存之地 _ 9. 吃竹笋叶_3. 占用农田 _10. 花大量的时间喝母乳_4. 无处可居_11. 熊猫妈妈_5. 一次 _12. 为他们的皮毛杀他们_6. 做些有帮助的事情_13. 看起来象小白鼠_7. 直立行走 _14. 采取行动_课堂交流展示一. 阅读课文,回答问题What does Millie talk about in her report about giant pandas?二阅读课文,小组讨论完成以下表格Baby pandasGiant pandas1._look like white _animalslook like_2._quiet _animals3._Drink_for_a day eat bamboo shoots and leaves4 _ 1.2.3.There are only _giant pandas in the world because their living areas are becoming _. If farmers _, they will _. If people_, then t_.5 _1._about the giant pandas in China.2.Tell people about the problems.三根据课文总结写一篇关于动物处于危险的调查报告应从哪几个方面入手。Paragraph 1 _Paragraph 2 _Paragraph 3_Paragraph 4 _Paragraph 5 _四通过阅读B部分的内容完成C部分的内容。注意:作者是从哪几个方面入手描写熊的调查报告五参照报告的格式,写写关于自己最爱的动物的报告。六小组展示报告课堂达标检测一 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。1. Their areas (正在变成农田)now ,we must stop this.2. My father (花费长达12小时)every day working in the factory last year.3.If the farmers (不断占有土地),giant pandas will (无生存之地).4.The baby giant panda (看上去像) a little mouse.5.Hunters hunt them (因为他们的皮毛和骨头)二 改错。1.If he will have free time,she will go there tomorrow.2.That is very easy for me to work out the problem.3.When she was 15 years old she had to look herself after.4.Look ,the dog can walk uprightly.5.The number of the students are 62 thousand.三 书面表达。根据所学内容根据integrated skills 部分的内容,写一篇关于wolves的报告。
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