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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.1. 重点词汇:license, safety, field, hug, poem, community, chance, society, choice, smoke, cry, life, regret, manage, educate, enter, support.2. 短语归纳:1.get his drivers license 取得他的驾驶执照2.no way没门,不行3.sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的人4. be worried about=worry about 担5. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作6. get ones ears pierced 打耳洞7. get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做8. stop doing sth 停止做某事9. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事10. spend time with sb. 花时间和某人在一起11.take photos, take a photo 照相12.use a flash 使用闪光灯13.all night 整夜14.stay by my side 待在我身边15.make sure = be sure 确保,确定16.keep sb. (away) from sth使某人远离某物17. hurt oneself 伤害某人自己18. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人19.lift sb. up 举起某人20. cough badly 剧烈地咳嗽3. 必背典句:1.-I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 我认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许开车。-I agree. They arent serious enough. 我同意。他们不够严肃认真。2. -Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. 青少年不应该被允许做兼职工作.-I disagree. They can learn a lot from working. 我不同意。他们可以从工作中学到很多东西。4. 语法知识:含有情态动词的被动语态1. 肯定句:主语+情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词(+by.)。2. 否定句:主语+情态动词+not+be+及物动词的过去分词(+by.)。3. 一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+be+及物动词的过去分词(+by.)?4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(作主语)+情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词(+by.)?特殊疑问词(不作主语)+情态动词+主语+be+及物动词的过去分词(+by.)?人教版英语九全Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.单元测试卷(时间: 90分钟分值: 100分)一单项选择(每小题1.5分,15分)()1. People under 18 shouldnt _ to go to an Internet bar. A. be allowed B. be allow C. allow D. are allowed ()2. Judy wants to get her hair _ in the hairdressers. A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. be cut()3. They stayed at home_ football. A. instead play B instead of play C instead of playing D instead playing()4. The teacher asked the students to stop _and _ him. A. talking, listening to B. to talk, to listen to C. talking, to listen to D. to talk, listening to()5. We should be strict _ourselves and _our study. A. with, with B. with, in C. in, with D. in, in()6. Would you like some more rice? No, thanks. Ive had _. A. full enough B. enough full C. enough D. full()7. My parents ask me to be back _10 p.m. on weekend nights. A. until B. in C. on D. by()8. I believe that all problems can _, not matter how difficult they are. A. solve B. solving C. be solved D. to solve()9. Teenager should learn to look after themselves and manage_own lives. A. them B. their C. theirs D. themselves()10. Only then _the deep love from his parents. A. he understood B. understood he C. did he understand D. he did understand二. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)Peter and Paul had a permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they knew it would be more 11 to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys went away with their tent and food.Carrying their heavy load, the two brothers walked along the riverbank, 12 noticing the distance or the sun beating down. They were eager to reach their destination before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to 13 close to the river at the edge of the woods, but Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. 14 Peter followed his brother deeper into the woods. “This really is a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They 15 the tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way 16 to the river to catch some fish. “Are you sure that this is the right way ?” whispered Peter shakily. “Im sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago. ” Paul walked 17 silently. “Look, there it is again. Were lost, arent we?” complained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didnt know where they were. 18 , they were a long distance from where they were supposed to be. They were not even sure of where they had set up their camp. They set in 19 for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why dont we look for clues(线索)the way trackers do in the movies? We werent careful about how we walked, so Im sure we would have left behind some broken tree branches and leaves. ”Carefully, the boys followed the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off 20 the direction of the river.What would their parents think of their adventure?11. Asurprising Bexciting Cannoying Dfrightening12. Ahardly Bquickly Creally Dproperly13. Alive Blie Cwait Dstay14. Aunfriendly Bunluckily Cunwillingly Duninterestingly15. Aput off Bput on Cput down Dput up16. Aforward Bnear Cback Dfurther17. Aalone Babout Cin Don18. AAfter allBAt last CAbove all DAt first19. Aenjoyment Bsatisfaction Cdisappointment
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