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2006年中考英语模拟试题 III、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 从A、B、C、D 4个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Let the children go away. Theyre making too much _ here. A.noise B.voice C.noisy D.sounds 2. I am reading _ novel . Its _ interesting story. A.a ; an B.a ; a C.the ; the D./ ; a 3. Do you know the woman in the red dress? Certainly. She is Mrs Xu. She teaches _ English. A.our B.us C.we D.ours 4. Mum , could you buy a dress like this ? Of course , we can buy _ one than this , but _ this. A.a better ; better than B.a worse ; as good as C.a cheaper ; as good as D.a more important ; not as good as 5. When he was _ , he wrote the book. A.on his fifties B.in his fifties C.in his fifty D.in the fifties 6. English is widely used _ travelers and business people all over the world. A.to B.for C. as D.by 7. The young lady watched her daughter _ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon. A.to play with B.playing with C.to play D.plays 8. He hardly hurt himself in the accident , _ ? A.doesnt he B.didnt he C.did he D.does he 9. The room is so dirty. _ we clean it ? A.Will B.Would C.Do D.Shall 10. Could you tell me _ the Great Wall? The day after tomorrow , I think. A.when wil you visit B.when you will visit C.when would you visit D.when you would visit 11. Sorry , we already have four people in the car. There _ for the box. A.is a little room B.are no rooms C.is no room D.are few rooms 12. Im afraid you cant go in now. The room _ yet. A.hasnt been cleaned B.hasnt cleaned C.isnt been cleaned D.isnt being cleaned 13. Hurry up! Were all waiting for you. I_ for an important phone all. Go without me. A.wait B.was waiting C.am waiting D.waited 14. Thank you for your car. _. A.Never mind B.Its nice of you C.Not at all D.It doesnt matter 15.Which notice are you sure to see in a zoo?_. II、完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分;满分30分) 通读下面短文。掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 AJim is visiting me a few days. He 16_ last Tuesday , so he has been here for six days. I havent seen him since June , 1992 , but hes just like he always was . He hasnt changed 17 . He talks too much , he eats too much , he smokes too much , and he 18 too late at night.Ive been late for going to bed every night since he got here . Ive listened to him for hours every night . Hes talked about 19 . Hes only been here since Tuesday , and Ive heard his _20 life story . Last night , he talked for several hours about his old schooldays . The night before he talked about his trip 21 Europe . And the night before that he talked about his job . He has had this job for only three months. But he doesnt like it . He wants to find a 22 one . Hes had ten different jobs since 1992 . And he hasnt liked any of them . He said he didnt know _23 he couldnt find a good job . I know what the problem is. I think hes liked his jobs , but his 24 havent liked him . I guess every one hes had since 1992 has thought , “Would you be _ 25 to shut up for a few minutes?” 16、Agot to Breached Carrived at Darrived17、Aa little Ba few Ca lot Dquite18、Aputs up Bgets up Csends up Dstays up19、Anothing Beverything Csomething Danything20、Awhole Ball Csome Dmany21、Aat Bto Con Dfrom22、Ahappy Bgood Cbetter Dbest23、Awhen Bwhere Cwhy Dwhat24、Aworkmates Bteachers Cbosses Dparents25、A. good enough Benough good Ccareful enough Dpolitely enough BAll the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great wish to be the lucky customer. If so, she has not to 26 her shopping. For this was 27 the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said, “ Remember, once a week, one of our customers 28 free goods . This may be your lucky day.”For several weeks, Mrs.Smith hoped , like many of her friends , to be the lucky customer. 29 her friends , she never 30 her hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were 31 things which she didnt need. Her husband tried to stop her , but h
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