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Unit 3A taste of English humour.单项填空 1They were pretty poor but most of their friends were even_.Aricher Bbadly offCworse off Dwell off答案C解析考查形容词及短语辨析。句意为:他们相当穷,但是他们朋友中的大多数的境况甚至更差。由语境可知C项正确。 2Credit cards are_useful when traveling.True.They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.Aparticularly BpartlyCexactly Dgradually答案A解析考查副词辨析。修饰形容词useful,表示程度,所以用particularly,意思是“尤其”。分句句意为:当你外出旅游的时候,信用卡尤其有用。partly部分地;exactly精确地;gradually慢慢地。 3One learns a language by making mistakes and_them.Acorrects BcorrectCto correct Dcorrecting答案D解析并列结构,making与correcting并列。 4My wife_them as honored guests.Aentertained BinterestedCamused Dencouraged答案A解析句意为:我妻子把他们当作尊贵的客人招待。entertain.as.把当招待。 5_I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake.AHardly BDirectlyCMostly DNearly答案B解析directly 用作连词,相当于as soon as“一就”。句意为:我一做完就知道自己犯了一个错误。 6_of the truth of the reports, he told his colleagues about it.AConvincing BConvincedCTo convince DHaving convinced答案B解析be convinced of.确信。句意为:他相信报道的真实性,所以他跟同事说了。7Mary felt_from the outside world, since she lacked an Internet connection and couldnt receive any email.Acut down Bcut inCcut off Dcut out答案C解析cut off切断,断绝,主要指切断供应和与外界的联系。句意为:由于玛丽连接不了因特网,不能接收邮件,她感到与世隔绝。 8The students all wear the same uniform,so its hard for me to _ my son among them.Abring out Bpick outCpick up Dbring up答案B解析句意为:学生们都穿着同样的校服。因此,对我来说在他们当中认出我儿子有点儿难。pick out辨认出,挑选出,符合句意。bring out拿出,阐明;pick up捡起来,接收,学会;bring up教育,培养,抚养。 9The book describes the way of life of the _ people of Mexico.Ageneral BnormalCordinary Dusual答案C解析句意为:这本书描述了墨西哥普通人的生活方式。general强调全体概念,意为“一般的,普通的”;normal指标准等“正常的,通常的”;usual指时间“往常的,平常的”。根据句意,只有ordinary“普通的,平凡的”适合。10I was late,but _ the meeting hadnt begun.Anormally BunfortunatelyCfinally Dfortunately答案D解析句意为:我迟到了,不过幸运的是会议还没开始。normally正常地;unfortunately不幸地;finally最后,最终地;fortunately幸运地。只有fortunately符合句意。11I have told you the truth._I keep repeating it?AMust BCanCMay DWill答案A解析must 必须, 一定;can 可以,能够;may也许;will意愿, 倾向性动作。 前半句说我告诉你事实了, 这里用的是现在完成时, 表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响, 既然我已经说了, 我还必须重复一遍吗?12We were astonished_the temple still in its original condition. (2010辽宁,25)Afinding Bto findCfind Dto be found答案B解析句意为:我们惊讶地发现那座寺庙还是原来那个状况。“主语adj.to do sth.”为固定句式,不定式在句中作原因状语,该句式中的不定式通常用其主动形式。故选B。13Its really a_for a teenager to study abroad after high school.Achallenge BpuzzleCfailure Ddisadvantage答案A解析考查名词词义辨析。句意为:对于一个青少年来说中学毕业后去国外学习确实是个挑战。puzzle难题;failure失败;disadvantage缺点,不利条件,均不符合题意;challenge挑战,符合题意。14The boy is running impatiently here and there as if_something lost on the sports ground.Ato search BsearchingCsearching for Dto search for答案C解析as if doing sth.好像正在做某事;as if to do好像要做某事,且此处应是“寻找某物”,故选C项。15Its said that the famous film star Li Lianjie is to _ the new film.Astar Bbe starredCstar in Dstarring in答案C解析be to do sth.是表示将来时的一种形式,to后要接动词原形,故排除D项;star in担任主角,主演,其后的介词in不能省略。.阅读理解A couple of years ago,in 2008,I got laid off from a decent job at a car dealer.I was with two children.Then I started collecting coupons(优惠券)It was like going back to my early days,when money was tight,and I clipped coupons to save money.Being a single mom is very difficult,especially,with a little or an uncertain child to support.I wanted to do something where I would always have a job regardless of the economy.I have heard from many people that womens beauty salons are almost recession resistant(抗衰退),where women would continue to spend money to look and feel better.So I decided to give that a try and went to a beauty school for a few months.Luckily,I like that kind of work.Getting into this work actually enabled me to see the other side of things.I learned to give great customer service.Whatever things I complained about when I was a customer,I was able to look at those problems,and made sure they did not happen.Later I was promptly hired at a local beauty place.I am doing well,and making good money.The economy did cause our stores income to drop a little,but we didnt have to shut down.All of our coworkers agreed to take a small pay cut so we could stay in business.When the economy improves and people start spending again,I am sure our business will do even better.My message isdont get discouraged if you get laid off.Look around for other opportunities.God shuts one door but he opens another,you know. 1Why did the writer begin to collect coupons?ATo save money.BTo take up a new hobby.CTo remember the old days.DTo give children as play things.答案A解析细节理解题。由首段中的“It was
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