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2014届高三英语人教版大一轮复习讲义教师用书 Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语)1come_about发生come out 出版come up (问题)被提出come_up_with 提出come_across偶遇2quantities_of 大量的a large quantity of 大量的3tend vi.趋向;易于tend to_do倾向于/易于做4result_in 导致lead to /give rise to /contribute_to导致result from因发生5opposed adj.反对的oppose/be opposed_to反对object to反对6consequence n后果as a consequence/in consequence/consequently结果,因此7on the whole大体上,基本上as a whole作为整体8average adj.平均的;n.平均数on average平均9on behalf_of 代表一方represent vt.代表stand for 代表;象征10put_up_with忍受;容忍tolerate/bear/stand忍受;容忍11so long as/as long as只要as soon as 一就12circumstance n情况;环境under/in_no_circumstances无论怎样都不13contribution n贡献make_contributions_to 为做贡献.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1consume vt.消费consumption n消费consumer n消费者2tend vi.趋向tendency n趋向3steady adj.平稳的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地4exist vi.生存;存在existence n生存;存在5commit v做(错事等);犯(罪等)commitment n承诺;交托;信奉6grow v生长;种植growth n增长;生长7present vt.显示;赠送presentation n显示;演出8disagree vi.不同意disagreement n分歧.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1How did it come_about(发生) that so many people subscribe_to(赞成) the idea while others are_opposed_to(反对) it?2Quantities_of(大量的) greenhouse(温室) gases are poured into the air.As a result, the temperature tends(倾向于) to go_up(上升)3Even_if(即使) it is difficult for you, you can make steady(不断的) progress as_long_as(只要) you keep_on(继续) working hard.4On_the_whole(总体而言), the catastrophe(灾难) has resulted_in(造成) over 50 deaths and there is a tendency(趋势) that the number will go_up(增长)5On_behalf_of(代表) our class, I want to tell you we cant put_up_with(忍受) your casual(随意的) manners to us.语境记忆(背诵语段,记忆单元词汇)Quantities of data and graphs indicate a steady widespread famine phenomenon as the consequence of the trend of advocating too much individual consumption.课文原句背诵1Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif_not,_turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着。如果不用就关掉它!2It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing_the_globaltemperature_to_go_up.这就意味着更多的热能会被困在大气层里,从而导致地球温度升高。3This makes_the_greenhouse_heat_up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period.这使得温室变暖,因此植物能在寒冷的时期生长。.单项填空1You can borrow my car_you promise not to drive too fast.(2012江西,31)Aunless Beven if Cin case Das long as答案D解析句意为:你可以借用我的车子只要你承诺不开太快。unless除非,如果不;even if即使;in case万一,以防;as long as只要。显然D项符合句意。(教材原句:It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not,turn it off!)2Look at those clouds!Dont worry._ it rains,well still have a great time. (2012北京,21)AEven if BAs thoughCIn case DIf only答案A解析even if即使,引导让步状语从句;as though好像,引导方式状语从句;in case以防,万一,引导条件状语从句;if only要是就好了,引导虚拟条件句。由题干中的关键信息“Dont worry.”和“.well still have a great time.”可知此处填Even if(即使)。句意为:看那些乌云!别担心。即使下雨,我们仍然会玩得很开心。(教材原句:Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.)3It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa. (2012重庆,32)Awhen Bthat Cafter Dsince答案B解析句意为:郑和航海到东非比哥伦布横渡大西洋早80年。分析题干可知本句是一个强调句,被强调的是“80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic”,根据强调句结构“It is/was被强调部分that剩余部分”可知选B项。(考查单元语法)4I can _ the house being untidy,but I hate it if its not clean. (2011新课标全国,26)Acome up with Bput up withCturn to Dstick to答案B解析句意为:我能忍受这套房子凌乱,但不喜欢它不干净。come up with找到(答案),想出(主意);put up with容忍,忍受;turn to转向,翻页,求助于;stick to坚持。(教材原句:We do not have to put up with pollution.)5The two girls are so alike that strangers find _ difficult to tell one from the other. (2011山东,24)Ait BthemCher Dthat答案A解析句意为:这两个女孩长得如此相像,以致于陌生人觉得很难把她们区分开。本句中it用在find后作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语to tell one from the other。them,her,that等词均不能作形式宾语或形式主语。(考查单元语法)6Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big _,but now I know it was the best decision I ever made. (2011湖北,22)Aproject BcommitmentCcompetition Dambition答案B解析句意为:放弃我的工作并重新接受全日制教育是一个重大的决定,但现在我知道这是我做过的最好决定。project项目;commitment承诺,投入,花费;competition比赛;ambition志向。根据句意可知应选B项。(教材原句:There are many people who have a commitment.).完形、阅读英译汉1While both men and women tend to focus on rewards and less on consequences under stress, their responses to risk turn out to be different.(2012北京阅读C)尽管男人与女人都更注重压力之下他们得到什么回报而不注重压力会带来什么后果,但是他们对冒险的反应不同。2Trees,handrails,hallways, and sign posts are not for bicycle parking, and parking in such spots can result in a fine. (2012天津阅读A)树下,栏杆处,大厅和标志牌下都不得停放自行车,否则就要被罚款。3After considering this phenomenon, I
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