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初中英语测试题(全套含答案)一单项填空1I dont think Mary and Sue before, ? Ahave met;havent they B.have met;have theyChave seen;do I Dhave seen;dont they2As your spoken English gets better, your written English. Aso does B.so will Csuch does Dsuch will3If you dont go, I. Aso do B.so will Cnor do Dneither shall4I still remember being taken for the first time a rainy evening to the village where my mother was born. Ain BatCon Dduring5Jack is a hard working boy. . Athis BNor is he CSo he is DNeither he is6How do you find to work with him? Athis Bthat Cit Dyour self7Its nice me with my lessons. Aof you to help Bfor you to helpCof you helping Dfor you helping8His “Selected Words” in his thirties. Ahave been written Bhas been writtenCwere written Dwas written9Mary ill for a week.She is still in hospital. Ahas been B.has fallen Cwas Dfell10 will his birthday be?-In a week. AHow far B.How long CHow soon DHow often11There are only two assistants in that shop. Awoman;shoe Bwomen;shoeCwoman;shoes Dwomen;shoes12The Whites are holiday,but Idont know where they have gone their holidays. Ain;for B.on;for Cfor;in Dat;on13 is it since you came to this school? AHow soon BHow oftenCHow far DHow long14My father had me the house the whole afternoon yesterday. Acleaning Bto clean Ccleaned Dto be cleaned15 a man doesnt mean the man. AKnowing;knowing about BKnowing;to know aboutCKnowing about;to know DKnow about ;know16Such people you described are rare now. Aas BwhoCthatDwhich17I demand that one of you there at once. Awill go B.goCmust goDhave to go18How I wish it now! Awere not raining Bhadnt been rainingCdoesnt rain Disnt raining19This is chance to be lost. Atoo good B.too a good Ctoo good a Da too good20Careless driving him his life. Atook Bspent Ccost Dpaid二完形填空Learn from Madam CurieLast night I saw the film“Madam Curie”in the school theatre. As I was(1) in bed that night,the scenes from the film(2)before my eyes again and again.Madam Curies beautiful face and(3)attracted me.What(4)me most in the film was her patience and perseverance (坚忍不拔的恒心).(5)her experiments, Madam Curie(6)to believe that there was a kind of element in the world which was not yet known to (7).She called it “radium.”Later,in order to(8)radium from the ore(矿石)she spent four years doing hard,heavy work.The(9)of the laboratory (10)to her to do research work were very poor.(11),Madam Curie(12)working hard without a single(13)of complaint(委屈).Once she checked and rechecked her (14)200 times.And she repeated some experiments over 5,000 times.Finally the (15)came.Madam Curie at last (16)in 1902I was(17)moved by Madam Curies(18).She loved science and (19)herself to it completely.And I (20)to think of us youth today.Life now is very(21)for us thanks to highly (22)science and technology.But you will often find many young men have no (23)in their lives,and many people pay little(24)to their work.“Madam Curie”made me think a lot.I hope that it will also make other young men think. Of course,I hope still more that others will follow her(25)just as I will.1A.standing B.sleepingClying Dworking 2A.appeared B.were showed Cflashed Dsettled 3A.strength B.shower Cpossession Ddeeds 4A.won Bseized Ctouched Dsatisfied 5A.Except for B.ThroughCBecause of DUnder 6A.tried BmanagedCcane Dused 7A.her Bus Cmany menDmankind 8A.picked out B.chose CseparateDselected 9A.techniques B.conditions Clights Dsituation 10A.given Bsold Clent Dposted 11A.Also BHoweverCAnd DOr 12A.considered B.enjoyedCkept on Dfinished 13A.request B.explanation Csing Dword 14A.answers B.goals Cexperiments Dresults 15A.day BprogressCaccidentDcelebration 16A.succeeded B.changedCwon Ddied 17A.frequently B.gradually Cdeeply Dgreatly 18A.courage B.fortuneCeducation Dspirit 19A.directed B.hired Chelped Ddevoted 20A.used Bbegan Cstopped Dhad 21A.hard Binteresting Cconfortable Dquiet 22A.de
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