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杨杨英语老师课堂2014外研版 必修五 module1必背单词1.accent n. 口音 2.obvious adj. 显然的; 3.underground n. (英)地铁 4.confusing adj.令人困惑的;5.compare vt.比较 6.omit vt. 省略7.variety n. 种类 8.differ vi. 不同;有区别 8.settler n. 移民;定居者 9.remark n. 评论;讲话 10.variation n. 变化 11.steadily adv.持续地 12.satellite n. 卫星 13.switch n. 开关 14.lead to 引起;导致 15.structure n. 结构;体 6.rapidly adv. 迅速地 17.announcement n. 声明 18.edition n. 版 19.cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 20.add vt. 加;增加 21in favour of 同意;支持 22.present vt. 陈述 23.refer to as 称为 24.attempt n. 努力;尝试 25.simplify vt. 简化 26.combination n. 组合 27.thanks to 幸亏,多亏 29.distinctive adj.与众不同 30.criticize vt. 批评 31.standard adj. 标准的 32.reference n. 参考;查阅 重点短语1.confuse A with/and B 把 A和 B相混淆 2.compare. . .with. . . 和比较3.variety of=varieties of 各种各样的杨杨英语老师课堂4.have sth.in common (with sb./sth.) 和某人或某物有相同之处. 5.make a difference 有关系;有重要性;6.be similar to 与相似7.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有些/很多困难8.quene up站队重点知识讲解1. except 和 except for的区别 (1) except表示“除去,不包括” ,强调所排除的“不包括在内” ,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同 nothing, all, none, nobody, any等不定代词以及 every连用。 The office is open every day except Sundays. 除了星期日这家公司每天都营业。 except that+句子(2)except for也表示“除以外” ,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最后一题外,所有题目我都可以解答。 Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。2. divideinto指把整体分成若干个部分例句:please divide our class into 4 group.3. Read the passage and find four ways in which British and America are fifferent.The way 的用法杨杨英语老师课堂意为方式,方法 ,作先行词,在定语从句中做状语时,引导词用 that 或 in which,或不加引导词。I dont like the way you spoke to her.Way在句子中做主语,宾语时,引导词用 that 或 which4. Americans use a flashlight, while for the British,its a torch.While在句中用作连词,连接两个句子,意为而,然而You like tennis, while Id rather read.5. sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing.有时候,同一个单词在意义上有一点细微的差别,这会让人困惑。本课语法:which 引导的非限制性定语从句Confusing, confuse sb , be confused about,get confused6. after all,放在句首或句中意为毕竟,终究 ,用来说服或提醒对方例句:Mary didnt pass the exam,but after all, she had done her best.7. as much as意思是多达.,.之多The price of clothes is as much as 500 RMB.这套衣服的价格高达 500元8. it+be+adj+(for sb.)to do sth例句:its difficult for us to pass the exam.对我们来说通过这次考试是困难的。原句是:to pass the exam is difficult for us.但是为了避免头重脚轻,用it来做形式主语,真正的主语放在后面。9. suggest意为建议,提议时它所引导的宾语从句或由它做谓语的主语从句都杨杨英语老师课堂必须用虚拟语气,即 should+动词原形。He suggested that we should start out earlier.他建议我们早些动身,实际上动身的这个动作还没有发生当它意为暗示,表明,启发宾语从句需用陈述语气,主谓动作一致。His smile on his face suggested that he did well in the test.(已经做过的事情).单词荟萃1. _ adj.使人困惑的 _ adj. 感到困惑的confuse v使人困惑;混淆2. _v. 不同,有区别 different adj. 有区别的,不同的 _ n. 区别,差异3. _ n. 种类variation n. 变化 _ adj.各种各样的 _ v. 变化,不同4. _n通告;宣告;通知 _ vt.通告,宣告announcer n广播员,播音员5add v增加 _ n. 增添,增加 _ adj.附加的,另外的_ adv. 另外6. _ v. 简化 simple adj.简单的 _ adv.简单地,仅仅7. combination n. 组合,结合_ v. 组合,结合8. _v批评 _ n. 批评 critical adj. 批评的9. _n. 参考,查阅 refer v谈及,提及,涉及,参考.佳句再现1. It doesnt _ a teacher speaks British _ American 杨杨英语老师课堂English.老师说英国英语还是说美国英语没有多大影响。2. The other two areas _ the two varieties _ are spelling and pronunciation.在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。3. The British use prepositions _ Americans sometimes _ them英国人使用介词的地方,美国人有时省略4When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw _ _ that the British and the Americans are two nations _ by a common language, he was obviously _ the differences.当爱尔兰作家萧伯纳讲那句名言英国和美国是被同一种语言分开的两个民族的时候,他显然想到了他们的区别。5. _ , there is probably _ of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.毕竟,两个国家境内的口音差别可能跟两个国家之间的口音差别一样多。6A Londoner _ a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人讲话可能比听懂纽约人讲话更难。7This nonstop communication, the experts think, _ for British people and Americans _ .专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国人和美国人彼此理解变得更容易了。8But it has also _ lots of American words and structures _ British English, _ some people now believe that British 杨杨英语老师课堂English will disappear. 但是,这也导致了大量的美语单词和结构进入英式英语。结果,现在许多人都认为英式英语将会消失。9. _it was selling one million copies a year, _ one of the most popular school books _ .到 19世纪 50年代时,这本书每年都销售一百万册,使它成为最受欢迎的学校用书之单项选择1. Do you know the difficulty I had the work?A. on finishing B. to finish C. finishing D. having finished2. I know nothing about the young lady_she is from Beijing.A. except B. except for C. except that D.besides3. His_story made us_A. confusing , confused B. confu
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