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贸 世 朐 断课题名称 贸 世 朐 断 Module 6 Films and TV programmes ( Reading )贸 世 朐 断贸 世 朐 断Teaching Aims:贸 世 朐 断Learn some useful words and expressions about films.贸 世 朐 断Train the students listening speaking reading and writing abilities.贸 世 朐 断Learn about the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and make sure the students can have a film review.贸 世 朐 断Teaching focus and difficulties: 贸 世 朐 断Help the students to understand the passage better and know the general idea of it. 贸 世 朐 断Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period. 贸 世 朐 断How to promote the students reading and listening strategies and co-operation study. 贸 世 朐 断Teaching procedure. 贸 世 朐 断I.Lead -in 贸 世 朐 断A.Do you like seeing films? 贸 世 朐 断B.What types (类型)of films do you like best? 贸 世 朐 断The teacher may show some film posters to the students and introduce the types of film.贸 世 朐 断C.Revise some words related to films.1.sword 2.actress 3.character 4.female 5.male 6.masterpiece 7.fianc 8.rooftop 9.leap 10.graceful 11.interest 12.brave 13moving 贸 世 朐 断II.Listening comprehension. 贸 世 朐 断Listen to the first and last paragraph and answer the following questions. 贸 世 朐 断1.The director of the film is_贸 世 朐 断2.Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are _ great art.贸 世 朐 断3.Films like this _ reach the cinema.贸 世 朐 断4.Whats the writers attitude (态度)towards the film? A. Like B. Dislike 贸 世 朐 断Please write down some words you or sentences you hear to support your choice! 贸 世 朐 断_贸 世 朐 断III. Reading comprehension. 贸 世 朐 断Step 1.Skimming:Match each paragraph with its main idea.(3minutes) 贸 世 朐 断Paragraph 1 A. plot(情节)and setting 背景 贸 世 朐 断Paragraph 2 B. review(评论) on the film 贸 世 朐 断Paragraph 3 C. characters (人物)of the film 贸 世 朐 断Paragraph 4 D. director (导演) 贸 世 朐 断Paragraph 5 E. type (类型)of the film 贸 世 朐 断Step 2: Careful Reading 贸 世 朐 断A.True or False 贸 世 朐 断1.Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon is a masterpiece of martial arts film. 贸 世 朐 断2. Now wuxia films are popular only in China. 贸 世 朐 断3.The story is mainly about how Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian tried to get back a stolen sword. 贸 世 朐 断4.Chow Yun-Fat played wonderfully in the film and the part Li Mubai interests the audience most. 贸 世朐 断5. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is really an excellent film. 贸 世 朐 断贸 世 朐 断B.Choose the best answer 贸 世 朐 断1.Audience shout in surprise because_贸 世 朐 断A. The characters leap through the air every now and then.贸 世 朐 断B. The action takes place on Peking rooftops 贸 世 朐 断C. The action takes place in the deserts of western China 贸 世 朐 断D. The story is so exciting and moving 贸 世 朐 断2. From Paragraph 4, we can see that Chow Yun-Fat _贸 世 朐 断A. is only good at a sword 贸 世 朐 断B. is only good at a gun 贸 世 朐 断C. is as good with a sword as with a gun 贸 世 朐 断D. is better with a sword than a gun 贸 世 朐 断3.As in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then.The underlined word character has the same meaning as _贸 世 朐 断A. Chinese characters are more difficult in writing than English characters. 贸 世 朐 断B. The main character of the book is a young girl called Mary.贸 世 朐 断C. There is a serious side to her character, that is to say, sometimes she is strict.贸 世 朐 断D. In only ten years the whole character of the school has changed. 贸 世 朐 断IV.Summary 贸 世 朐 断Para1 Director Ang Lee The result is a _贸 世 朐 断Para2 Type The film _ _ a type of Chinese story called wuxia. Wuxia films are now as _ in China as in the west .贸 世 朐 断Para3 A.Setting(背景) 贸 世 朐 断When: The story takes place_贸 世 朐 断Where:The action takes place: 贸 世 朐 断贸 世 朐 断B.Plot(情节) Try to retell (复述)the plot of the film 贸 世 朐 断Para4 Match each character with the brief description 贸 世 朐 断贸 世 朐 断Xiulian is a young woman who is not as good as she seems.贸 世 朐 断Yu Jiaolong is good with a sword and loves Xiulian.贸 世 朐 断Li Mubai is brave,good and strong. 贸 世 朐 断Para5. Review 贸 世 朐 断Summary:Finish the following passage according to the review.贸 世 朐 断The director is _. The film belongs to_, which is popular in the west too.The story takes place in _ in China. The charactersXiulian, mubai and jiaolong, are connected by _.It is _ by Yu Jiaolong who is young but _. Xiulian and mubai try to _. Xiulian is _, good and strong and mubai is as good with a sword as he is with a _. They _ with each other.During the story of getting back the sword the love between them developed.The film is _ and it can make your _ leap with excitement at its beauty.贸 世 朐 断V.Writing.How to write a film review. Finish it 贸 世 朐 断Title:_贸
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