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高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义外研版必修三Module 2知识详解1 measure v测量;评估;测定 n尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施(回归课本P12)What does the Human Development Index measure?人类发展指数是测量什么的?12归纳总结例句探源Education shouldnt be measured purely by examination results.教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。I would rather have my clothes made to my own measure than buy those which are readymade.我宁愿让人根据我自己的尺寸定制衣服也不愿意买现成的。The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。Her work has improved beyond measure.她的工作已大有进步。即境活用1It is amazing that the little boy can swim_the river_100 meters wide.Aacross;measuringBover;measuredCacross;measure Dthrough;measuring解析:选A。across表示从表面上穿过;over指越过;through指从中间穿过,所以第一空用across;第二空用现在分词作定语,修饰the river。 本句意为“那小男孩能游过一百米宽的河真是了不起。”2.Its high time we_effective_to improve your working conditions.Atook;measures Bmade;measuresCdid;measure Dhad;measure解析:选A。考查固定短语take measures to do.表示“采取措施干”。本句意为“该是我们采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件的时候了。”2 position n地点,位置;姿势;地位;立场,处境;职位(回归课本P12)The UK is in the thirteenth position,while China is in the middle of the list.英国排在第十三位,而中国排在中间位置。归纳总结in a.position处于的地位/处境be in/out of position在/不在适当的位置be in a position to do sth.(因有能力、金钱或权力而)能做某事take up(ones)position就位shift ones position改变立场例句探源This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position.这使他和同事们处于困难的境地。When I know all the facts,Ill be in a position to advise you.在我了解所有的事实之后,我就能给你提出建议了。She held the position of sales manager.她担任销售经理的职务。After the shelves were in position ,we realized wed forgotten to paint them.把那些架子放好之后,我们才意识到忘记给它们上漆了。易混辨析state,condition,situation,position(1)state 多表示身体、心理状况,也可表示物质的状态。(2)condition表示周围的工作、学习等的环境、条件(常用复数);表示身体条件(多为不可数)。(3)situation表示政治上的形势、局面;表示公司或集团的总状况、处境等。(4)position处境、情势 (尤指影响自己的行动能力);也可用来表示政治上的形势、局面,不如situation正式。He applied for the position of assistant manager in the big company.She is in no condition to travel.The economic situation of the country is disastrous.Water has three states:solid,liquid and steam.即境活用3(高考陕西卷)From their_on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city.Astage BpositionCcondition Dsituation解析:选B。考查名词辨析。stage“(进展的)阶段,时期”;position“位置,职位”;condition“情况,条件”;situation“情况,形势,情景”。句意:从他们所在的电视塔顶的位置,游客们可以更好地观看这座城市。这里明显说的是位置,所以用position。4.Before entering the room,I was asked to show the soldier the_of my suitcase.Acontents BshapeCposition Dinstructions解析:选A。句意:在进屋之前,战士让我出示一下手提箱里的东西。content内容,容纳物;shape形状;position位置;instructions指示,说明。故A项符合。3 figure n数字;图形;人物;身材 v计算;认为,以为(回归课本P13)Complete the chart with figures from the passage.用短文中的数字完成表格。归纳总结例句探源His score is now well into double figures.他的得分现在已达到两位数了。I figured that he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to drive.我认为他喝醉了,不应该让他开车。(高考安徽卷)Ask some openended questions,which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy.问一些开放式的问题,这将使你弄清楚他希望达到什么意图。即境活用5.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to_ its reality.Amake up Bfigure outClook through Dput off解析:选B。句意是:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费一段时间才能弄清楚它的真实情况。make up组成;编造;弥补;look through温习;仔细查看;浏览;put off推迟。6完成句子Can you _it?你能弄明白如何做这事吗?答案:figure out how to do4 exchange v & n交换;调换;兑换;交易(回归课本P19)There are visits and exchanges between schools,theatre groups and sports teams.双方的学校、戏剧团体和体育代表团队之间进行互访和交流。归纳总结例句探源He exchanged the plough for the sword.他以犁换剑(化干戈为玉帛)。Will you exchange seats with me?你愿意同我调换座位吗?An exchange of opinions is helpful.相互交换意见是有益的。Lets make an exchange.Youll clean my room,and Ill do the shopping for you.让我们做个交换,你为我打扫房间,我为你买东西。(牛津P691)Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?用我的旧电视换这架照相机,你愿意吗?即境活用7I have offered to paint the house _ a weeks accommodation.Ain exchange forBwith regard toCby means of Din place of解析:选A。句意是:我主动提出粉刷这所房子,条件是让我免费吃住一周。空白处要用in exchange for表示“作为交换”。with regard to关于;by means of凭借手段;in place of代替。5 make efforts努力,尽力(回归课本P12)The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts.报告显示我们一直在进步,但我们还需要付出更大的努力。归纳总结例句探源Every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raised at the last meeting.正尽一切努力处理你在上次会议上提出的问题。Frank put a lot of effort into the preparations for the party.弗兰克花了很大力气来准备这次聚会。We will spare no effort to host the Shanghai Expo.我们将尽一切力量举办上海世博会。(牛津P641)With effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住了笑。即境活用8Every effort should be_to save the boys life.AtakenBdone Cmade Dgiven解析:选C。考查固定搭配make every effort to do.表示“尽一切努力做”,本句意为“应该尽一切努力来挽救那个男孩的生命。”9.完成句子She_(尽力)to be nice to her boss.解析:本句意为“她努力讨好她的老板。”答案:made an effort6 be connected w
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