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【精选】英语我的爸爸作文合集九篇【精选】英语我的爸爸作文合集九篇在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是整理的英语我的爸爸作文9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英语我的爸爸作文 篇1My father is 37 years old, he has a pair of bright and piercing eyes, eyes there are some years left traces. Dads hair is very short, he said it can be convenient to wash your hair. In my mind, he always wore the dirty clothes, two hands very rough, a look to know his work is very hard.You do not see him usually always laughing, in fact, I was very harsh. Dad said, do not ask me to test the first class, as long as the first few to enter the line on the line. I remember one time I careless, only test eighty points. On the way home from school, my heart like fifteen bucket water - seven on eight. Back home, my father asked me how many points test, I scared not speak. Dad took me past, said to me: I usually teach you how, how can you afford me, how worthy of working hard in the mother abroad? Dads words let me shed tears of pain.Although my father is harsh, but the heart is very hurt me.I remember once, my father took me to the park to play. After getting out of the car, I walked for a moment to feel a little tired. Dad seeing me busy said: Lin Yu, I come back you walk it! Then he squatted down, let me climb up his big back. I was lying on the back of my father very comfortable to touch his hair, in the suns exposure, I saw the fathers head has a silver-like hair like hair. My heart slightly dengkou a bit, thinking, how so fast father began to old? I secretly shed tears, and my heart silently said: Dad, I must learn, grow up and reward your parenting!In fact, my fathers love for me far more than this little bit. My mother went abroad for three years, my father both when the father and when the mother, the tube I eat, drink, play . . Dads hard is unspeakable.英语我的爸爸作文 篇2四方脸,浓浓的眉毛下面有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。手指粗而短,粗看好像比别人少一节似的。这就是我的爸爸,我的爸爸是一个爱动脑筋的人。A square face, a pair of bright eyes under thick eyebrows. Fingers thick and short, rough look as if less than others. This is my father, my father is a brain.有一次,上级来爸爸的厂里检查工作。正巧一只零件上的一根管子似的东西坏了,一时没有地方买,怎么办呢?厂里的人们急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,爸爸也不例外。突然,爸爸灵机一动,自言自语地说:“有了!”他向领导说了一下自己的意见,领导同意了,他就做起实验来。原来,他想把温度表用火烘软了,然后再弯成那个坏了的零件的样子。做了一次、一次、又一次,一连做了三次,都没有成功。做最后一次的时候,他更加认真细心了,终于成功了。On one occasion, the superior came to inspect the work in his fathers factory. It happened that something like a pipe on a part was broken and that there was no place to buy it at the moment. What should I do? The people in the factory were as anxious as ants in the hot pan, and dad was no exception. Suddenly, Dad had a brainwave and said to himself, yes.! He gave his opinion to the leader, and the leader agreed, so he started the experiment. It turned out that he wanted to cool the thermometer and then bend it into the broken part. Done once, again, again, three times in succession, without success. For the last time, he was more careful and careful, and finally succeeded.我的爸爸外貌虽然不出众,但是我喜欢他,因为他喜欢动脑筋。Although my fathers appearance is not outstanding, but I like him, because he likes to use his head.英语我的爸爸作文 篇3Everyone knows that father loves mountains, maternal love water. These love is not life for life, these people are life is worth your love.-InscriptionI am a child of a rural family, but my education can be compared with the city, my dear father asked me strict, he taught me a man, an accident, want me to be a moral, intellectual, physical, The development of good boy. He worked hard for us all day, that face full of frosty face covered with wrinkles, he and his mother bitter to our brothers and sisters pull big, but also to cultivate us as the pillars of the country, to our best school, Wear the best clothes and .Every time I do wrong, you always have a harsh look at me, until I know so far; often I test bad, you will use the warmest big hands touch my head, kindly said: It does not matter , When a test smashed does not mean always test smashed ah. When I was good, I said to you: This test has become the past, can be said to become history, you can not be proud, must for the next one Papers and work ah! In fact, my father for my mouth I understand, because I also know that modesty makes progress, proud of behind Well, is my father to my self, is my father to my heart . . in the fathers We will be able to succeed in our minds.My father let me practice calligraphy, to participate in military training . . these are that hes my share of my selfless love ah! He let me understand a hard work, a harvest truth, let me understand hard to Let me know Paul Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom from bitter cold meaning.Dear Dad, you have conquered me with your own labor; you have touched me with your own smile; you have inspired me with the greatest love. I love you - kindly daddy.英语我的爸爸作文 篇4My Dear Father我亲爱的父亲I have a good father. I like him very muc
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