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TPM METHOD,TPM,GLOBAL INDICATOR: THE TRS,TPM,RELIABILITY INDICATOR,TPM,RELIABILITY INDICATOR = MTBF (mean time between failure,TPM,BREAKDOWNS AND MICRO-STOPPAGES,TPM,DATA COLLECTIONS,BREAKDOWN RECORDS OF THE LAST 6 MONTHS PRODUCTION NOTEBOOKS OPERATOR EXPERIENCE THE DATE OF THE LAST TECHNICAL MODIFICATION DONE ON ONE PART OF THE MACHINE,Pareto of unsolved breakdowns of the last 12 months Eliminate from this database the solved breakdowns Priority is to solve breakdowns that represent the highest stoppages Repetitive breakdowns must be highlighted,breakdown1,breakdown2,breakdown3,breakdown4,breakdown5,breakdown6,TPM : Breakdowns,Pareto analysis of breakdowns,TPM: BREAKDOWNS,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM: BREAKDOWNS,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM: BREAKDOWNS,WEEKLY MEETING,SUBJECT: breakdowns encountered during the week PARTICIPANTS: supervisor and maintenance technician GOAL: ensure that the definitive measures have been implemented to avoid any recurrence of breakdowns PLAN: weekly breakdown inventory for the past week examine causes actions to be implemented,TPM,MICRO-STOPPAGES : CHARACTERISATION,Shut-down 5mn Often No records Little or no perception by the group Easy start-up without elimination of the cause (suppression of the effect) Unidentified cause Little motivation to eliminate them because little perceived impact on production Strongly involves the operators and automatic installation people for tasks without Added Value,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM,ROLE OF THE OPERATOR,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Carry out production operations correctly and set up the machine Do inspection of the machine everyday Maintain the performance of the machine Cleaning, Greasing,Tightening Apply the self maintenance routine sheets Communicate with maintenance department Carry out the counting of micro-stoppage registration sheets Carry out the recording of micro-stoppages causes Participate with engineering and trial of new equipment,TPM,ROLE OF THE OPERATOR,CURATIVE MAINTENANCE Prepare the machine conditions for repair Give their feelings about the machine and their opinions about the working conditions Assist technicians during repair and heavy maintenance Participate in PSG to identify solutions for micro-stoppage and breakdown,TPM: MICRO-STOPPAGES,OPERATOR TRAINING,TPM,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Train and assist the operators Improve the reliability of the machine and standardise identical equipment capability, features cycle time Improve maintainability Do technical inspection that need expertise Continuous improvement of maintenance organization Participate in the engineering of new equipment,ROLE OF THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT,TPM,Examples of visual means Position markings (machines, tooling, tools, products, etc.) Colour coding by function, product or workshop Light paint on dirty objects Cupboards without doors Etc,VISUAL ORGANISATION,Experience analysis,EXAMPLES,Obvious TPM,Visual mark for Min and Max levels Mark to locate the stop position of a mobile part of a machine Red mark for pressure manometer Important screws with nut tightening are repaired with visual mark (see 2 on page 49) Grease locations are highlighted with arrows, numbered and coloured Part list is labelled on containers (oil tank, pump for greasing operations.,EXAMPLES,Obvious TPM,FIELD APPLICATION,TPM,PILOT WORKSHOP,CRITERIA Line or bottle-neck machines (in order to gain capacity and availability) Presenting a low MTBF Strongly penalising the flow Semi-automatic installations consisting of manual workstations (the activity of the operator depends upon the good functioning of the installation,schedules,Preliminary 5S operations implementation of cleaning procedure implementation of inspection procedure visual organisation TPM methodology TRS measure MTBF measure Treatment of breakdowns Treatment of micro-stoppages Complement the preventive maintenance procedure,TPM,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,TPM WORKSHOPS RESULTS,FEEDBACK TO DESIGN,specification book,set up / start of the machine,Updating of preventive routine datasheet,Collection of experience,Building of preventive maintenance booklet,FMECA,5S,TPM,Supplier advices,breakdown Micro-stoppages,Quality,Safety,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ELABORATION,FMECA,TPM: FMECA,Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis Tool to improve understanding of the working conditions and the stop risks of a machine Identify the weak parts of a machine Study effects of failure (Reliability Maintainability Risk Safety) Study and plan solutions for corrective and preventive actions to improve reliability Rules to operate the machine to its optimum,TPM: FMECA,Thinking approach,CAUSE : Why did it occur ? EFFECT : What has happened according to the machine operator ? The machine itself ,TPM: FMECA,Quotation,Gravity,value,Minor,Midle,Critical,disastrous,Repair time,5 min,Repair time between 5 &15mn,Repair time between 15 &60mn,Re
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