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英语:Unit4 Lesson 29-32重难点解析(冀教版八下)一. 教学内容:Unit 4 Look into Science!Lesson 29 Lesson 32 1. 单词和短语n. easter hunt basket match candleholder oxygenv. hunt hide(hid/hidden) burn(burned, burnt/burned, burnt) light(lit, lighted/lit, lighted)adv. everywhere adj. shallow use up one-fifth2. 语法一般将来时3. 语言目标(1)The force is strong enough to hold the water.(2)Its time for lunch.二. 重点、难点分析1. hunt v.n.打猎,搜寻 Mr. Black often goes hunting. 布莱克先生经常去打猎。 hunt for搜寻 Im hunting for my lost book. 我正在寻找丢失的书。 hunt after追猎 Tom is hunting after a monkey. 汤姆在追赶那只猴子。2. make for为安排,设计 make是一个多义词。咱们来归纳一下该词的用法: The girl is making paper flowers. 那个女孩在折纸花。(make制作,造) He had to sell vegetables to make a living. 他不得不卖菜谋生。(make获取,赚得) You should make the bed yourself. 你应当自己整理床铺。(make整理,收拾) Please make fire for him. 请为他生上火。(make 布置,准备) The news made us very happy. 那消息使我们兴奋异常。(make使,使成为) Five and five makes ten. 5加5等于10。(make使,构成)3. cousin堂兄(弟);堂姐(妹);表兄(弟);表姐(妹) first cousin亲堂(表)兄(弟,姐,妹) second cousin远房,叔伯堂(表)兄(弟,姐,妹)。 4. hide躲,藏,隐蔽 Dont hide behind me. Its your turn!不要躲在我的后面。该你了! Look! The dog is hiding behind the chair. 瞧!小狗正藏在椅子后面。5. everywhere adv. 到处,处处,等于here and there。 I looked for it everywhere,but I cant find it. 我到处找,但是没能找到。 n. 处处,到处People come here from everywhere. 人们从各地来到这儿。 6. gone为动词go的过去分词,在本句中转变为形容词,表示状态,“消失了,不见了”。 I looked for the boy,but he was gone. 我刚才找那个孩子,但不知道他哪里去了。The book Jack put here is gone. 刚才杰克放在这儿的那本书不见了。7. keepburning 使燃烧。keep sth. (sb. )doing使某物(某人)保持做某动作。 Dont keep the water falling. 不要再让水继续流了。 She kept me holding the jar with my hand. 她让我一直用手握着瓶子。8. science自然科学,scientist科学家。 I bought a book on science last week. 我上周买了一本科学方面的书。 We are learning the knowledge about science. 我们正在学习科学知识。 Wang Peng loves science very much. He wants to be a scientist. 王鹏非常喜欢科学。他想成为一名科学家。9. shallow adj. 浅的。其反义词为:deep深的。 Please pass me a shallow dish(plate). 请递给我一个浅盘。 The river is very shallow. 这条河很浅。 The idea of the passage is very shallow. I can understand it. 这篇短文的意思很浅显,我能读懂它。10. light the candle点亮蜡烛,意同make the candle burn“使蜡烛燃烧”。 light是一个兼类词,共同分析比较其意义及用法: (1)light n.光,光线,为不可数名词;电灯,为可数名词。 The moon light comes into the room through the window. 月光透过窗子照进了房间。 Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave. 当你离开的时候不要忘了关灯。 (2)light adj. 颜色浅的(反义词dark);(分量)轻的(反义词heavy) Rose likes the light green skirt. 罗斯喜欢那条淡绿色的裙子。 The bag is very light. Mary can carry it easily. 那个包很轻。玛丽能轻易地把它搬起来。 (3)light v. 点燃,照亮 Its time to light up. 该点灯了。 Its cold in the room. Lets light a fire. 房间里太冷了,咱们把火生起来吧。11. burn v.& n. (1)vt. 烧;点着,烧毁,烧伤;烫伤 burn gas烧煤气 I burned my hand yesterday. 昨天我烧伤了手。 burn with anger怒火中烧 (2)vi. 燃烧;点着,发热;放光,烧毁;烧焦 Wood burns easily. 木头容易燃烧。 He was burning with fever. 他正发着烧。 The milk was burning. 牛奶烧焦了。 (3)n. 烧伤;灼伤 burns on her hand她手上的烧伤的疤痕 (4)短语 burn away烧毁;烧掉;烧光。 The candle had burnt away. 蜡烛已烧完。 burn down烧毁,常用于被动语态。 The building was burnt down and only ashes were left. 那座建筑物被烧毁了,只留下了灰烬。12. carefully adv. 仔细地,认真地,小心地 care n. 细心.careful adj. 细心的,认真的。注意这三个词的关系。 care(n.)fulcareful(adj.) careful(adj.)lycarefully(adv. ) Jenny is a careful girl. She does everything carefully. 詹妮是一个认真的女孩。她做任何事情都非常仔细。 Brian put the jar on the table carefully. 布莱恩小心地把瓶子放在桌子上。13. as在本文中的意义为“当的时候”。as是一个有着多重意义的单词。Please do it again as I did 请像我做的那样再做一遍。(as像一样)As it is late,I have to leave now. 由于天太晚了,我得走了。(as由于,因为)You will find the building as you reach the end of the street. 当你走到这条街的尽头,你就会看到那座大楼。(as当时候)14. use up用光,耗尽。up表示完全,彻底。He was hungry and ate up the bread. 他饿了,把面包全吃光了。(eat up吃光) Jim used up his money to buy the computer. 吉姆为了买电脑花光了所有的钱。【拓展】eat up吃光。The crops were eaten up. 庄稼被吃光了。drink up喝光。He drank up all the water. 他把水全喝光了。 15. one-fifth五分之一我们来归纳一下分数的表达方法:分数由分子及分母两部分构成。用英语表达时,分子用基数词形式,分母用序数词形式。若分子为1,则分母的序数词为单数形式,若分子大于1,则分母的序数词用复数形式。如:one third,三分之一one fifth,五分之一 a halfthree fourths,四分之三,或者three quarters two fifths,五分之二, two and three fifths 二又五分之三16. surprise v.使某人大吃一惊;n. 惊奇。 Jack hid behind the door,he wanted to surprise his friend. 杰克藏在门后边,他想使他的朋友大吃一惊。 To our surprise,the cardboard can keep the water in! 使我们惊奇的是,纸板竟然能把水控制在里面! 【拓展】(1)surprised是surprise的过去分词形式,可以作为形容词使用,通常作表语,表示人的状态,“吃惊的”。All of them were surprised at the UFO. 他们都对不明飞行物感到吃惊。Were you surprised when he came back?他回来的时候你感到吃惊吗?(2)surprising令人惊讶的;令人吃惊的,通常物作主语。The news is very surprising. 这消息令人惊讶。17. need v.需要。比较一下need to do sth. 与need doing sth. (1)need to do sth. 主语为人,表示“某人需要做某事”。You need to arrive there in time. 你需要及时赶到那里。We need to prepare for th
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