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高中英语| 必备习语大全 1 / 4 高中英语| 必备习语大全 1 与动物相关的习语 1、a big fish 大人物 In the city I was nothing, but in the country I was considered a big fish. 在城里我并不是什么大人物,但是在乡下我被认为是个了不起的人物。 2、cat nap 打瞌睡 I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon. 我试着在每个周日的下午小睡一会儿。 3、monkey business 猢狲把戏 He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher. 他告诉那些男孩子不要再胡闹,不然他就叫老师。 4、rat race 激烈的竞争 I m so tired of the rat race. I d love to retire and move to the country. 这里竞争过于激烈,让人感到精疲力竭,我打算退休移居乡下了。 5、top dog 主要人物 Peter is the top dog at English in our class. 皮特是我们班英语成绩最好的人。 6、cash cow 摇钱树 Our company s cash cow is the sales department, which makes enough income to finance the developers. 销售部是我们公司的摇钱树,向开发部提供了大量资助。 7、black sheep 败家子,害群之马 2 与颜色有关的习语 1、a golden opportunity 绝佳机会 Think carefully about what you re going to do, this is a golden opportunity, and you don t want to mess it up! 仔细想想接下来怎么做,这是个绝佳的好机会,可别搞砸了。 2、off color 精神不佳 He s been really off color for the past few days, I think I might have to take him to the doctor. 过去几天,他一直状态不佳,也许我该建议他去看看大夫。 高中英语| 必备习语大全 2 / 4 3、gray area 灰色地带 There is no gray area in Jerry s world. 在 Jerry 的世界里,没有灰色地带。 4、green with envy 妒忌 Tom was green with envy with his brother s new toy car. Tom 很嫉妒他哥哥的新玩具车。 5、white lie 善意的谎言 When Helen asked me if I liked her dress, I told her a white lie so she wouldn t feel bad. 当 Helen 问我喜不喜欢她的裙子的时候,为了不让她那么难过,我对她说了一个善意的谎言。 6、have the blues 情绪不好 Bob s dog died last weekand he s been feeling blue ever since. Bob 的狗上周去世了,他之后情绪一直都不好。 3 与食物有关的习语 1、a piece of cake 小菜一碟 For him, the work is a piece of cake. 对他来说,这点活儿就是小菜一碟。 2、couch potato 极为懒惰的人,电视迷 I like being a couch potato! 我喜欢窝在沙发上看电视! 3、apple of the eye 掌上明珠 He loved his sons, but his daughter was the apple of his eye. 他爱他的儿子,但女儿是他的掌上明珠。 4、full of beans 精神旺盛的 The supporters were full of beans at the match, they chanted, sang and even danced when their team scored the winning goal. 在比赛中,球迷们精力旺盛,他们高呼,唱歌,甚至在他们的球队打进制胜球的时候跳舞。 5、in hot water 有麻烦,陷于困境 When someone is in hot water, they re in a bad situation or serious trouble. 当某人处于水深火热之中时,说明他陷于困境或者遇到了麻烦。 6、go bananas 发疯;发狂 The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy. 当孩子们见到可爱的小狗时,他们就会兴奋地上蹦下调。 4 与服饰有关的习语 高中英语| 必备习语大全 3 / 4 1、get the boot 被解雇 I got the boot today, I have to find a new job. 我今天被炒鱿鱼了,得找个新工作了。 2、pull up one s sockets 奋发图强 He pulled up his sockets and finally succeeded in creating his own business. 他奋发图强,并最终成功创业。 3、below the belt 不正当;不正大光明 That move was below the belt. 这种做法太不择手段了。 4、cut from the same cloth 如出一辙 My son and I are cut from the same cloth. 我儿子和我的品性如出一辙。 5、fit like a glove 完全合适 That dress fits you like a glove. 那条裙子你穿太合适了。 6、roll up one s sleeves 卷起袖子(大干或打架) It s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. 是时候卷起袖子好好工作了。 5 与数字有关的习语 1、all in one piece 完全地,完好地 He went home all in one piece after dinner. 晚饭后他安然无恙地回家了。 2、on cloud nine 很高兴 I was on cloud nine when you gave me the present. 你给我礼物时,我高兴极了。 3、have one too many 喝多了 He can t drive for having one too many. 他不能开车,因为他喝多了。 4、ten to one 十有八九 He will come ten to one. 他十有八九会来。 5、kill two birds with onestone 一石二鸟 高中英语| 必备习语大全 4 / 4 We ll kill two birds with one stone by working in a group. 我们要群策群力,一举两得。 6、a million and one 许多 He got a million and one ideas. 他有许多的主意。 7、back to square one 回到原点 They are back to square one after driving for an hour. 他们开了一个小时的车,回到了起点。 8、put in one s two cents 发表拙见 I put in my two cent sat the conference. 我在会上发表了自己的看法。 6 与钱有关的习语 1、bring home the bacon 养家糊口 He brings home the bacon because his wife does not work. 他妻子没有工作,所以由他来挣钱养家。 2、Go Dutch AA制;各付各的账 I don t want you to pay for my ticket. Let s go Dutch. 我不希望由你为我买票,我们AA制吧。 3、cook the books 伪造;做假账 Nobody noticed that one ofthe managers was cooking the books until the company went bankrupt. 在公司破产之前,没有人注意到有一个经理在做假帐。 4、break the bank 倾家荡产 It will hardly break the bank if we eat out just once. 如果只是去外面吃一次饭,我们还是负担得起的。
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