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数字证书示例编码内容解释-原版D.3 End-Entity Certificate Using RSAThis section contains an annotated hex dump of a 675 byte version 3certificate. The certificate contains the following information:(a) the serial number is 256;(b) the certificate is signed with RSA and the MD2 hash algorithm;(c) the issuers distinguished name is OU=Dept. Arquitectura deComputadors; O=Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; C=ES(d) and the subjects distinguished name is CN=Francisco Jordan;OU=Dept. Arquitectura de Computadors; O=Universitat Politecnica deCatalunya; C=ES(e) the certificate was issued on May 21, 1996 and expired on May 21,1997;(f) the certificate contains a 768 bit RSA public key;(g) the certificate is an end entity certificate (not a CAcertificate);(h) the certificate includes an alternative subject name and analternative issuer name - bothe are URLs;(i) the certificate include an authority key identifier andcertificate policies extensions; and(j) the certificate includes a critical key usage extensionspecifying the public is intended for generation of digitalsignatures.0000 30 80 : SEQUENCE (本证书全部内容开始,结构化不定长编码)0002 30 82 02 40 576: . SEQUENCE(证书基本内容开始)0006 a0 03 3: . . 0(上下文含蓄继承V ersion结构,a0标识10100000,长度3个字节)0008 02 01 1: . . . INTEGER 2(Version结构,全局类整型02标识,长度1个字节): 02 (内容值为2,表示版本v3)0011 02 02 2: . . INTEGER 256(序列号,全局整型,长度2个字节): 01 00 (内容值256)0015 30 0d 13: . . SEQUENCE (CA签名算法,全局类结构编码,10标SEQUENCE,13个字节)0017 06 09 9: . . . OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.2:(对象标识类,9个字节)MD2WithRSAEncryption: 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 02 (内容值1.2.840.113549.1.1.2)(2a240+2)(864810000110/010010000000110/1001000)0028 05 00 0: . . . NULL (RSA参数,标准规定为空)0030 30 68 88: . . SEQUENCE(颁发者,结构化描述,长度88个字节)0032 31 0b 11: . . . SET0034 30 09 9: . . . . SEQUENCE0036 06 03 3: . . . . . OID C(国家): 55 04 060041 13 02 2: . . . . . PrintableS tring ES(西班牙): 45 530045 31 2d 45: . . . SET0047 30 2b 43: . . . . SEQUENCE0049 06 03 3: . . . . . OID O: 55 04 0a0054 13 24 36: . . . . . PrintableStringUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya(含空格36个字符,猜测:大学): 55 6e 69 76 65 72 73 69 74 61 74 20 50 6f 6c 69: 74 65 63 6e 69 63 61 20 64 65 20 43 61 74 61 6c: 75 6e 79 610092 31 2a 42: . . . SET0094 30 28 40: . . . . SEQUENCE0096 06 03 3: . . . . . OID OU: 55 04 0b0101 13 21 33: . . . . . PrintableStringDept. Arquitectura de Computadors(含空格33个字符,猜测:计算机元件系): 44 65 70 74 2e 20 41 72 71 75 69 74 65 63 74 75: 72 61 20 64 65 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74 61 64 6f 72: 730136 30 1e 30: . . SEQUENCE(有效期)0138 17 0d 13: . . . UTCTime 960521095826Z: 39 36 30 37 32 32 31 37 33 38 30 32 5a0153 17 0d 13: . . . UTCTime 979521095826Z: 39 37 30 37 32 32 31 37 33 38 30 32 5a0168 30 81 83 112: . . SEQUENCE(主题)0171 31 0b 11: . . . SET0173 30 09 9: . . . . SEQUENCE0175 06 03 3: . . . . . OID C: 55 04 060180 13 02 2: . . . . . PrintableS tring ES: 45 530184 31 2d 12: . . . SET0186 30 2b 16: . . . . SEQUENCE0188 06 03 3: . . . . . OID O: 55 04 0a0193 13 24 36: . . . . . PrintableStringUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya: 55 6e 69 76 65 72 73 69 74 61 74 20 50 6f 6c 69: 74 65 63 6e 69 63 61 20 64 65 20 43 61 74 61 6c: 75 6e 79 610231 31 2a 42: . . . SET0233 30 28 40: . . . . SEQUENCE0235 06 03 3: . . . . . OID OU: 55 04 0b0240 13 21 33: . . . . . PrintableStringDept. Arquitectura de Computadors: 44 65 70 74 2e 20 41 72 71 75 69 74 65 63 74 75: 72 61 20 64 65 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74 61 64 6f 72: 730275 31 19 22: . . . SET0277 30 17 20: . . . . SEQUENCE0279 06 03 3: . . . . . OID CN(名字): 55 04 030284 13 10 16: . . . . . PrintableString Francisco Jordan(弗朗西斯科。乔丹): 46 72 61 6e 63 69 73 63 6f 20 4a 6f 72 64 61 6e0302 30 7c 2: . . SEQUENCE(,30 7a,122个字节)(主题公钥)0304 30 0d 13: . . . SEQUENCE0306 06 09 9: . . . . OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1: RSAEncryption(RSA加密算法): 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 010317 05 00 0: . . . . NULL(参数为空)0319 03 6b 107: . . . BIT STRING(具体公钥值): 00 (0 unused bits): 30 68 02 61 00 be aa 8b 77 54 a3 af ca 77 9f 2f: b0 cf 43 88 ff a6 6d 79 55 5b 61 8c 68 ec 48 1e: 8a 86 38 a4 fe 19 b8 62 17 1d 9d 0f 47 2c ff 63: 8f 29 91 04 d1 52 bc 7f 67 b6 b2 8f 74 55 c1 33: 21 6c 8f ab 01 95 24 c8 b2 73 93 9d 22 61 50 a9: 35 fb 9d 57 50 32 ef 56 52 50 93 ab b1 88 94 78: 56 15 c6 1c 8b 02 03 01 00 01(证书基本内容结束)(证书扩展项内容开始)0428 a3 81 97 151: . . 3 (上下文类结构编码,标识a010100011,长度为151个字节)0431 30 3c 60: . . . SEQUENCE(扩展项s,共五项)0433 30 1f 31: . . . . SEQUENCE(扩展项第一项,默认非关键扩展)0435 06 03 3: . . . . . OID authorityKeyIdentifier(权威密钥标识): 55 1d 230440 04 14 22: . . . . . OCTET STRING(,14应为20个字节): 30 12 80 10 0e 6b 3a bf 04 ea 04 c3 0e 6b 3a bf: 04 ea 04 c30464 30 19 25: . . . . SEQUENCE(扩展项第二项)0466 06 03 3: . . . . . OID keyUsage(密钥用途,扩展类型2405,29,15): 55 1d 0f0471 01 01 1: . . . . . TRUE(标识为关键扩展)
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