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1.luxury n.奢侈,豪华;奢侈品Rich as he is, Mr. Phyllis, unlike many other wealthy people, never lives a life of luxury.尽管很富有,菲利斯先生和很多别的有钱人不同,他从不过奢侈的生活。2.unscrupulous adj.没有道德原则的/肆无忌惮的Lewis admitted that some of his actions may have been unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.刘易斯承认自己的一些行为的确有违道德,但是他否认自己做过任何违法的事情。3.summon vt.传唤,召集 Harley was summoned to appear in court on a charge of reckless(鲁莽的,不顾后果的) driving.哈利因为被指控鲁莽驾驶而被法庭传召到庭。4.under obligation (to do) 有责任有义务做The one who did the damage(损坏,破坏) is under obligation to pay for it.谁破坏的,谁就有责任赔偿。5.trivial adj.微小的,微不足道的The objections raised(养育) by one of the members of the committee were considered trivial and brushed(掠过) aside by the chairman.该委员会里有一个成员的反对之声被当作微乎其微,并被主席置之不理。6.at sb.s expense 由某人花费I declined(拒绝) to have dinner at the expense of my friends and insisted(坚持) on treating them instead.我婉拒了朋友们掏钱请我吃饭,相反的,我坚持掏钱请他们。7.lay ones hands on 设法拥有John kept his money stored away(储存,收起来) in a secret place, for fear his nephew should lay his hands on it.约翰把自己的钱放在一个秘密的地方,以防他的侄子得到。8.compromise n.妥协,折中 vt.连累,危害,损害 vi. 以折中办法解决He said he could not compromise with conscience(良心,良知) and would never betray his country and his people.他说自己不会背弃良心,也不会背弃自己的国家和人民。9.run up v.匆匆制成,积欠,迅速积累,向上跑,高涨Susan has run up/ran up a large bill for all her new clothes.苏珊因为买了新衣服而迅速债台高筑。10.good for 有效的,会产生,有支付能力的If we try to persuade Robert to contribute more, he will be good for another thousand dollars.如果我们能劝说罗伯特多捐点,他也有财力再捐几千块。11.agony n.极大的痛苦,剧痛As much as she hated visits to the dentist, the agony of her toothache made it impossible for her not to go.尽管她恨透了去看牙医,但是牙齿的剧痛还是迫使她去看大夫了。12.release n.解除,免除,发表 v.缓解,释放,发行Humor is wonderful for releasing tension(紧张,不安).幽默有助于减缓紧张局面。13.offend vt.触怒,冒犯,使反感,使受冒犯vi.犯规,触犯Jack went into the bar hoping to find a relaxing way to pass a Friday night, but the loud music offended his ears and he left after less than an hour.杰克去那家酒吧本来是想在周五的晚上找个休息放松的地方,但结果却是酒吧里嘈杂的音乐声让他的耳朵受不了,很快不到一个小时他就离开了。14.masterpiece n.巨著,杰作,业绩Handels masterpiece Messiah is one of the most popular musical works of all time.韩代尔的巨作弥赛亚一直是最受欢迎的音乐作品。15.tiresome adj.使人疲倦的,烦人的,讨厌的,无聊的Iris finds it very tiresome making copies of the documents all day long.艾瑞斯十分厌恶整日抄写文件。16.coarse adj.粗糙的,粗鲁的The old peasants(农民) skin was dark and coarse, which reminded us of the severe hardship(艰难,困苦) of farming in that mountain region.这位老农的皮肤黝黑粗糙,这让我们想起在那个山区里务农的艰辛。词组:1.cast about / (a)round for 寻找,搜寻Being without founds, Owen cast about / (a)round for some means of obtaining financial help.由于没有资金,欧文搜寻了一些金融援助的方法。2.cast back 追溯,回想Grandfather would cast back and recall the years before radio and television existed.祖父常追溯回想起收音机和电视被发明之前的日子3.cast down 使沮丧,使下降,推翻In making scientific experiments, one should not be cast down by temporary setbacks.在做科学实验,人们不应该因一时的挫折而沮丧。4.cast off 解缆放船,抛弃,丢弃When you grow too big for your clothes, cast them off and Ill give them away.就你的衣服而言,当你长的够大时,丢弃它们以及赠送它们。When he rose to a position of responsibility he cast off a number of his former associates.当他提升到一个负责部门后,就不再理会他的大部分老朋友了。5.cast out 驱逐,逐出Having repeatedly broken the rules of the game, Williams was cast out from the football club.多次违反了游戏规则,威廉姆斯被逐出足球俱乐部。6.cast over 笼罩,覆盖When I came into her room I found her eyes (were) cast over with sorrow.当我走进她的房间,我发现她的眼睛充满悲伤。7.cast up 呕吐,加在一起Will you please cast up this column of figures for me?请你替我把这行数字加起来好吗?1.think ahead 事先考虑;预见Its difficult to think ahead a whole year and make plans according to future need.很难预见一整年和根据未来的需要制定计划。2.think aloud 边想边说出,自言自语Sorry , no, I wasnt talking to you, I was thinking aloud.对不起。没有,我没有和你聊天,我在自言自语。3.think about 回想,回忆,考虑,对感兴趣We must think about Mothers health when choosing a home.在选择住所时,我们要考虑母亲的健康。I often thought about what you said last time I saw you.我经常思考最后一次我看到你时你说的话。4.think back (to) 回想Sitting by the table I thought back to certain happenings at Cambridge.坐在桌子旁我回想起了在剑桥的某些事件。5.think ofas 以为;认为;把当作 But this desert must not be thought of as merely “a sea of sand”.但这个沙漠不能仅仅被认为是“沙的海洋”。6.think out 解决,仔细考虑,发现Sam wanted to quit his job, but when he thought out the matter he decided not to.山姆想辞去工作,但当他仔细考虑这件事后决定不辞职了。7.think up 想出,发明,虚构He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of their products.他把整个心思都用来想办法提高他们的产品质量。8.think better of 重新考虑后选择不做;对有更高的评价Olivia was going to sell the piano but then she thought better of it when her cousin(堂或表兄弟) said that its value could increase if she waited.奥利维亚打算出售钢琴,但她的表弟说如果她等一等它的价值可能会增加,她重新考虑后选择不卖了。完形:Some of my misery(痛苦,悲惨) was loneliness and some of it fear of old William Pollexfen my grandfather. 我的痛苦,一部分是因为孤独,一部分是因为害怕我的爷爷威廉坡勒克芬。he was never unkind, and I cannot remember that he ever spoke harshly(严厉地)
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