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ByNina HEReading (一)单项选择1 -_ do you love panda?-Because they are very cute.A .What B.How C.Why2 Do you know the girl _ long hair?A .have B.has C.with D.is 3 Three of us will keep guard, and the _ may go to bed.A .another B.other C.rest D.ones4 The plan _ most of your suggestions.A .is B.has C.includes D.including5 _ is the weight of a giant panda?A .How B.What C.How much D.How many单词拼写1 We must do something to save the _ .2 There is b_ everywhere in that area.3 We should return the zoo animals to the w_.4 She takes her w_ every two days.5 -Can I help you? -Yes, I want a k_ of apples.完成句子1 大熊猫在野外能活多久?_ _ can pandas live in the wild?2 你应该尽可能多地讲英语。You should speak English _ _ _ possible.3 这位老人喜欢独自生活。The old man likes living _ _ _ .4 中国的人口数是多少?_ the _ of China?5 你的任务包括整理一切。Your duties _ putting everything in order.Reading (一)单项选择: CCCCB单词拼写:1.endangered 2.bamboo 3.wild 4.weight 5.kilogram完成句子:1.How long 2.as much as 3.on his own 4.Whats , population 5.includeReading (二)单项选择1 I find _ hard to learn English well.A .this B.it C.that D.they 2 We all like Wang Ling because he is always _ us, and he is very helpful. A .friendly to B.angry with C.mad at 3 _ is the population of Shanghai?A .How many B.How much C.What D.How4 The baby weighed eight jin _ birth.A .at B.in C.on D.with 5 The boy is old enough _ to school.A .go B.to go C.goes D.going 单词拼写1 You can choose any food listed on the m_ 2 Wed better go to the c_ parks for a walk.3 Its c_ to kill the animals for their fur.4 Her bag hangs over her s_.5 Tom won a prize for good b_ at school.完成句子1 对我们来说保持健康很重要。 Its important for us to _ _ 2 作为青少年我们应该懂得如何保护自己As teenagers, we should know how to _ _ .3 人类必须停止砍伐森林。 Humans must stop _ _ _.4 由于地震,许多人丧失了家园。 Because of the earthquake, many people _ _ _ .5 小女孩没有足够大,不能自己穿衣服。The little girl is not _ _ _ dress herself.Reading (二)单项选择: BACAB单词拼写:1.menu 2.central 3.cruel 4.shoulder 5.behaviour 完成句子:1.stay healthy 2.protect ourselves 3.cutting down forests 4.lost their homes 5.ole enough 随堂练习:1. Now I think we need _ outside _ look for something to eat.A. to go; to B. going; and C. to go; / D. going; to 2. We dont have _ at the moment _ drink for the rest of the day.A. water enough; for B. enough water; for C. water enough; to B. enough water; to3. While he was _, he looked so ugly that his mother maker him wear a mask.A. on birth B. in birth C. at born D. at birth5. When the boy fell into a hole on his way home, his clothes had some _.A. patch of water B. patchs of water C. patch of waters D. patches of water6. The rest of the books _ the children in the countryside.A. was gave B. were gave C. were given D. was given7. _ you ever seen a movie called the THE GHOST ?A. Did B. Are C. Have D. Has8. If you want to stay _, please eat more vegetables and fruit.A. health B. healthier C. healthily D. more healthy9. I used to write a letter to my sister, but I seldom _ her at that time.A. hear of B. hear from C. hear about D. heard from10. The little girl was _ while she stayed with her grammar.A. took a good care B. taken a good care C. taken a good care of D. took a well care of首字母填空1. He was a really famous a_, and you can see him in many films.2. If you would like to listen to music, let me p_ a CD for you.3. See, there is a w_ by the river, it reads “No Swimming”.4. Everyone has different t_, because we seldom think in the same way.5. Since you only begin to learn English, so you have learn some b_ things first.完成句子:1. 当警察找到那些走丢的老虎后,他们马上被放生到野外了。 After the police found those lost tigers, they were set free _ _ _ at once.2. 她太怕黑了,以至于不敢在晚上独自出去。 She is so afraid of darkness that she never has the courage to go out at night _ _ _.3. 完成这项任务对于他们来说是不容易的。 _ _ easy _ them _ finish this job.4. 她的女儿还没够年龄上幼儿园。 Her daughter is not _ _ _ go to the kindergarten.5. 多达239不同国家的人死亡在这场事故里面。 _ _ 239 people of different countries were killed in this accident.6. 犯这些错误,你简直太粗心了。 _ _ really careless _ you _ make such mistakes.
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