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Period 1: Matching, Listening and Speaking (Page 52)(Would you mind turning down the music?)Objectives To learn to make requests To learn to apologizeProceduresWarming up by studying the grammar focusHello, everyone! Can you turn to page 53? Could turn to page 53? Would you mind turning to page 53? You may wonder why I ask you to turn to page 53 in three different ways. Yes, the last two ways are what we are going to learn about today. They are the polite ways of making request. Now page 53. Pay attention to the structure of the questions and answers.Would you mindv-ing?Could youv?Now lets make some sentences with these two structures.Would you mind opening the door?Could you open the door?Would you mind cleaning the blackboard?Could you clean the blackboard?1a Looking and matchingCould you turn to page 53? Could you look at the picture and match the requests with the people in it?a. Would you mind cleaning the yard? b. Would you mind not playing basketball here? c. Would you mind moving your bike?d. Would you mind turning down the music?Keys: a. next to the trash; b. next to the baseball player; c. next to the bike; d. next to the stereo1b Listening and numberingListen and number the requests 1-4 on page 52 in the order you hear them. Keys: a. 2; b. 4; c. 3; d. 1Now go to page 91 to read this conversations. While reading try to find all the sentences with the would structure”. And also cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, indeed.Sentences with the would structure” 1. Would you mind turning down the music?2. Would you mind cleaning the yard?3. Would you mind moving your bike?4. Would you mind not playing baseball here?Now lets try to talk by imitation. Imitation talking is using the structure of an example conversation as a form to talk about something of our own.Talk as they do. (仿说) 1c PAIRWORKWould you mind looking at the picture on page 52 again? Could you make conversations in pairs about the people in the picture?A: Would you mind moving your bike?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.A: Would you mind turning down the music?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.A: Would you mind turning down the TV?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.A: Would you mind sitting here? B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.A: Would you mind passing me the bike?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.A: Would you mind turning down the TV?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.Period 2: Listening and Speaking (Page 53)(Pete, would you mind getting up?)Objectives To learn to use Would mind + gerund To learn to use Will for intentionsProceduresWarming up by looking and saying with new verbs from this unitGood morning. Would you tell me what these people are doing in the photo? The man is turning down the radio. The girls are waiting in line for the ticket. The singer is keeping down his voice. The driver is breaking the road rules by driving his car so fast. The old man is smoking in the corner. The boy is dropping from the tree. The woman is picking up used plastic bags from the street. Now what are you doing right now? Would you go to page 53 to find out what the people in the picture are doing? 2a Listening and numbering2a Listen and number the pictures on page 53 1-5 in the order you hear them.Keys: 1.d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. eNow go to page 91 to read the conversations. While reading try to find all the sentences with the would structure”. And also cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, indeed.Sentences with the would structure 1. Would you mind getting up? 2. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? 3. Would you mind getting out of the bathroom? 4. Would you mind cleaning your room? 5. Would you mind doing the dishes?Now make sentences with the useful expressions from the conversations and write them in your notebook.Useful expressions from the conversationget up, eleven oclock, clean the yard, wear the old jeans, look terrible, put on another pair, get out of , take a shower, clean ones room, do in a minute, do the dishesNow lets try to talk by imitation. Imitation talking is using the structure of an example conversation as a form to talk about something of our own.Talk as they do. (仿说) 2b Listening and matchingWould you mind listening again? Would you mind matching the requests in activity 2a with the responses on page 53? Write the letters a-e in the blanks.1. d. Nancy, would you mind getting out of the bedroom? Sorry. I wont be long.2. c. Jenny, would you mind cleaning your room? I am sorry. Ill do it right away.3. a. Sarah, would you mind doing the dishes? Ok. Ill do them in a minute.4. b. Dick, would you mind not wearing those old jeans?
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