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四六级英语考试技巧 -作文部分十分钟搞定四六级高分作文:(30 秒审题,7 分 30 秒写作 ,2 分钟检查)一.基本要求1. 审题四六级作文的题目,一般情况下应该是”给出某某现象,让你做出一个判断,到底是好还是不好,然后给出你自己的理由来证明你自己的观点.要看清楚题目要求,不然写错了写得再好也得哭了2. 字数:作文必须达到要求的字数,但是也不是多多益善.一般要求 120 字的话,写到 150 是比较合适的,要求 150 的话一般写到 180 字.3. 字体:一般建议练一下英文书写,用连笔的斜体,最好是圆体字,这样写出来的字非常的漂亮,而且写得非常快,练习时间需要很少,按照字帖临摹大概三天就可以从很难看变很好看了(个人经验),字帖自己上网去找一下 .4 题目:必须要有题目,没有题目是要扣分的.题目的话尽量贴近问题,不要写太长也不要写太短,三到五个单词比较合适5. 用词尽量避免使用想通的动词,比如 Good.不要一路 good 到底,可以改用 well, nice 等等词来替换,以免老师觉得你词汇量不足二.正文写作1. 首先,文章分为四到五段,请把每一段的公式句(我会加以标注) 记下来.2第一段,引入题目第一句话要跟问题沾边,但是不能复述试卷提出来的问题,可以跟问题有一些比较近的关联.举个例子,原问题是 More and more people choose to travel by air, do you think its good or not?(以下内容全部参考这个为原问题)那么第一句的写法就可以是:Nowadays, with the help of transportation technology, its more and more popular to travel by air.第二句话引出别人的看法,假如你的观点是 yes,那么别人的观点就是 no.Some people doubt that traveling by plane is really bad since that its no good for our health(理由你随便找一个,言之有理就可以了 )这里的公式句是 Some people doubt that doing sth is really bad/not good/terrible/not satisfied 等等等等,斜干代表了这几种都可以选.下文也是这个情况第三句话,引入自己的观点Judging from my point of view, I think that taking a plane is acceptable because we can really benefit a lot by doing this.这句话的公式句是 Judging from my point of view/from my view point, I think that doing sth is good/acceptable/okay/not bad.这句非常专业而且非常漂亮,很书面化,可以给你的文章增色不少.到此第一段就写完了,如果你觉得不够过瘾或者字数不够,可以再补充一点点啰说的话上去第一段全文是:Nowadays, with the help of transportation technology, its more and more popular to travel by air. Some people doubt that traveling by plane is really bad since that its no good for our health. Judging from my point of view, I think that taking a plane is acceptable because we can really benefit a lot by doing this.(58 个单词,可以考虑少写点理由 )3第二段:第一个支撑观点(supporting idea)第一句话,写出你的第一个理由引出第一句话用的词组可以多样化,尽量避免(First, Second, Third 这样没有技术含量的词)For a start, taking a plane can really save us a plenty of time.这句话的公式句是 For a start/To begin with/Firstly/My first reason whyis/用这些词组作为开头,比较好看,而且不容易单调第二句话,补充一个实例来支持你的第一个理由It takes us 37 hours to travel to Fuzhou by train while we only need to spend 2 hours by taking a plane.是否需要第三句,就看你自己的字数够不够了,字数还是在一个合适的数量就行了.第二段全文是:For a start, taking a plane can really save us a plenty of time. It takes us 37 hours to travel to Fuzhou by train while we only need to spend 2 hours by taking a plane. (37 个单词)4 第三段:第二个支撑观点 (supporting idea)第一句话,写出你的第二个理由The second reason why I believe in air travel is that air planes are safer than ordinary methods of transportation.这句话的公式句是: The second reason why I believe in/The following reason is that/Secondly/What is more/At the same time/理由同第二段第二句话:参看第二段的第二句的写法There is no doubt that there are more traffic accidents than air crashes.是否需要第三句,就看你自己的字数够不够了,字数还是在一个合适的数量就行了.第三段全文是:The second reason why I believe in air travel is that air planes are safer than ordinary methods of transportation. There is no doubt that there are more traffic accidents than air crashes. (33 个单词)5 第四段:第三个支持观点第一句话,写出你的第三个理由In addition, its really comfortable to travel by air.这句话的公式句是: In addition/ My last reason is that/ As a matter of fact/Thirdly/第二句话, 参看第二段的第二句的写法You can see the blue sky and white cloud outside the window第四段全文是:In addition, its really comfortable to travel by air. You can see the blue sky and white cloud outside the window. (21 个单词)6 第五段:做一个总结陈词第一句话,总结上文内容Taking what weve talked above into consideration, we can draw to a conclusion that its good to take a plane when you want to go to some where.这句话的公式句是: Taking what weve talked above into consideration/Judging from what we have discussed above, we can draw to a conclusion that its good to第二句:随便补充点废话(字数不够的情况下很管用)所以这个文章全文如下:My view about air travelingNowadays, with the help of transportation technology, its more and more popular to travel by air. Some people doubt that traveling by plane is really bad since that its no good for our health. Judging from my point of view, I think that taking a plane is acceptable because we can really benefit a lot by doing this.For a start, taking a plane can really save us a plenty of time. It takes us 37 hours to travel to Fuzhou by train while we only need to spend 2 hours by taking a plane.The second reason why I believe in air travel is that air planes are safer than ordinary methods of transportation. There is no doubt that there are more traffic accidents than air crashes.In addition, its really comfortable to travel by air. You can see the blue sky and white cloud outside the window.Taking what weve talked above into consideration, we can draw to a conclusion that its good to take a plane when you want to go to some where.全文一共 177 字,不多不少刚刚好.看到这里,你可以发现文章并不难写,最难的地方,在于中间的三段如何找到中间的三个 supporting ideas.这是全文最难的地方,这个就要求我们平时要多做brain storming,也就是所谓的头脑风暴,这样你考试的时候才可能在 30 秒内就可以相除所有的三个甚至是十个理由来支撑你的观点.以例题为例,我们要从 Air travel 展开联想,任何你想到的东西,都可以写进去,越多越好,而且还可以在你想到的东西上面进行拓展,多多益善,这样可以拓宽你考虑问题的思路.这就是头脑风暴的结果了,你还可以多多添加,想到什么有关的都可以写,平时多做一些训练,比如洗澡的时候可以那水来做训练,水想到环保啊,干旱啊,西南大旱啊,森林啊,健康啊,饮料啊,水库啊之类之类的,尽情发挥想象力,这样就可以找到无数的论据了最后预祝大家考试顺利!
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