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9A Unit Three Teenage problemsVocabulary 第一部分 简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三、课型:Vocabulary四、教学目标1. 知识目标:了解并掌握“get”的不同含义 。2. 能力目标:掌握“get” 作为连系动词和行为动词在不同情境中的使用。 五、教学重点:辨别“get”一词作为连系动词和行为动词的区别。 第二部分 教学流程Part One Lead-inStep 1.Presentation T: Boys and girls, welcome to my class. Last period, we learned two letters from Millie and Simon, and now we know their problems. But now, I have got a problem and I need your help. Look at the picture. (PPT4)上节课,我们学习了来自Millie 和Simon 的信,并且知道了他们遇到的问题。但是现在,我有一个问题,而且需要你们的帮助。请看图片。 Who is she? 她是谁? She is my little niece. 她是我的小侄女。T: Her birthday is coming. I want to buy a present for her. Can you help me?她的生日就快要到了。我想给她买一件礼物,你们能帮我吗?First, what should I get? Do you know the meaning of the word “get”? Here “get” means “buy”. (PPT5) 这里的 “get” 是“买”的意思。There are some choices. Can you give me your advice? 这里有些选择,你能给我你的建议吗? You can say “ You should get”. Good. I think I can a Hello Kitty for her. Then, where may I get ? Here “get” still means “buy”. ( PPT6) 这里的 “get” 还是“买”的意思。 Yes, maybe I should go to the shop. But how should I go to the shop? (PPT7) Here are still some choices. Can you give me your advice? If you think the bus is a good choice, you can say “ You should go to the shop by bus or you should get a bus. Can you guess the meaning of the word “get”? Yes, here “get” means “take”. 这里的 “get” 是“乘”的意思。 What other good advice?I think I have to go to there early. If I get there late, maybe the shop will be closed and I cant buy anything. Right? Can you tell me what the word “get” means here? Good, here “get” means “arrive”. 这里的get 意为到达。 (PPT8)Now, I know what and where I can buy for my little cousin. I am sure she will get happy. Here “get” means “become”. 这里的 “get” 是“变得”的意思。 (PPT9)Part Two Vocabulary Step 2 Finish Part A on page 48T: Thank you for helping me deal with my problem,but look at picture. Who is she? She is Amy. she has got problems too and she wants to write to her penfriend. Before that, she wants to learn the different meanings of “get”. We have learned some, right? First, lets finish the Part A. (PPT10)感谢你们帮我解决了我的问题,但请看图。她是谁?Amy。 Amy也遇到了困难,她想写信给她的笔友。在这之前,她想学习“get”一词不同的意思。我们已经学过了一些,不是吗?首先,让我们来完成书上Part A部分的练习。 T: Lets check the answer together. 让我们来一起对答案。(PPT11)T: Good. Then look at these two phrases: 看着两个短语。 (PPT12)get angryget a letterPay attention to the word after “get”. In the first phrase is “angry”, it is an adj., so here “get” is a linking verb. In the second phrase is “a letter ”, it is a none phrase, so here “get” is a verb. So “get” can be a verb, or also can be a linking verb. 注意“get”后面跟的单词。第一个短语中的“get” 后面跟的是形容词,说明这个“get”是连系动词。第二个短语中的“get”后面跟的是一个名词短语,说明这个“get”是行为动词,后面是宾语。所以“get”这个词既可以是系动词,也可以是行为动词。Step 3 Finish Part B on page 48T: Now, Amy is writing a letter to her penfriend, Tommy. She is telling him about some of her problems. Help her complete her letter. 现在,Amy 正在写信给她的笔友Tommy。她正在告诉他她遇到的一些问题,帮助她完成她的信。T: Have you finished? Lets check your answers together. (PPT13) 你们完成了吗?让我们一起对答案吧。 Read the letter together. 请大家一起齐读。Step 4 Revision T: Lets go over Amys letter again and answer me some questions.让我们再回顾一下Amy的信并回答我的一些问题。(PPT14-15)Why is she very busy? 她为什么这么忙?Why does she arrive home late? 她为什么到家那么晚?Why doesnt she have much time to revise for tests? 她为什么没有时间为考试复习?Why does she become angry? 她为什么变得生气? So now, tell me what Amys problems are? 那么,告诉我Amy的问题是什么?(PPT16) Yes, she usually joins in some activities after school and takes a bus home. There is always a lot of traffic on the road, so she gets home late. She usually gets a lot of homework to do, so she doesnt have much time to revise for test. Sometimes, she doesnt get a high mark, so she feels sad. They are Amys problems. 她放学后经常要参加一些活动,然后乘车回家。而路上车辆很多,所以她经常到家很迟,而她又有很多作业要做,所以她又没有太多的时间来复习考试。有时,她没有能够得到高分,她有感到很不高兴。这些因素都使得Amy感到很苦恼。这些也是她在学习和生活中遇到的困难。Part Three PracticeStep 1 ExerciseT: In todays lesson, we listened to Amys problems and also learned many different meanings of “get”. Can you remember them? Now, lets do some more exercises. (PPT17-18) 请用英语解释划线的单词1)Where did you get that skirt? (buy)2) Go and get your breakfast. (eat)3) I got a lot from the story. (learned)4) Let me go and get the doctor. (ask for)5) Every day we get a lot of homework to do. (have)6) Li Ming study hard, so he often high marks in test. (achieves)7) You should get your friends to help you. (ask)8) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He got there last night. (arrived)Have you finished? Lets check the answers together.Step 2 Some more exercisesT: You see, the word “get” has many different meanings. Can you guess more meanings of “get”? Now I have three more sentences. Try to guess the meaning of the word “get”. (PPT19)1. Did you get enough money to pay for your house? (earn)2. I didnt get what you said. (underst
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