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高一英语高一英语期末试卷期末试卷外研社外研社 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 期末试卷 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一. 听力20%(共20小题,每小题1分) 略 二. 单项选择15%(共15小题,每小题1分) 21. Instead of sending e-mail , Nancy talks with her mother on mobile phone once a week . A. the ; aB. an ; theC. an ; /D. / ; the 22. Population in that area has increased 10 per cent this year . A. withB. forC. byD. of 23. Stand over there youll be able to see it better. A. orB. whileC. butD. and 24. I have a favour to ask you . . A. Go aheadB. Its a pleasure C. Help yourselfD. Ask , please 25. No one could him to go there . A. forbidB. stopC. keepD. prevent 26. Its a good idea . But who is going to the plan ? I think Tom and Grey will . A. set asideB. carry outC. take inD. get through 27. It was not a grand occasion , so we were asked to wear clothes . A. simpleB. regularC. informalD. common 28. Nobody but Joan and Tom still in the lab as I passed by last night . What on earth they ? A. were ; did ; doB. was ; did ; do C. was ; were ; doingD. were ; were ; doing 29. I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her . . It was her fault . A. No wayB. Not possibleC. No chanceD. Not at all 30. youve made good use of your time to study , there is still room for improve ment . A. WhateverB. HoweverC. ThoughD. That 31. The teaching building is said last year . A. to paint B. to be painted C. to have paintedD. to have been painted 32. Where ? I got the heavy traffic , otherwise I would have been here earlier . A. did you go ; sticking toB. have you been ; stuck in C. were you ; sticking withD. are you ; to stick in 33. Never touch my computer while I m away . . A. I shouldnt B. I mustC. I wontD. I dont 34. This cake is very sweet . You a lot of sugar in it . A. should putB. could have put C. might putD. must have put 35. In four years , I hope I in a law firm as a lawyer after I from this college . A. am working ; will graduateB. have worked ; have graduated C. will be working ; graduateD. would work ; will graduate 三. 完形填空15%(共15小题,每小题1分) Dan and his eleven-year-old son , Aaron , love basketball . For Aarons birthday last October , Don decided to drive him to Cincinnati , more than two hours 36 , for the first game of the World Series . They had no tickets but hoped to buy a 37 from scalpers(票贩子). After arriving , they walked in the streets for two hours , carrying a sign 38 said , “We need two tickets .” There were a lot of scalpers , but the 39 ticket was $175 . They were 40 to leave when a man stopped them . He gave up two tickets and handed them to the father . “How much do you want ?” “No charge ,” said the man , “ 41 the game .” When asked later , the man explained , “I was working for Joe , who hadnt 42 a World Series in 16 years . But he was ill and couldnt make it this time . So he told me to give the two tickets away . The only 43 he set was to give the tickets to people I thought would be 44 . A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them . Then I saw you . You seemed very 45 and you made me think of my dad and me when I was a child . I would 46 to go to a World Series game with my father . But I 47 did .” How important was 48 to Dan and his son ? Here is what Don said , “Its the most 49 thing that ever happened to us . My boy and I must have 50 each other 30 times during the game and said , I cant believe this . Well never forget that day .” 36. A. wayB. timeC. distanceD. trip 37. A. ticketB. pairC. setD. kind 38. A. whoB. in whichC. thatD. where 39. A. bestB. cheapestC. worstD. more expensive 40. A. ableB. anxiousC. willingD. about 41. A. EnjoyB. JoinC. LookD. Play 42. A. missedB. seenC. been toD. gone to 43. A. ticketB. ruleC. gameD. example 44. A. shyB. richC. worthyD. poor 45. A. happyB. shyC. honestD. disappointed 46. A. have diedB. have wantedC. planD. refuse 47. A. reallyB. frequentlyC. justD. never 48. A. thatB. heC. theyD. it 49. A. memorableB. interestingC. forgettableD. successful 50. A. looked forB. looked afterC. turned toD. turned round 四. 阅读理解30%(共15小题,每小题2分) A Cats have a long and interesting history . In fact , the cat was probably the first animal kept as a pet . The Egyptians worshiped cats . In Europe cats were praised for their ability to catch rats and mice . They were much in demand during the Black Plague illnesses of the 11th century . In the Middle Ages cats lost much of their appeal because they became connected with devil worship . Many cats lost their lives and gave rise to superstition(迷信)still held by some people today . The American Indian did not appear to keep cats as pets , so it wasnt until the white settlers came from Europe that cats were kept as pets in America . The colonists, like the Europeans , found cats helpful in controlling rats and mice . 51. Through the ages , the cat . A. has been a favorite cat B. has been both prized and hated C. has been valued for its intelligence D. has been kept by all races of people 52. Which sentence best expresses the main idea? A. Cats have a long and interesting history . B. In fa
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