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Chapter2:Mechanical Properties of Reinforcement and Concrete 钢筋和混凝土材料的力学性能,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,Questions:1. Reinforcement Types?2. What about the usage for different rebars types? 3. What mechanical properties should we know?4. How to determine the rebars strength for structural design?,2.1 Reinforcement (or Rebar)(钢 筋 ),第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,2.1 Steel Reinforcement一、Steel TypeHot-Rolled, Steel Wire, Steel Strand, Heat Treated, Cold-Forming,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,2.1 钢 筋 Steel Reinforcement一、钢筋的品种(Type) 热轧(Hot-Rolled)钢筋、中高强钢丝(Steel Wire)和钢绞线(Steel Strand)、热处理(Heat Treated)钢筋和冷加工(Cold-Forming)钢筋,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢 筋,热轧钢筋 Hot Rolled Steel Reinforcing BarHPB235级、HRB335级、HRB400级、RRB400级,HPB,HRB,RRB,Yield strength 屈服强度 fykHPB235级: fyk = 235 N/mm2HRB335级: fyk = 335 N/mm2HRB400级、RRB400级: fyk = 400 N/mm2,热轧光圆钢筋,热轧带肋钢筋,余热处理钢筋,(标准值=钢材废品限值,保证率97.73%),第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢 筋,HPB235 is mostly used as plain bars and generally used for reinforcement of cast in-place concrete slabs. The strength of HRB335 and HRB400 is higher and mainly used as reinforcement of RC members. The strength of RRB400 is too high to used for reinforcement in RC members. It is usually used as prestressed reinforcement.,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢 筋,HPB235级(级)钢筋多为光面钢筋(Plain Bar),多作为现浇(In-Situ)楼板的受力钢筋和箍筋HRB335级(级)和 HRB400级(级)钢筋强度较高,多作为钢筋混凝土构件的受力钢筋,尺寸较大的构件,也有用级钢筋作箍筋的为增强与混凝土的粘结(Bond),外形制作成月牙肋或等高肋的变形钢筋(Deformed Bar)。级钢筋强度太高,不适宜作为钢筋混凝土构件中的配筋,一般冷拉后作预应力筋(Prestressed Reinforcement)延伸率(Elongation Strain):d5=25、16、14、10%,直径840。,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,Wire or tendon are all used in prestressed concrete structures. The strength is ranged from 800 to 1860MPa. Cold working can improve the strength of rebar and save steel.Heat treated rebar is much higher in strength than ordinary rebar and has a moderate elongation strain.,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,钢丝 Wire:中强钢丝的强度为8001200MPa,高强钢丝、钢绞线(Strand or Tendon)的为 1470 1860MPa;延伸率d10=6%,d100=3.54%;钢丝的直径39mm;外形有光面、刻痕和螺旋肋三种,另有二股、三股和七股钢绞线,外接圆直径9.515.2 mm。中高强钢丝和钢绞线均用于预应力混凝土结构。冷加工钢筋 Cold working rebar:是由热轧钢筋和盘条经冷拉、冷拔、冷轧、冷扭加工后而成。冷加工的目的是为了提高钢筋的强度,节约钢材。但经冷加工后,钢筋的延伸率降低。近年来,冷加工钢筋的品种很多,应根据专门规程使用。热处理钢筋 Heat treated rebar :是将级钢筋通过加热、淬火和回火等调质工艺处理,使强度得到较大幅度的提高,而延伸率降低不多。用于预应力混凝土结构。,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,二、Stress-Strain Relationship Rebar with yield point,a-elastic limit,de-strain hardening stage,b-upper yield strength,c- fy , lower yield strength,cd-yield plateau,e- fu , ultimate tensile strength,a-proportional limit s =Ese,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,二、钢筋的应力-应变关系 Stress-Strain Relationship 有明显屈服点的钢筋 Rebar with yield point,a为比例极限proportional limit s =Ese,a为弹性极限elastic limit,de为强化段strain hardening stage,b为屈服上限upper yield strength,c为屈服下限,即屈服强度 fylower yield strength,cd为屈服台阶yield plateau,e为极限抗拉强度 fu ultimate tensile strength,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,Index:yield strength:design basis of reinforcement strength.elongation strain:the strain while fracture occurs which reflects the plastic behavior of the reinforcement.,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,几个指标:屈服强度yield strength:是钢筋强度的设计依据,因为钢筋屈服后将很大的塑性变形,且卸载时这部分变形不可恢复,这会使钢筋混凝土构件产生很大的变形和不可闭合的裂缝。屈服上限与加载速度有关,不太稳定,一般取屈服下限作为屈服强度。延 伸 率elongation strain:钢筋拉断时的应变,是反映钢筋塑性性能的指标。延伸率大的钢筋,在拉断前有足够预兆,延性较好,屈 强 比反映钢筋的强度储备,fy/fu=0.60.7。,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,均匀延伸率dgt对应最大应力时应变,包括了残余应变和弹性应变,反映了钢筋真实的变形能力,P.9,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,有明显屈服点钢筋的应力-应变关系一般可采用双线性的理想弹塑性关系 Bilinear elasto-plastic relation,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,Rebar without yield point,a:proportional limit,about 0.65fu;before a:the stress-strain relationship is linear elastic;after a: the stress-strain relationship is nonlinear and has some plastic behavior, and has no visible yield point;design basis of strength -conditional yield point,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,无明显屈服点的钢筋 Rebar Without Yield Point,a点:比例极限,约为0.65fua点前:应力-应变关系为线弹性a点后:应力-应变关系为非线性,有一定塑性变形,且没有明显的屈服点强度设计指标条件屈服点残余应变为0.2%所对应的应力规范取s0.2 =0.85 fu,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,三、钢筋的强度标准值( Characteristic or Standard Strength) 按冶金钢材质量控制标准,钢筋的强度标准值是取其出厂时的废品限值,其数值相当于fy,m-3s,具有97.73%的保证率,满足建筑结构设计统一标准材料强度标准值保证率95%的要求。,第二章 钢筋和混凝土的材料性能,2.1 钢筋,Key notes:1. Usage of different rebars types and grades2. Two types of stress-strain relation3. Characteristic strength4. Deformation capacity,Yield strengthElongation strainModulus of elasticity,
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