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春节英语小作文初一春节英语小作文初一导语:春节不知不觉在忙忙碌碌中到来,每到这个时刻,每个人都会停下手中的活,好好和家人及亲戚团聚一番。下面请大家来看看辛苦为大家准备的初一春节英语作文两篇,欢迎阅读。篇一:初一春节英语作文the footstepof the time in a hurry, itoo late to the last wave, before new year ihere. dreamof the new year alwaygive a person too much, too much imagination.那岁月的脚步匆匆而去,都还来不及向去年挥挥手,新年就到了面前。新年总会给人太多的憧憬,太多的畅想。new year begins, we shine the skwith hope, acrosall the cloudon the sky, it iwaving the banner of progress. we use power acrosthe earth, and the fresh wind blowthe earth, that ithe pace of progresof eager feelings.新年开始了,我们用希望擦亮天空,天空上飘过朵朵云彩,那是前进的旗帜挥舞的情景。我们用力量横扫大地,大地上吹过清新之风,那是前进的步伐展现的热切情怀。open windows, stumbled on the corner for a little green, the green iso bright, light up meyes, mheart. in thicold day, the grasof the new year struggle, effort.推开窗门,偶然发现墙角已有一点绿色,这绿是那么的耀眼,照亮了我的双眼,直冲我的心灵。在这个严寒的日子里,小草都开始新一年的奋斗,努力。think about yourself for the past year, but found no impression, at thimoment, i realized, originallin the past days, i had no sense, that doesn t even have a memorable things. but i, still aalwaycarefree. spring, which made me intellectual awakening: the new year, new starting line, a new starting point. ito continue the past meaninglesdays, or in the new look to meet new future, all in mdeserve. maybe the answer even i myself don t know, the more unpredictable. but, i can grasp, iaction from now on. after no matter what will be their own path, but i can at least console yourself, i tried, i never give up, i changed a little bit of the waof life with actions.想想自己过去的一年,却发现一点印象都没有,这时,我才明白,原来过去的日子,我过的毫无意义,以至连一点值得回忆的事情都没有。而我,却还是一如既往的悠闲。“一年之计在于春”,这使我顿然醒悟:新的一年,新的起跑线,新的出发点。是要继续过去的毫无意义的日子,还是以新的面貌迎接新的未来,全在我的一念之间。或许,这个答案连我自己也不知道,更无法预料。但是,我所能掌握的,就是从现在开始行动。不管以后自己的道路将会是怎样,但是,我至少能聊以慰的是,我努力过,我不曾放弃过,我用行动改变了一点点的人生的道路。people all say, everyone needa plan, now i think that plan will never catch up with change, rather than bthose who plan to freeze their own life, not abandon them, along ayour heart alwaywon t forget what you want to do, what to do, so you mahave more in your life, a better development.人们都说,每个人都需要有计划,现在的我认为,计划永远赶不上变化,与其被那些计划定格自己的人生,不如抛弃他们,只要你的心中时时不会忘记自己要做什么,该做什么,那么你的人生或许会有更多的,更好的发展道路。if compared the succesto a road, the effort ithe soil of the road, endlesdirt piled up together, to make you move forward step bstep, step bstep to success. maybe the procesibitter, itired, but when you come to the end, you will feel once pay, iso worth it, because of the once efforts, to change the now hisuccess.若把成功比作一条道路,那么努力便是这条路的泥土,无尽的泥土堆砌在一起,才能让你一步步的前进,一步步的走向成功。也许,这个过程是苦的,是累的,可当你走到终点的时候,你便会觉得曾经的付出,是那么的值得,因为有了曾经的努力,才换的了如今自己的成功。the new year, i want to a lot of, but think everyone has, i will not onldo thinker, i ll be a actor.新的一年,自己想了很多,可是想法每个人都有,我不会只做思考者,我会做一个行动者。篇二:初一春节英语作文happand auspicioufamily, four seasonpeace wangnian again in a couple of days, the new year again, everyone hung happfaceto get readto go to greet the new year, acrosthe years. i hope i hope can realize don t leave anregrets.“和气吉祥全家乐,四季平安过旺年”再过两天,新的一年又到了,每个人都挂着开心的表情要准备去跨年、迎接新的一年。我希望我的新希望能实现不要留下任何遗憾。i m in grade one to four are not verserious, so grade exam inot vergood, in the new year i must studhard to read. the teacher often says: time imoney. so, i want to cherish the time, don t waste your time, studhard, to review the teacher taught more at ordinartimes, i believe i can take an examination of the final exam ivergood, let parenthappy, so that teacherand parentwon t worrabout our homework. in addition, i also hope to more progresthan last year, mgradecan t regressed.我在一到四年级都不太认真,所以成绩考得都不是很好,在新的一年我一定要好好用功读书。老师常说:“时间就是金钱。”所以,我要好好珍惜时光,不要再浪费时间,好好用功,平时多复习老师所教的,我相信这次的期末考我一定可以考很好,让父母开心,这样师长、父母就不会再担心我们的功课了。而且,我也希望我的成绩能比去年更进步,不会在退步了。everyone new hope must be different, and mfirst new hope ithat more and more hope mhomework can progress, wordcan also be written more and more beautiful. because of mgradeto recede, so i should watch lescartoons, read more, so that can reach the effect. second wish ihope mbodin good health everday, don t get sick, so parentdon t worrabout me. so i also want to go to sporteverdato eat more vegetables, if doethese thingeverday, can maintain the health of the body. mlast wish ito hope the new year, everdacan have a colorful, don t leave anregret, also hope that the holidacan go out to play, don t staat home everday.每个人的新希望一定都不同,而我的第一个新希望就是希望我的功课能越来越进步,字也可以写得越来越漂亮。因为我的成绩越来越退步,所以我应该要少看卡通,多看书,这样一定能达到效果。第二个愿望就是希望我的身体能每天都很健康,不要生病,这样父母就不会担心我了。所以我也要每天都去运动,多吃蔬菜,如果每天都确实做到这些事,一定可以保持身体的健康。我的最后一个愿望,就是希望新的一年,每天都可以过得多姿多彩,不要留下任何的遗憾,也希望假日可以出去玩,不要每天都待在家里发呆。the new year, new beginning and a new starting point. a new year ihere, i also wish everyone here: well, everything goewell, lucky, come true. hope everone of uhope can horse!新的一年,也就是新的开始和新的起点。新的一年即将到了,在此我也祝福每一个人:“一帆风顺、事事顺利、六六大顺、心想事成。”希望每一个人的新希望都能“心想事成”喔!
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